4.1 Bandura et al (aggression) Flashcards
Psychology being investigated
social learning in the context of aggression.
The observer (child) must be paying attention to the behaviour of a model (being aggressive to a Bobo doll). They must retain/ remember the behaviour they have observed, and reproduce it later in the absence of the model.
Imitation is more probable if it’s the same sex
What is a model?
a person who inspires or encourages others to imitate positive or negative behaviours
What is social learning?
the learning of new behaviour that is observed in a role model and imitated later in the absence of that model
What is aggression?
behaviour that is aimed at harming others either physically or psychologically
To investigate whether children imitate the aggression of a model in the absence of the model
To investigate whether children are more likely to imitate the behaviour of a same-sex model
The 4 hypotheses of the study
- Observed aggressive behaviour will be imitated
- Observed non-aggressive behaviour will be imitated
- Children are more likely to copy a same-sex model
- Boys are more likely to copy aggression than girls
Research method and design
IVs and DVs
Laboratory experiment (behaviours were observed through covert, structured, controlled observation)
Independent measures design
model type: aggressive, non-aggressive or no model
model sex: same-sex or different sex
learner sex: boy or girl
DV: The behaviour the child displayed
Sample and sampling technique
72 children
36 boys and 36 girls
3-6 years (37-69 months)
Standford University Nursery School
6 per experimental condition (excluding control condition)
Procedure prior to the experiment
Children were observed in their nursery by their teacher who knew them well and the experimenter.
Rated on four five-point scales measuring:
physical aggression, verbal aggression, aggression towards inanimate objects and aggression inhibition
Participants were matched into groups of three based on their scores and then each one put into one of the three conditions
Procedure in the observation room
pg. 127 (check this page)
items in the room- table and chair in the children’s play area with potato prints and sticker pictures
opposite corner of the room model sat
there was a table, chair, Tinkertoy set, mallet and 5-foot Bobo doll
non-aggressive condition model played with Tinkertoy set for 10 minutes
aggressive condition played with Tikertoy for 1 minute then attacked the bobo doll
Aggressive actions, comments and non-aggressive comments done by the model in the aggressive condition
Sat on the Bobo doll , kicked the Bobo doll, punched the nose, hit on the head with a mallet, tossed in the air
sequence performed three times over 9 minutes (exact sequence pg.128 Cambridge)
aggressive: Kick him, hit him down
non-aggressive: he sure is a tough fella, he keeps coming back for more
Describe the procedure for the aggression arousal stage and the need to do it
pg.108 Hodder
reasons pg.128 Cambridge
Describe the procedure in the experimental room
pg.128 Cambridge
pg.108 Hodder
mention the duration, number of responses per child, response measures for imitation, partial imitation and the other categories
who scored the children’s behaviours
Mean aggression scores to remember:
For imitative physical aggression-
Boys with a male model in aggressive condition compared to female- 25.8, 12.4
Girls with a male model in an aggressive condition compared to female- 7.2, 5.5
For imitative verbal aggression-
Girls with female models in aggressive condition- 13.7
Boys with a male model in aggressive condition- 12.7
For non-imitative aggression-
Boys with a female model in a non-aggressive condition- 26.1
What is sex-typed behaviour?
actions that are typically performed by one particular sex and seen in society as more appropriate for that sex.
Methodological strengths
standardisation: layout of toys, same behavioural checklist, observed model for the same time, experimenter observed the child for 20min- reliability
high inter-observer reliability and inter-rater reliability
matched aggression score: individual differences in aggression levels should not have caused a problem- validity
quantitative data- objective and valid
children were unaware they were being watched so reduced demand characteristics and behaved naturally- more valid
Methodological weaknesses
small sample, 6 per experimental condition and same prestigious university- low generalizability
lacks mundane realism because it is not normal to see an adult attacking a Bobo doll, also not possible to assume aggressive behaviour extended towards toys would extend to violence towards real people
Ethical issues
Psychological harm- continue to imitate aggressive behaviour, or be in an aggressive state of mind when they return home.
The children were mildly annoyed in one part of the procedure which could have been psychologically distressing
Physical harm when playing aggressively with the toys
Real-life application
Restrictions on viewing violent television programs, films and computer games. Put warnings on violent shows
Parents should behave more friendly and prosocial and introduce their children to friendly and prosocial models as well