4 - Normal Procedures Flashcards
Normal takeoff climb out speed? How bout short field with 10 degree flaps at 50 feet?
Normal climb out: 75-85 KIAS Short field with 10degree flaps: 56 KIAS
Normal enroute Climb speed with flaps up? Sea level? 10,000 feet?
Sea level climb: 75-85 KIAS 10,000’ climb: 70-80 KIAS
Best rate of climb? Best angle of climb?
Best rate of climb 74 KIAS Best angle of climb? 62 KIAS
Normal landing approach… with flaps up? flaps 30 degrees?
Normal landing approach… with flaps up 65-75 flaps 30 degrees? 60-70
Balked landing speed?
Maximum power with 20 degrees of flaps: 60 KIAS
Maximum recommended turbulent air penetration speeds… 2550 lbs? 2200 lbs? 1900 lbs?
Maximum recommended turbulent air penetration speeds… 2550 lbs: 105 KIAS 2200 lbs: 98 KIAS 1900 lbs: 90 KIAS
What is the maximum demonstrated crosswind velocity?
takeoff or landing: 15 Knots
During preflight engine inspection, how much oil should you have?
Do not operate with less than five quarts. Fill to eight quarts for extended flight
What lights to light up and when? BCN LAND TAXI NAV STRB
BCN: Before starting engine, then always on while engine on LAND: When cleared for takeoff, then when flying near airports during day or around birds, or whenever the extra visibility of yourself is useful in air. However, to extend the service life of the light, you can just use the taxi light in most situations TAXI: When taxiing day or night NAV: Not required during day, mandatory at night STRB: Optional during day while flying. Day taxiiing use may be overkill So really, just the beacon is fine.
After starting, what should the oil pressure gage show in cold and warm weather?
It should start to show pressure within 30 seconds for warm weather, and one minute in very cold weather. If this isn’t the case, stop the engine and investigate lack of oil pressure.
When should you use the fuel injector?
Well, the only time you don’t have to really is on warm days within 20-30 minutes of the last flight, as fuel will still be in fuel manifold and empty injector nozzle lines will fill before engine dies.
What is the recommended starter duty cycle?
You get 3 tries at: cranking starter for 10 seconds with 20 second cool downs inbetween Then 10 minutes 3 more tries of 10 seconds with 20 second cool down Still doesn’t start? Initiate investigation.
What’s a good RPM for ground operations?
800-1000 RPM, and this can be leaned at 1200 RPM first
When taking off at high altitudes, what is prudent to do that is uncommon at lower altitudes?
Lean the mixture for max RPM in full throttle during a static runup.
When is it a good idea to use 10 degrees of flaps for takeoff?
10 degrees of flaps during takeoff reduces the ground roll and provides a bit of extra lift while rolling. Therefore, it’s a good idea to use for short fields and/or soft field takeoffs.
How should you perform takeoffs into strong crosswinds?
Partially deflect ailerons into wind during ground roll and accelerate to a speed light higher than normal. Then lift off briskly to prevent possible settling back onto the runway while drifting. When clear of ground make a coordinated turn into the wind to correct for drift.
How should you lean the mixture at or below 75% power?
Full rich, then rotate the knob CCW to lean the mixture slowly. Monitor EGT indicator. Keep going with the increase in EGT until a decrease is just detectable. Then slowly reverse in rich direction until an EGT decrease is again just detectable. This is peak EGT, and you should mark it with the EGT index pointer. You may further richen it 50 degree turn to “recommended lean” mixture for best performance. Any altitude or throttle changes will require peak EGT be redetermined. The whole process should be done slowly and take about a minute.
When is it recommended to use an external preheater and external power source to start the aircraft?
When air temperates are below -6C, the use of an external preheater and external power source are recommended.
Cessna 172S - Before Starting Engine Checklist
- Preflight inspection – COMPLETE
- Passenger Briefing – COMPLETE
- Seats and seat belts – ADJUST AND LOCK
- Brakes – TEST AND SET
- Circuit Breakers – CHECK IN
- Electrical Equipment – OFF
- Avionics Master Switch – OFF
- Fuel Selector Valve – BOTH
- Fuel Shutoff Valve – ON
- Avionics Circuit Breakers – CHECK IN
Cessna 172S - Starting Engine with Battery Checklist
- Throttle – OPEN 1/4 INCH
- Mixture – IDLE CUTOFF
- Prop Area – CLEAR
- Master Switch – ON
- Flashing Beacon – ON
- (if cold) Aux Fuel Pump Switch – ON
- (if cold) Mixture – SET TO FULL RICH until stable flow indicated (3-5s) then IDLE CUTOFF
- (if cold) Auxiliary Fuel Pump Switch – OFF
- Ignition switch – START
- Mixture – ADVANCE smoothly to RICH
- Oil Pressure – CHECK
- Nav Lights – ON as required
- Avionics Master Switch – ON
- Radios – ON
- Flaps – RETRACT
Cessna 172s - Before Takeoff Checklist
- Parking Brake – SET
- Passenger Seat Backs – MOST UPRIGHT POSITION
- Seats and Seat Belts – CHECK SECURE
- Flight Controls – FREE AND CORRECT
- Flight Instruments – CHECK AND SET
- Fuel Quantity – CHECK
- Mixture – RICH
- Fuel Selector Valve – RECHECK BOTH
- Throttle – 1800 RPM
- Magnets – CHECK
- Vacuum Gage – CHECK
- Engine Instruments and ammeter – CHECK
- Annunciator Panel – Ensure non illuminated
- Throttle – CHECK IDLE
- Throttle – 1000 RPM or LESS
- Throttle friction lock – ADJUST
- Strobe lights – AS DESIRED
- Radios and avionics – SET
- NAV/GPS Switch – SET
- Autopilot – OFF
- Elevator Trim – SET for takeoff
- Wing Flaps – Set for takeoff (0-10)
- Brakes – RELEASE
Cessna 172s - Normal Takeoff Procedure
- Wing Flaps – 0-10
- Throttle – FULL OPEN
- Mixture – RICH (below 3,000’)
- Elevator Control – LIFT NOSE at 55 KIAS
- Climn Speed – 70-80 KIAS
- Wing Flaps – RETRACT
Cessna 172s - Short Field Takeoff Procedure
- Wing Flaps – 10
- Brakes – APPLY
- Throttle – FULL OPEN
- Mixture – RICH (below 3,000’)
- Brakes – RELEASE
- Elevator Control – SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW
- Climb Speed – 56 KIAS (until obstacles cleared)
- Wing Flaps – RETRACT slowly after reaching 60 KIAS
Cessna 172s - Normal Landing Procedure
- Airspeed – 65-75 KIAS (flaps up)
- Wing Flaps – AS DESIRED
- Airspeed – 60-70 KIAS (Flaps down)
- Touchdown – MAINS FIRST
- Landing Roll – LOWER NOSE GENTLY
Cessna 172s - Short Field Landing Procedure
- Airspeed – 65-75 KIAS (flaps up)
- Wing Flaps – FULL DOWN (30)
- Airspeed – 61 KIAS (until flare)
- Power – REDUCE to idle after clearing obstacle
- Wing flaps – RETRACT
Cessna 172s - Balked landing procedure
- Throttle – Full Open
- Wing Flaps – RETRACT TO 20
- Climb Speed – 60 KIAS
- Wing Flaps – 10 until obstacles cleared, then RETRACT after reaching safe altitude and 65 KIAS