4.2 Flashcards
What are situational Factors devided into?
Issue related factors
- Moral Intensity
- Moral framing
Context related factors
- Rewards
- Authority
- Bureaucracy
- Work roles
- Organizational culture
- National Context
What is Moral Intensity concerned with?
Jones proposes the intensity of an issue will vary by 6 factors:
- Magnitued of consequences
- Social conensus
- Probability of effect
- Temporal immediacy
- Proximity of impact
- Concentration of effect
What is Moral Framing concerned with?
It means to use specific ethical language to trigger ethical thinking. It makes people relate to the topic. The same situation can be perceived differently depending on the language.
What is Moral Muteness?
A form of Moral framing, where managers tend to explain ethical actions or motives with rational oder pracital reasons.
Do it to increase production not for happy workers
Name some of the Rationalzation tactics from Moral framing / muteness
- Denial of injury
No one is harmed by the actions so its not turly unethical: i.e. browsing internet on work computer - no on was really harmed - Denial of responsibility
Actors behave unethical because they see no other choice than to do so. i.e. What can I do? My hands were tied! #to meet goals - Denial of victims
Actors argues the vicitim got what it deserved to counter any blame for own actions. i.e. oftentimes used in rape cases “They chose to participate.
What is the System of reward concerned with?
Ethical actions stand a lesser chance of being repeated or spread within a company if gone unnoticed.
What is authority concerned with?
People just do as they are told or they think they’re told with little to no critical thinking of their own.
What is bureaucracy concerned with?
It’s a formal organisation by rules and procedures. Relations are fixed and unpersonal.
The decision are made distant
morality is instrumentalized
What are Work roles concerned with?
Work roles and work / job descriptions can impose a set of expectations about values and how to behave
can be functional or hierachical
What are organizational norms and cultures about?
Group norms escpecialy within a company, form acceptable standards of behavior #dressing, talking, thinking
What is National / Cultural context about?
It focuses on the Nation an actor is making an decision in. i.e. A Dutch man orking in India is likely to be influenced by indian ethical standards.
How can companies promote more ethical behavior?
- Encourage reporting ethical issues - including anonymous reporting systems
- Set realitic performance targets
- Ensure that there are no conflicting goals
- Top Management has to be / set positiv example