4.1 Using data Flashcards
Quantitative data
Quantitative data is numerical; it contains numbers.
Quantitative data can all be collected during an investigation.
Quantitative data can also be collected using a questionnaire as part of a survey.
Qualitative data
Qualitative data is non-numerical; it cannot be counted or expressed as a number and it involves descriptions.
Qualitative data is often subjective, meaning that it is dependent on the feelings and opinions of individuals.
This differs from quantitative data which deals with objective facts.
Qualitative data can be collected by carrying out interviews and observations.
Data presentation
Data presentation is essential; it allows raw data to be viewed clearly, and provides a visual representation of findings that allows for quick and easy analysis.
Data can be presented in the following formats:
Line graphs
Bar charts
Analysis and evolution of data
Analysis might involve:
Description of patterns, Identification of individual data points within a data set, Explanation of trends in data.
Evaluation might involve:
Considering the value of a data set in a wider context.