4.3.9 - Forensic Psychology Flashcards
What is offender profiling?
A behavioural and analytic tool that is intended to help investigators accurately predict and profile the characteristics of unknown criminals.
What is the top-down approach?
Profilers start with pre-established typology and work down to lower levels in order to assign offenders to one of two categories based on witness accounts and evidence from the crime scene.
Who created the top-down approach?
It originated in the US as a result of work carried out by the FBI in the 1970s.
How did the FBI Behavioural Science Unit use the top-down approach originally?
- They drew data gathered from in-depth interviews with 36 sexually-motivated murderers including Ted Bundy and Charles Manson.
- Concluded that the data could be categorised into organised or disorganised crimes/murders.
-Each category had certain characteristics which meant in a future situation, if the data from a crime scene matched some of the characteristics of one category, we could then predict other characteristics of the criminal.
Features of organised offenders
-Show evidence of having planned the crime in advance
-Victim is deliberately targeted and suggests that the offender has a specific type of victim they will seek out
-The offender maintains a high degree of control during the crime and may operate with almost detached surgical precision.
-Little or no evidence left behind at the scene
-Tend to be above-average intelligence
-Usually married or have children
Features of disorganised offenders
-Little evidence of planning
-Offences may be spontaneous
-Crime scene tends to reflect the impulsive nature of the attack
-Body still usually at the scene and appears to have been very little control
-Lower than average IQ
-Unskilled and unemployed
-History of sexual dysfunction and failed relationships
-Tend to live alone and often relatively close to where the offence took place
What are the four main stages in the construction of an FBI profile?
- Data assimilation - the profiler reviews the evidence
- Crime scene classification - as either organised or disorganised
- Crime reconstruction - hypotheses is terms of sequence of events, behaviour of the victim
- Profile generation - hypotheses related to the likely offender
Features of the top-down approach?
- qualitative approach (interviews, analysis of crime scene and details)
- uses typologies (types of offender)
- based on police experience and case studies rather than psychological theory
When is the top-down approach suitable?
For more extreme/unusual crimes e.g. murder, rape, ritualistic crimes.
What is the bottom-up approach?
- generates picture of offender
- systematic analysis of evidence at crime scene
- ‘data driven’ (does not have fixed typologies)
- based on scientific/psychological theory and research
Who are the main bottom-up researchers?
David Canter
Kim Rossmo
Two types of bottom-up profiling?
- Investigative Psychology
- Geographical Profiling
What is investigative psychology?
Involves applying statistical procedures with psychological theory to analyse evidence.
→patterns that occur and co-exist across crime scenes are used to generate offender data.
→based on psychological theory of matching behavioural patterns to generate data.
→create statistical ‘database’ to compare offences with (may determine if offences are linked).
→can show whether crimes are carried out by the same person.
Principles of investigative psychology?
- Interpersonal coherence - there is a consistency between the way offenders interact with their victims and with others in their everyday lives.
- Significance of time and place - could reveal where the offender is living.
- Forensic awareness - those who have been interrogated by the police before and may want to cover their tracks.
What is geographical profiling?
Uses info about location of linked crime scenes to make inferences about the likely home or base of the offender (also known as 𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗘 𝗠𝗔𝗣𝗣𝗜𝗡𝗚).
- can use with psychological theory (e.g. alongside Investigative Psychology)
- creates hypothesis about how offender is thinking and their motives
- assumes serial offenders stay in areas they are familiar with
- ‘Centre of gravity’ provided by understanding spatial pattern of behaviour → likely to include offender’s base
- can make guesses about where they will commit a crime next → the ‘Jeopardy surface’
What did Rossmo (1997) say about geographical profiling?
Stated that an offender’s operational base of possible future offences are revealed by the geographical location of their previous crimes.
Refers to offender behaviour as having ‘hunting patterns’.
What is Canter’s Circle theory?
- based on geo profiling
- pattern of offending likely to form a circle around usual residence
- can give insight into nature of offence and other factors about the offender
- proposed two models of offender behaviour: 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗮𝘂𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘂𝘁𝗲𝗿 which offer insight into the nature of the offence e.g. planned or opportunistic.
According to Canter, what is the Marauder?
The offender operates in close proximity to their home base.
According to Canter, what is the Commuter?
The offender is likely to have travelled a distance away from their usual residence.
Who was John Duffy?
The “Railway Rapist” who committed 24 sexual attacks in the 1980s and 3 murders in railway stations across North London.
David Canter used geographical information to draw up a surprisingly accurate profile of Duffy using bottom-up profiling techniques.
Biological explanations of crime?
- Assume crime is an innate tendency.
- May be genetically determined or the result of neural abnormalities.
2 explanations:
1. Atavistic Form (a historical approach)
2. Genetic and Neural explanations
What is the Atavistic form?
Theory by Cesare Lombroso in the 1800s
Atavus = ancestor
- Means the tendency to revert to an ancestral type (thought criminals were “genetic throwbacks”)
- Not evolved enough to conform to rules of society
- Offending is rooted in the genes of criminals and is biologically determined and innate (not a choice)
Criminals can be identified by how they look; Lombroso identified physiological markers linked to particular crimes.
Atavistic features of criminals?
- strong, prominent jaw
- high cheekbones
- dark skin
- extra toes, nipples or fingers
- insensitivity to pain
- facial asymmetry
Atavistic features of murderers?
- bloodshot eyes
- curly hair
- long ears
Atavistic features of sexual deviants?
- swollen, fleshy lips
- glistening/sparkling eyes
Atavistic features of fraudsters?
Thin and reedy lips
Non-physical atavistic form traits?
- unemployment
- tattoos
- use of criminal slang
What did Lombroso investigate?
The facial and cranial features of Italian convicts both living and dead.
After examining over 383 dead criminals and 3829 living criminals, I concluded that 40% of criminal acts could be accounted for by atavistic characteristics.
What does androcentric mean?
Describes a predominantly male perspective that often minimises or completely excludes the female experience and perspective.
What androcentric ideas did Lombroso have about women?
→He did not study women in original research but it does suffer from gender bias.
He believed women are:
- naturally jealous
- insensitive to pain
- passive
- low in intelligence
→He said that women have a maternal instinct which neutralises negative traits making them less likely to be criminals.
→Women who became criminals had masculine characteristics which are fine in a man but creates a monster in a woman.
What did Francis Galton believe? (Eugenics Movement)
→Was influenced in 1880s by Darwin’s concept of ‘survival of the fittest’.
→His argument was that not all people in society are born equal.
→Those who are genetically fit should be allowed to to pass on their genes for the good of the human race.
→Those who were genetically unfit should not be allowed to; they should be eliminated from the gene pool.
Evaluation of atavistic form as a biological explanation?
:) - Lombroso brought science to study of crime - Based ideas on empirical observation and detailed measurements.
:) - Revealed that crime may not simply be as a result of free will BUT criticised for being deterministic :(.
:( - Poor control in research - Lombroso did not give same attention to non-prisoners as he did prisoners when studying their ‘atavistic form’ (no control group). Ex. variables not controlled for.
:( - Issues with cause and effect - Atavistic characteristics does not mean this is the cause of their offending e.g. could be environmental factors.
:( - Scientific racism - a lot of Atavistic features = African descent.
:( - Contradictory research - Goring (1913) “There is no such thing as an anthropological criminal type”
Genetic explanation of crime?
- Offenders inherit a gene or combination of genes that predispose them to commit crime.
- The evidence for the genetic explanation comes from twin studies, which help to separate gene from the environment.
Research support for genetic explanation?
𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 (𝟏𝟗𝟑𝟎)
- 13 MZ twins and 17 DZ twins where one of the twins in each pair has spent time in prison.
- 10 of MZ + 2 of the DZ twins had a co-twin that had also spent time in prison, showing there is a correlation between genes and crime.
𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧 (𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟕)
- 87 MZ twins and 147 DZ twins
- Found a concordance rate of 33% for MZs and 12% for DZs.
- Supports view that offending may have genetic component.
Advantages of twin studies?
- controlled/objective
- real life application
Disadvantages of twin studies?
- small sample
- cannot really be generalised (lacks external validity)
- twins may not necessarily be brought up in same environment
- early twin studies often unreliable since whether twins were MZ or DZ were based on appearance
What 2 candidate genes are responsible for criminal behaviour?
MAOA (Monoamine oxidase A) → Controls Dopamine and Serotonin in the brain and has been linked to aggressive behaviour [known as warrior gene].
CDH13 (Cadherin 13) → Has been linked to substance abuse and Attention Deficit Disorder.
Outline Jari Tiihonen et al (2015) - (research for genetic explanation)
A Finnish study.
- Abnormalities in candidate genes were found to be responsible for violent crime in 900 offenders.
- Found low MAOA and CDH13 activity and determined that 5-10% of all violent crimes are due to abnormalities in one of the 2 candidate genes.
- Individuals with this combination were 13 times more likely to have a history of violent behaviour.
Evaluation of Jari Tiihonen et al (2015)
:) - Male and female ppts. = representative sample
:) - 900 = large sample
:( - Not yet been replicated - may mean results are a one off/unreliable
:( - Ethnocentric
How may the diathesis-stress model relate to criminal behaviour?
- If genetics have some influence on offending it seems likely that this is at least partly moderated by the effects of the environment.
- A tendency towards offending may come about through the combination of genetic predisposition and biological or psychological trigger e.g. Being raised in a dysfunctional environment or having criminal role models.
What is the Mobley defence?
→𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐲 (𝟏𝟗𝟔𝟔-𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟓): Was a convicted murderer executed by the State of Georgia for the 1991 killing of John C. Collins, a 25-year-old college student working nights as a Domino’s pizza store manager.
→On appeal, Mobley’s attorney’s advanced a novel argument that Mobley was genetically predisposed to seeking violent solutions to conflict.
→The case was described as ‘the most widely cited case in which defence lawyers used genetic factors in the defence of their client’.
Neural explanations of crime?
- Evidence suggests there may be neural differences in the brains of criminals and non-criminals.
- Most of this evidence has investigated individuals diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (formerly referred to as psychopathy).
- APD is associated with reduced emotional responses, a lack of empathy for the feelings of others, and is a condition that characteristics many convicted criminals.
What are the 2 neural explanations?
Prefrontal cortex
Mirror neurons
Prefrontal cortex neural explanation?
Individuals who experience antisocial personality disorder show reduced anxiety in the PFC, the part of the brain that regulates emotional behaviour.
Raine (2000) found an 11% reduction in the volume of grey matter in the PFC of people with APD compared to control groups.
Mirror neurons neural explanation?
Keysers (2011) found that only when criminals were asked to empathise with others did their empathy reactions activate.
Mirror neurons control this and fire in response to the actions of others.
They may have a neural ‘switch’ which can be turned on and off unlike the ‘normal’ brain where the empathy ‘switch’ is always on.
Issues with biological explanations?
- Biological reductionism - environment should be considered.
- Biological determinism creates problems for legal system - negates free will