4.0 TORTS Flashcards
Parties come together but not necessarily by contract
Civil wrong
Breach of duty of care owed by another party that causes injury or loss to the other party
Tort categories
- Intentional
a. Fraud
b. Trespass
c. Defamation - Unintentional
a. Negligence
b. Negligent Misrepresentation
Negligence and it’s 4 basic elements
Most common unintentional tort
1. Defendant owed plaintiff a duty of care
2. Defendant breached that duty
3. Plaintiff suffered loss or injury
4. Breach of duty by the defendant was the proximate cause of the plaintiffs loss*
Need all 4 elements for negligence
Negligent statements made carelessly without intention to deceit
Duty of care
Unsettled area of law
Based on REASONABLE FORESEEABILITY (eg. you have host liability at bar not so much at a house party)
More likely to exist where there’s preexisting relationship
Can owe duty of care with no contract eg. When eng is hired by architect
Pure economic loss
Financial loss without any injury or property damage
Can be recovered for negligent misrepresentation and dangerous defects
Breach of duty
Occurs when the standard of care is not met
Commonly occur due to lack of care (fix by checklists and quality control procedures) and not incompetence (fix by CPD)
Standard of care
Defined by what a reasonable and competent member of that occupation would have done in the situation
Established by expert evidence, practiced norms, etc.
Determined considering the state of art AT TIME OF BREACH
Loss caused by defendants breach of duty are recoverable ie. losses which, BUT FOR THE BREACH, would not have occurred
Loss must be proximate (not too far from the breach)
Plaintiff proves causation
Negligent misrepresentation
Unintentional tort.
False statement (misrepresentation) made in breach of a duty of care
Limited by proximity
Duty of care owed to who it is reasonably foreseeable
Causation is established by proving misrepresentation
Pure economic loss is recoverable
Intentional tort
Fraudulent statements (misrepresentation) are made with intentional to deceive and knowledge they are untrue
Fiduciary duty
Exists when there’s relationship of trust where the fiduciary is required to put the interest of the beneficiary ahead of its own
Fiduciary: Party owing duty
Beneficiary: party owed the duty
Eg. Trade secrets, confidential info, doc-Patient
Fiduciary duty exists when
Fiduciary has ability to excessive discretion or power
Fiduciary can unilaterally exercise that power so as to affect beneficiary
Beneficiary is vulnerable to the power of the fiduciary
Unauthorized entry into land of another person
Intentional tort
It’s a strict liability Tort (plaintiff is not required to prove intention or neglect)
Eg. Crane as property right extent to sky and below surface
Strict liability tort
Eg. Fire burning to neighbours, tailing pond runoff, water flooding
Duty to warn
Tort duty
Professional have to warn others of impending (possibly upcoming) damage to persons or property
Products liability
Liability of manufacturer to consumer for a defective product
Used when consumer doesn’t have contract with manufacturer
Learned intermediary rule
When the person dispensing the product (eg. Doc, pharmacist) has duty to warn
Can you be liable under tort and contract?
Yes as long as the contract doesn’t define nature and scope of DUTY OF CARE
Therefore can get sued under both tort and contract since 1986 case