4 Flashcards
Wat is een value conflict
1: choice between at least two options
– for which at least two values are
relevant as choice criteria.
2: At least two different values select
at least two different options as best
3: There is not one value that trumps
all others as choice criterion.
– If values trump each other, there is
no real value conflict
Welke methodes zijn er hoe je met een value conflict om kan gaan
Cost-benefit analysis
Direct trade-off
Satisficing (threshold)
Veil of ignorance
Wat zijn chanllenges bij de valuation van values
1: Incommensurability:
impossibility of reducing the value of two (or more) things to a common measure
E.g., human life and security
E.g., Liberty and equality
The real value of things
2: Some things should not be expressed in money
Wat is cost benefit analysis
Compare the costs with the benefits
– Value can be expressed in
proxy utility of money
But you can not express all values in terms of money
Wat zijn taboo trade offs
Exchanging a sacred or protected value for a secular or market value
sacred values (like life, health, or religious beliefs) are weighed against secular considerations (like money, efficiency, or practical benefits)
Wat is een direct trade off en wat zijn de requirements
1. individual values are measured on interval scale (from 5 to 10 is the same as 10 to 15)
2. unit commensurability between the relevant measurement scales (the diffrent scales need to be comparable)
* We could then trade off a loss in one value dimension for a gain in another value
Wanneer is er een goede situatie voor cost benefit en wanneer niet
CBA offers us guidance when our objective is to promote the best possible balance of costs and benefits, but not all situations call on us to maximize what is valuable. Promoting value is not always the best way of respecting it. There are times when morality calls on us not to maximize value but simply to respect it.
What are the limitations of a direct trade off
Can a gain in one value dimension always
compensate a loss in another dimension?
* Can loss of friendship be compensated by
having a be>er career or more money?
Wat is maximin
Select the maximum minimum
Maximin rule: select that alternative that
scores best, compared to the other
alternatives, on its lowest-scoring value
Choose the least worst option
1: Identify the Alternatives
2: Evaluate the Worst Outcomes
– For each alternative, determine the worst possible outcome or payoff that could result from choosing that alternative
3: Select the Maximum Minimum
– selecting the design where the worst aspect is relatively the strongest compared to others
Wat zijn de voor en nadelen van maximin
Risk aversion:
particularly useful in situations where decision makers are risk-averse and want to protect against negative consequences
Conservative method:
prioritizes stability and security over potentially higher but riskier rewards
:Underestimates complexity of world
Assumes that decision-makers can accurately identify the worst-case scenarios
Wat is satisficing
find a solution or option that is “satisfactory” or “good enough”
1. Acceptable Outcome
– establish a threshold or criteria for what is considered acceptable
* E.g., technical codes and standards; law; company policy
2. Select the option that exceeds the threshold for each value
Wat is de challenge bij innovation
Innovation could lead to new problems and side effects for example new material or mining and health
Wat zijn de voor en nadelen van satificing
– Does not require commensurability
– orders the total set of alternatives into two sets: acceptable alternatives and unacceptable alternatives
– set of alternatives may contain more than one alternative or be empty
* If there is more than one acceptable alternative the decision problem has not been solved
Wat is reconceptualisation
re-conceptualizing and (re)specifying the values that underlie the conflicting design criteria
1. Which values are part of the trade-off?
2. Provide conceptualization of these values
– Why are they important?
– What are the values about?
3. Find a re-conceptualization, so that both values are satisfied
Wat is innovation
Solving a value conflict by
* Value conflicts occur within a possibillity space
* Innovation changes the possibility space
– Enlarges or shrinks the set of options
* develop new options that solve or ease
the value conflict
Wat is the veil of ignorance
Promote impartial decision making by denying decision makers access to potentially biasing information about who will benefit most or least from the available options
Hoe kan de veil of ignorance worden gebruikt bij een value conflict
Framing the Discussion
Balancing Multiple Values
Promoting Empathy
Wat is framing the discussion
Asking participants to set aside their personal interests and
biases momentarily. This can create a more objective and impartial
environment for exploring potential solutions
Wat is balancing multiple values
When multiple values are in conflict, the veil of ignorance can help identify
compromises or middle-ground solutions that minimize harm or prioritize
It encourages stakeholders to consider the interests and perspectives of all
parties involved.
Wat is promoting empathy
The veil of ignorance fosters empathy by encouraging individuals to put
themselves in others’ shoes.
This can lead to better understanding and potential reconciliation of conflicting
values through improved communication and empathy
Wat is parity
Choices when two options are valuable in different ways but neither is clearly “better” than the other