4.3 geology- distinctive costal landscapes Flashcards
What is the rock type like on a concordant coast line
On a concordant coastline the altering bands of rock are parallel to the coast and go hard rock,soft rock, hard rock etc…
What features are found on a concordant coastline
Concordant coastlines are eroded at the same rate because the hard rock faces the sea therefore there aren’t many erosional landforms
What is the rock type like on a discordant coastline
Discordant coastlines are right angled to the coast and are made op of bands of soft rock and hard rock
What features are found on a discordant coastline
Erosional landforms like bays and headlands are very common on a discordant coastline as the bands of rock are being eroded at different rates
What are joints and faults how do they effect erosion
Joints and faults are cracks and weaknesses in the rock. Rocks with. Lots of joints and faults erode faster
What is the difference between hard and soft rock give examples
Hard rocks like limestone and chalk are more resistant so it takes longer for them to erode away. Soft rocks like clay and sandstone are less resistant which means they are eroded more quickly
What are the characteristics of headlands and bays
Headlands are made from resistant rocks that have weaknesses and cracks headlands also form where there are alternating bands of resistant and less resistant rock along a coast. Bays between two headlands creating a beach.
What are the characteristics of wave cut platforms
Wave cut platforms are when a cliff is brought back but there is still rock left underneath the sea surface protruding from the base of the cliff
Explain how wave cut platforms are formed
Waves cause erosion at the foot of a cliff this forms a small notch in the cliff face which gradually gets bigger and bigger. The rock above the notch gradually becomes unstable and falls into the sea this process continues and the cliff slowly starts to retreat
What are the characteristics of arch/stacks/stumps
A stack ( aka a stump )is a singular standing chunk of rock in the sea. An arch is what it says on the tin . A cave is a large hole in the side of a cliff and cracks are large indentations on a cliff
Explain how stumps are formed
A stump is formed by an arch that has collapsed through constant erosion by the sea
Explain destructive waves
Destructive waves wear away the coast. Destructive waves are high and steep and have a high frequency. Their backwash is more powerful than their swash ( movement of water up beach ) this means material is removed from the beach. Storms increase erosional power of destructive waves
Explain constructive waves
Waves that deposit more material then they erode are called constructive waves. Constructive waves are low long and have a low frequency. Their swash is powerful and carries water up the coast and their backwash isn’t very powerful
Explain how rotational slumping/ mass movement break down cliffs
Mass movement is the shifting of rocks and loose material down a slope. This causes coasts to retreat rapidly. More likely to happen when the material is full of water as it acts as a lubricant and makes the material heavier