4.3 Spanish Listening Practice Flashcards
Use this deck to hone your Spanish listening comprehension skills!
What is being said?
¿Ya decidiste?
Have you made up your mind yet?
What is being said?
No me arrepiento de nada en absoluto.
I have absolutely no regrets.
What is being said?
¿Puede darme su autógrafo?
May I have your autograph?
What is being said?
Hay algo aquí que no cuadra.
Something’s wrong with this picture.
What is being said?
¡Los pies me están matando!
My feet are killing me!
What is being said?
Las apariencias engañan.
There’s more than meets the eye.
What is being said?
Parecía como si mis manos estuvieran ardiendo.
My hands felt like they were burning.
What is being said?
Fue despojado de su título.
He was stripped of his title.
What is being said?
En otro tiempo fue reina de belleza.
She was once a beauty queen.
What is being said?
Me dio su opinión sincera.
He gave me his honest opinion.
What is being said?
Te parecerá una barbaridad, pero ¿a quién le importa?
I know it sounds awful, but who cares?
What is being said?
Se lo tenía merecido.
He had it coming.
What is being said?
Mi sueño se ha hecho realidad.
My dream has come true.
What is being said?
Es una manera graciosa de decirlo.
That’s just a funny way of putting it.
What is being said?
Recogió un perro abandonado.
She rescued an abandoned dog.
What is being said?
He guardado lo mejor para el final.
I’ve saved the best for last.
What is being said?
Dejó de escribir para dedicarse a la investigación.
He stopped writing to conduct research.
What is being said?
Es respetado más como poeta que como dramaturgo.
He’s more respected as a poet than a playwright.
What is being said?
¡Es una ciudad que florece!
It is a flourishing city!
What is being said?
No te faltarán oportunidades de verla.
You’ll have plenty of opportunities to see her.
What is being said?
Es perjudicial para la salud.
It is detrimental to your health.
What is being said?
Él tiene una moneda nueva y reluciente.
He’s got a shiny new coin.
What is being said?
Ese barrio se ha aburguesado.
That area is becoming rather gentrified.
What is being said?
Sacaron una segunda hipoteca sobre la casa.
They took out a second mortgage on the house.
What is being said?
Te apuesto que no durarás ni un día.
I bet you won’t last even one day.
What is being said?
La tasa de aprobación del Presidente ha caído a cerca del 40%.
The president’s approval ratings have fallen to nearly 40%.
What is being said?
Mi aerodeslizador estaba lleno de anguilas, pero ya han sido exterminadas.
My hovercraft was full of eels, though they’ve since been exterminated.
What is being said?
El dinero es lo que motiva a los hackers y delincuentes cibernéticos.
Hackers and cybercriminals are motivated by money.
What is being said?
Para prevenir una quemadura de sol, debe proteger su piel de los rayos solares.
To prevent sunburn, you must shield your skin from the sun’s rays.
What is being said?
Pasó un señal de alto y fue detenido por un policía.
He ran a stop sign and was pulled over.
What is being said?
Nos gustaron más los teloneros que el artista principal.
We liked the opening band more than the main act.
What is being said?
Usted o alguien que actúe en su nombre deberá firmar el documento.
You or someone acting on your behalf must sign the document.
What is being said?
Si un árbol cae en el bosque sin que nadie lo escuche, ¿produce algún sonido?
If a tree falls in the forest with no one to hear it, does it make a sound?
What is being said?
El páncreas se ubica detrás del estómago y en frente de la columna vertebral.
The pancreas lies behind the stomach and in front of the spine.
What is being said?
Deberías abstenerte de escuchar o repetir chismes.
You should refrain from listening to or repeating gossip.
What is being said?
Correr es bueno para tonificar los músculos de las piernas.
Running is good for toning up the muscles in your legs.
What is being said?
Necesito un aislante para mi vaso de café.
I need a sleeve for my coffee cup.
What is being said?
Este clima me encrespa el cabello.
The weather makes my hair frizzy.
What is being said?
Retuiteó un comentario malicioso sobre mí.
She retweeted something nasty about me.
What is being said?
Le concedieron asilo político.
They granted him political asylum.
What is being said?
En realidad es demasiado pronto para poder decirlo con certeza, pero supongo que la recuperación será rápida.
It’s really too early to tell, but I expect he’ll make a speedy recovery
What is being said?
Debemos reanudar inmediatamente las negociaciones.
We must resume the negotiations immediately.
What is being said?
Estamos dispuestos a hacer todo lo que sea necesario.
We’re willing to do whatever it takes.
What is being said?
Para la mayoría de las personas, es un claro indicador.
To most people, that’s a dead giveaway.
What is being said?
Si te lo hubiera dicho antes, quizás todo sería diferente.
If I’d told you earlier, maybe things would’ve been different.
What is being said?
Arrástrelo hasta el icono de Papelera en el escritorio.
Drag it into the Trash icon in the dock.
What is being said?
La glándula pituitaria está localizada en la base del cerebro.
The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain.
What is being said?
Puede resultar beneficioso desarrollar una rutina para la hora de acostarse.
It may be helpful to develop a bedtime routine.
What is being said?
No te voy a aburrir con los detalles.
I am not going to bore you with the details.
What is being said?
Decidimos remodelar la casa desde los cimientos.
We’ve decided to remodel the house from the ground up.
What is being said?
Para el país la energía renovable es una máxima prioridad.
Renewable energy is top priority for the country.
What is being said?
Intenta hacerse un nombre por sí mismo.
He’s trying to make a name for himself.
What is being said?
Quiso la suerte que mi vuelo se cancelara.
As luck would have it, my flight was cancelled.
What is being said?
Se me pasó por alto.
It must’ve slipped my mind.
What is being said?
Esto es claramente un caso de un malentendido cultural.
This is a undoubtedly a case of cultural misunderstanding.
What is being said?
No te precipites.
Let’s not be hasty.
What is being said?
Sí, en algún sentido.
In a manner of speaking, yes.
What is being said?
Tiene una coartada hermética.
He has an airtight alibi.
What is being said?
Por casualidad sucedió que él llegó mientras yo salía.
It just so happens he arrived as I was leaving.
What is being said?
Hasta cierto punto, tienes razón.
To a certain extent, you’re right.
What is being said?
Aún tenemos mucho trabajo por delante.
We still have unfinished business to attend to.
What is being said?
No puedo ni imaginar lo que mi vida habría sido sin los deportes.
I can’t even imagine what my life would have been like without sports.
What is being said?
El doctor curó las heridas de su brazo.
The doctor healed the wounds on her arm.
What is being said?
Siempre se armaba un gran escándalo por nada.
She was always making a big fuss about nothing.
What is being said?
Los dejo solos.
I’ll leave you two alone.
What is being said?
¿Cuánto se ha dañado?
How badly was it damaged?
What is being said?
Más te vale darte prisa.
You had better hurry.
What is being said?
¿Has tenido la oportunidad de echarle un vistazo?
Did you get a chance to look at it?
What is being said?
Es una oportunidad única.
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
What is being said?
No hubo ni un momento aburrido.
There wasn’t a dull moment.
What is being said?
Es un buen juez de carácter.
He’s a keen judge of character.
What is being said?
La razón y la política no van siempre de la mano.
Common sense and politics don’t always go hand in hand.
What is being said?
No fui precisamente recibido con los brazos abiertos.
I wasn’t exactly welcomed with open arms.
What is being said?
¿Por qué demonios tarda tanto?
What the hell is taking so long?
What is being said?
Nunca termina de sorprenderme.
It never ceases to amaze me.
What is being said?
Recibí más de lo que esperaba.
I got more than I bargained for.
What is being said?
Hay un hombre que no ha dormido desde 1973.
There’s a man known to not have slept since 1973.
What is being said?
Averigüemos un poco más.
Let’s take a closer look.
What is being said?
Hay más de lo que uno ve a simple vista.
There’s more going on than meets the eye.
What is being said?
La situación pasó a mayores.
Things got a little out of hand.
What is being said?
Se les ha sacado completamente de apuros.
They were totally let off the hook.
What is being said?
Le he dedicado un gran cantidad de tiempo personal a este asunto.
I’ve dedicated a lot of personal time to this matter.
What is being said?
Nadie podría negar que se ha cometido una injusticia.
No one could deny that injustice has been done.
What is being said?
No hay nada más que prefiriera hacer.
There’s nothing I’d rather be doing.
What is being said?
Algún día verán mi nombre escrito en la gran pantalla.
One day my name will be on the silver screen.
What is being said?
A ver si esto te refresca la memoria.
Maybe this will jog your memory.
What is being said?
Estamos recibiendo donaciones sin parar.
We’re receiving donations nonstop.
What is being said?
Puedes estar seguro de que serás capaz de alcanzar tus objetivos.
You can rest assured you’ll reach your goals.
What is being said?
Estamos contentos de estar de gira con la banda de nuevo.
We’re happy that we’re touring with the band again.
What is being said?
Modestia aparte, sé mucho más que él.
I don’t like to brag, but I know much more than he does.
What is being said?
En tu libro, parece que quieres mantener al lector en tensión.
In your book, it seems you want to keep the reader on edge.
What is being said?
No tenía visibilidad, así que tuve que conducir muy despacio.
I couldn’t see a thing, so I had to drive very slowly.
What is being said?
Esto es justo lo que recetó el doctor.
This is just what the doctor ordered.
What is being said?
Agotado tras mucho estudiar, se quedó dormido.
Exhausted from so much studying, he fell asleep.
What is being said?
Ya están disponibles los resultados de este estudio.
The findings of this study are available.
What is being said?
Espero que no lo vaya a tomar como una ofensa.
I hope he won’t take offense to it.
What is being said?
Mantener fuera del alcanze de niños.
Keep out of reach of children.
What is being said?
Es un pequeño paso para el hombre, pero un gran paso para la humanidad.
That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
What is being said?
Yo probablemente habría reaccionado de la misma manera.
I probably would have reacted the same way.
What is being said?
No me extraña… El tiempo mejora cuando ya nos toca irnos.
It figures—the weather improves the day we leave.
What is being said?
Me esforcé al máximo para ser amable.
I was bending over backwards to be polite.
What is being said?
Resultó ser una de las mejores experiencias de mi vida.
It turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life.
What is being said?
¡Él no podría hacer flexiones ni aunque su vida dependiera de ello!
He couldn’t do a pushup if his life depended on it!
What is being said?
Me has hecho perder la cuenta.
You’ve made me lose count.
What is being said?
No despilfarres, y no te faltará.
Waste not, want not.
What is being said?
Bienvenido al club…
Join the club…
What is being said?
¡El tiempo vuela cuando te lo pasas bien!
Time flies when you’re having fun!
What is being said?
Es por tu propio bien.
It’s for your own good.
What is being said?
Eres un caballero y un erudito.
You’re a gentleman and a scholar.
What is being said?
¿Te agarré en un mal momento?
Did I catch you at a bad time?
What is being said?
Apenas sabe atender la barra.
He barely knows how to tend bar.
What is being said?
Se perfilan en el horizonte grandes oportunidades.
There are some very good prospects on the horizon.
What is being said?
No hay razón para apurar las cosas.
That’s no reason to rush into things.
What is being said?
Permíteme refrescarte la memoria.
Let me refresh your memory.
What is being said?
Podrías haberme engañado…
You could’ve fooled me…
What is being said?
Se me cruzó por la mente…
It had crossed my mind…
What is being said?
Esto es una pequeña muestra de mi aprecio.
It’s a small token of my appreciation.
What is being said?
Traté de razonar con ellos.
I tried to reason with them.
What is being said?
Debería ir como la seda.
It should be smooth sailing.
What is being said?
Estoy bien, me las arreglo.
I am fine; I am getting by.
What is being said?
Mantenga los ojos bien abiertos.
Keep your eyes peeled.
What is being said?
Mantente al alerta.
Stay on your toes.
What is being said?
Ella juega a hacerse la difícil.
She’s playing hard-to-get.
What is being said?
Puedes contar con ello.
You can bank on it.
What is being said?
Mi perro es muy cariñoso.
My dog is very loving.
What is being said?
¿Cómo lo estás llevando?
How are you holding up?
What is being said?
Las cosas comenzaron a ponerse bien ajetreadas, y luego ella me dejó tirado.
Things started getting really hectic and then she just bailed.
What is being said?
Sólo escúchame un momento.
Hey, just hear me out for a sec.
What is being said?
Creo que voy a esperar una oferta mejor.
I think I’m going to hold out for a better offer.
What is being said?
Me faltan dos dólares, ¿Me los puedes prestar?
I’m short two dollars. Can you spot me?
What is being said?
¿Cómo vamos de tiempo?
How are we doing, time-wise?
What is being said?
No te preocupes, conozco este lugar como la palma de mi mano.
Don’t worry, I know this place like the back of my hand.
What is being said?
Bueno, la cosa es que no puedo ir solo.
The thing is, I can’t go by myself.
What is being said?
Mi corazón está con la gente de allí.
My heart goes out to the people there.
What is being said?
Él la tiene conmigo.
He’s out to get me.
What is being said?
Siempre está hablando mal de la gente.
He’s always bad-mouthing people.
What is being said?
Tuvo un cambio de opinión.
He’s had a change of heart.
What is being said?
Ella tiene cierto talento para arreglar las cosas.
She really has a knack for fixing things.
What is being said?
Te dejaremos salir con la tuya esta vez.
We’ll let you off the hook this time.
What is being said?
La economía está al borde del colapso.
The economy is on the verge of collapse.
What is being said?
Simplemente nos distanciamos.
We just kind of grew apart.
What is being said?
Perdimos el contacto después de algunos años.
We lost touch after a few years.
What is being said?
Tuvimos un desacuerdo. Ya no somos amigos.
We had a falling out. We’re not friends anymore.