4.3.3 - Gender Flashcards
Define sex
The biological differences between males and females.
It is innate and cannot be changed.
e.g. chromosomes, hormones, anatomy
Define gender
The psychological and cultural differences between males and females.
May be a learned concept, and is more fluid and can change.
e.g. attitudes, behaviours, social role
Define gender dysphoria
When an individuals biological sex does not reflect how they feel on the inside and the gender they identify as being.
What did Imperato-Mcginley (1974) find?
He investigated the Batista boys and found that:
→ 4 of the children were identified as girls at birth but ‘changed’ into males at puberty (their vaginas closed up, testicles appeared and they grew normal sized penis’).
→ A crucial chemical step was missed (hormone dihydrotestosterone) which would normally externalise the male genitalia.
→ The boys originally had a female gender identity but had few problems abandoning this and quickly adapted to new male roles.
→ This suggests gender identity could be flexible rather than fixed.
Define sex role stereotypes
A set of beliefs and preconceived ideas about what is expected or appropriate for males or females within a society or culture.
Gender dysphoria research support?
Julie Bakker:
→ MRI scanned 160 transgender people diagnosed with gender dysphoria who were children and teens.
→ Used diffusion tensor imaging.
→ Brain scans were compared to people of a similar age who did not have gender dysphoria.
→ The study found that transgender boys’ brain activity resembled cisgender boys’, and transgender girls’ brains resembled cisgender girls’.
Could help transgender children at an earlier age.
Define androgyny
A balance of both masculine and feminine traits, attitudes and behaviours.
“Androgyny is not trying to manage the relationship between the opposites, it is simply flowing between them”
What did Sandra Bem suggest about androgyny?
High androgyny is associated with psychological well-being as individuals who are (psychologically)
What is the inventory called for measuring gender?
The Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI)
What is the Bem Sex Role Inventory?
→The first systematic attempt to measure androgyny using a rating sale of 60 traits (20 masculine, 20 feminine, 20 neutral).
→Respondants rated themselves on a seven-point rating scale for each item (1 is “Never true of me” and 7 is “Always true of me”).
→This produced scores across 2 dimensions:
1. masculinity-femininity
2. androgynous-undifferentiated
Over 1000 students tested.
Bem found that more people were androgynous than at the extremes.
Evaluation of BEM?
:) - The scale appears to be valid and reliable (test-retest reliability)
:) - Quantitative data is easy to analyse
:( - Issues with using questionnaires (social desirability bias)
:( - Bem oversimplifies a complex concept
What is a chromosome?
Found in the nucleus of living cells and carrying information in the form of genes.
What is a hormone?
A biochemical substance that circulates in the blood but only affects target organs.
What is testosterone?
A hormone from the androgen group that is produced mainly in the male testes. Associated with aggressiveness.
What is oestrogen?
The primary female hormone, playing an important role in the menstrual cycle and reproductive system.
- Causes some women to experience heightened emotionality and irritability during their menstrual cycle - this is referred to as PMS (premenstrual syndrome) when these effects become a diagnosable disorder.
What is oxytocin?
A hormone which causes contraction of the uterus during labour and stimulates lactation.
- reduces the stress hormone cortisol and facilitates bonding (named the ‘love’ hormone).
- the fact men produce less of this hormone fuelled the popular stereotype that men are less interested in intimacy and closeness.
What is the role of chromosomes?
46 chromosomes in body (23 pairs)
The last pair determines the sex (XX XY)
What is the role of hormones?
- Prenatally in the womb, hormones act upon brain development and cause development of the reproductive organs.
- At puberty, a burst of hormonal activity triggers the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as pubic hair.
- Males and females produce many of the same hormones but in different concentrations.
What is the case of David Reimer?
-Following a horrifically botched circumcision operation at 6 months, Bruce Reimer was left without a penis.
-As he grew up, Bruce’s progress was monitored by John Money, but was never told about his gender re-assignment.
-When told, Brenda (as Bruce was known) immediately went back to living as a man (and renamed himself David) as she had never adjusted to female life.
-David committed suicide in 2014 due to the trauma.
Evaluation of the role of chromosomes and hormones in gender
:) Evidence for testosterone (Christina Wang et al. 2000 )
:( Other evidence for testosterone is less convincing (Daryl O’Connor et al. 2004 - found that in ‘normal’ adults, additional testosterone has no effects on their sexual or aggressive behaviour).
:( Biological accounts ignore the role of social factors in gender-related behaviour
:( Biological explanations of gender can be reductionist - for example the cognitive approach would suggest schemas have an influence on gender, which have been ignored (suggests gender is more complex than just biological influences).
What are atypical chromosome patterns?
Any pattern deviating from the usual xx / xy formation.
What is Klinefelter’s syndrome?
A syndrome affecting males in which their genotype has an extra X chromosome (XXY instead of XY). Affects around 1 in 600 males.
What are the physical characteristics of Klinefelter’s syndrome?
-Breast development at puberty
-Softening or rounding of body contours
-Long gangly limbs
-Under-developed genitals
-Reduced body hair
-Problems with co-ordination and clumsiness
-Susceptible to more female prone problems, e.g. breast cancer
What are the Psychological characteristics of Klinefelter’s syndrome?
-Poorly developed language skills
-Poor reading ability
-Passive and shy
-Lack interest in sexual activity
-Problems with ‘executive functions’ e.g. memory & problem solving
What is Turners syndrome?
A chromosomal disorder in which affected women have only one X chromosome (XO instead of XX). Affects around 1 in 5000 women.
What are the physical characteristics of Turner’s syndrome?
-Do not have a menstrual cycle (amenorrhoea)
-Do not develop breasts (broad shield chest)
-Webbed neck
-High waist-to-hip ratio. Hips are not much bigger than waist
-Physically immature, look like prepubescent girls
What are the psychological characteristics of Turner’s syndrome?
-Higher than average reading ability
-Spatial, visual memory and mathematic performance is lower than usual
-Socially immature
Evaluation of Atypical sex chromosomes
:) Contributes to the nature-nurture debate - By comparing those with atypical chromosomes and those with typical, it becomes possible to see the psychological and behavioural differences between the two groups. Supports the nature side of the argument.
:( Counterpoint ↑ Issues leading to this conclusion. Those with Turner’s syndrome may be socially immature because they’re treated immaturely by society. Supports the nurture side of the argument.
:) Real world application - Continued research into it is likely to lead to earlier diagnoses of the conditions as well as more positive outcomes in the future. Herlihy et al 2011 found that those diagnosed earlier have more significant benefits.
:( Sampling issues - There isn’t a large number of people who suffer with these conditions therefore it is a small sample size. Some typical symptoms may be distorted, Richard Boada et al 2009. Typical picture of the syndromes may be exaggerated.
What is Kohlberg’s theory?
Lawrence Kohlberg (1966) cognitive-development theory of gender is based on the idea that a child’s understanding of gender becomes more sophisticated with age. It comes as a result of a biological maturation, as the brain matures, so does thinking.
What is Gender Identity? (stage 1)
Around the age of 2, Kohlberg proposed that children are able to correctly identify themselves boy or girl. They are not aware it is permanent. It is just basic labelling from a picture.