4 th lecture: causes of climate change Flashcards
What are main factors shaping the climate?
- Astronomical. Climate zones, division of the planet into regional geosystems
- Radiation.
- Circulation. Air circulation systems, ocean current systems.
- Geographical
Is it true that * Air always flows from the higher pressure to the lower pressure levels?
- The higher the pressure difference, the stronger wind
- We refer to Hadley’s cell as the main circulation phenomenon in tropical regions
- Warm air has lower density, cold air has higher.
Inversion meaning?
It means that there is cold air at the bottom of the Earth, warm at the
top, and there is no vertical flow.
What causes sea currents?
different salinity of water at different depths. (skirtingas vandens druskingumas skirtinguose gyliuose_)
-different water temperature
-earth rotation
-air flow in the ground layers of the atmosphere
Tidal forces. What causes them
the gravitational effect of the Moon on
Earth. The points of the Earth’s surface closest to the Moon are exerted by greater gravitational force than the points further away from the Moon.