4 STEPS Flashcards
What is a false brain message?
A false brain message is a cross wired impulse that was born when a temporary harmful effect, eg, loss of senses from intoxicant poisoning, is mistaken for, and recalled as, a positive effect, eg, relaxation,when in fact the stress was triggered by the substance craved and real stress is only worse after the intoxication wears off, leaving me sick and tired and anxious.
Use 4-Step exercise to “Pause and Plan” and let my “Wise Self” choose an action that furthers my goals of joyfully fit lean green machine and aligns my actions with my core values of: Clarity, Vitality, Mindfulness, and Discipline.
- Exercise self awareness to recognize urge to do something hostile to my goals and happiness.
- Bell the cat, unmask the short term thinking error driving the impulse and remember how acting on the feeling sabotages my goals and dishonors my core values.
- Slow breathe while surfing the urge then focus on my lean fit image and remember my goals and core values. Act with integrity and fidelity to my values. to further my goals
- Identify the whole episode as an opportunity to practice my self discipline.