3 - Emergency Procedures Flashcards
Alrighty, know these emergency airspeeds down cold:
Engine failure after takeoff:
Flaps up?
Flaps Down?
Maneuvering Speed
2550 Lbs?
2200 Lbs?
1900 Lbs?
Maximum Glide Speed?
Precautionary Landing With Engine Power?
Landing Without engine power:
wing flaps up?
wing flaps down?
Engine failure after takeoff:
Flaps up: 70KIAS
Flaps Down: 65 KIAS
Maneuvering Speed
2550 Lbs: 105 KIAS
2200 Lbs: 98 KIAS
1900 Lbs: 90 KIAS
Maximum Glide Speed:
Precautionary Landing With Engine Power:
Landing Without engine power:
wing flaps up: 70 KIAS
wing flaps down: 65 KIAS
Engine Failure!
During Takeoff Roll…
- Throttle - Idle
- Brakes - Apply
- flaps - retract
- mixture - idle cut off
- Ignition - off
- Master switch - off
- Brakes - Apply
Engine Failure!
Immediately after takeoff…
- Pitch for Airspeed 70 KIAS
- Mixture - Idle cut off
- Fuel shutoff valve - Off
- Ignition switch - off
- wing flaps - as required
- Master switch - off
- Cabin door - unlatch
- land - straight ahead
- Pitch for Airspeed 70 KIAS
Engine Failure!
During flight…
- attempt restart-
- Pitch for Airspeed - 68 KIAS
- Fuel Shutoff valve - ON
- Fuel selector valve - Both
- Auxiliary fuel pump - On
- Mixture - Rich
- Ignition - Both (or start if prop is stopped)
- Auxiliary fuel pump switch - off
- Mixture - Rich
Engine restart failed - forced landing!
Emergency landing without engine power…
Mayday on 121.5 squawk 7700
- Passenger seat backs - full upright position
- seats and belts - secure
- Airspeed - 70 KIAS (flaps up), 65 KIAS (flaps down)
- Mixture - idle cut off
- Fuel shutoff valve - Off
- Ignition switch - off
- Wing flaps - as required (30degree recommended)
- Master switch - off after landing assured
- Doors - unlatch prior to touchdown
- Touchdown - slightly tail low
- Brakes - apply heavily
Precautionary landing with power…
- Seat backs - full upright
- seats and belts - secure
- Airspeed - 65 KIAS
- Wing flaps - 20
- Selected field - Fly over then retract flaps (OWLs)
- Avionics Master and electrical switches - Off
- Flaps - 30 degrees on final
- Airspeed - 65 KIAS
- Master switch - off
- Doors - unlatch prior to touchdown
- Touchdown - slightly tail low
- Ignition - off
- Brakes - apply heavily
Ditching procedure…
- Radio - MAYDAY on 121.5 / squawk 7700
- Heavy baggage - secure or jettison
- Seats - full upright
- Seats and belts - secure
- Flaps - 20-30
- Power - establish 300 ft/min at 55 KIAS, if no power available use 70/65 speed depending on flaps
- Approach - high winds (into wind), light winds (parallel to swells)
- doors - unlatch
- touchdown - level attitude at established rate of descent
- face - cushion with coat
- ELT - activate
- Airplane - evacuate!
- Life vests and raft - inflate when clear of plane
During start on ground…
*1. Ignition switch - keep cranking to get start
If starts:
- power - 1800 RPM for a few minutes
- Engine - Shutdown and inspect damage
If engine fails to start:
- Throttle - full open
- Mixture - idle cut off
- Cranking - continue!
- Fuel shutoff valve - off
- Auxiliary fuel pump switch - off
- Fire extinguisher - activate
- Engine - secure (master off, ignition off)
- Parking break - release
- Airplane - evacuate
- Fire - extinguish
- Fire damage - inspect
- Auxiliary fuel pump switch - off
In flight…
- Mixture - idle cut-off
- Fuel shutoff valve - pull out (off)
- Auxiliary Fuel pump - off
- Master switch - off
- Cabin heat and air - off
- Airspeed - 100 KIAS (or keep increasing until fire is out)
- Forced landing - execute!
- Master switch - off
From electrics in flight…
- Master switch - off
- Vents, cabin air, heat - closed
- Fire extinguisher - activate
- Avionics master switch - off
- all other switches (except ignition) - off
- Fire extinguisher - activate
- after extinguished, ventilate the cabin!-
- Vents/cabin air/ heat - open after extinguished
- if electrics needed for remainder of flight-
7. Master - on
8. Circuit breakers - check and don’t reset
9. Radio switches - off
10. Avionics master switch - on
11. Radio/electrical switches - on one at a time, with delay after each until short is localized
In cabin during flight…
- Master switch - off
- vents/cabin/ air heat - closed
- Fire extinguisher - activate
- Vents/cabin air/ heat - open after fire completely extinguished
- land ASAP
- Fire extinguisher - activate
on the wing…
- Landing/taxi light switches - off
- Navigation light switch - off
- Strobe light switch - off
- Pitot heat switch - off
Perform sideslip to keep flames away from the fuel tnak and cabin, and land ASAP using flaps only as required for final approach and touchdown
Encountered icing…
- Pitot heat - on
- Turn back or change altitude
- Pull cabin heat control full out and open defroster outlets
- strive for maximum RPM by controlling throttle then mixture
- Plan to land asap
- prepare for sig higher stall and longer roll
- leave flaps retracted
- Open window and scrape if necessary
- Perform landing appraoch using slip if required
- appraoch at 65 to 75 kias
- perform landing in level attitude
Static source blocked
- Static pressure alternate source valve - pull on
2. Airspeed - consult calibration tables
Landing with flat main…
- appraoch - normal
- wing flaps - 30
- touchdown - good tire first and hold as long as possible with aileron
- directional control - maintain using brake on good wheel as required
Landing with flat nose tire
- approach - normal
- flaps - as required
- touchdown - on mains hold nose as long as possible
- when nose wheel touches, maintain full up elevator
Ammeter shows excessive rate of charge
- alternator - off
- nonessential electrical equipment - off
- flight - terminate asap
Low voltage annunciator
- avionics master switch - off
- alternator circuit breaker - check in
- master switch - off
- master switch - on
- low-voltage annunciator - check off
- Avionics master switch - on
if low voltage illuminates again
- Altnerator - off
- Nonessential radio and electrics - off
- Flight - terminate asap
Landing without elevator control…
Trim for horizontal flight at 65 KIAS and flaps set to 20
do not change elevator trim, only use throttle to adjust glide angle
Trim full up for flare and power adjusted so airplane will rotate to horizontal attitude for touchdown.
An inadvertent spin has occured… Recover!
- Throttle - IDLE
- Ailerons - Neutral
- Rudder - Apply and Hold full opposite rudder
- After rudder reaches stop, move control wheel briskly forward far enough to break stall
- Hold these controls until rotation stops
- As rotation stops, neutralize rudder and make a smooth recovery from resulting dive
Some engine roughness indicates spark plug fouling. What do you do?
Verify by turning ignition switch from both to either L or R position
If there is obvious power loss in single ignition, there’s a good chance it’s fouled.
Lean the mixture to recommended lean setting, if that doesn’t clear it in several minutes proceed to the nearest airport for repair using BOTH position unless extreme roughness indicates only using one.
Engine-driven fuel pump fails, what do you do?
Switch to the auxiliary fuel pump and terminate flight ASAP
You notice a total loss in oil pressure accompanied by a rise in oil temperature… First reaction?
Engine failure is imminent
Reduce engine power immediately and select a suitable forced landing field. Use only minimum power required to reach desired touchdown spot
You have indication of insufficient rate of charge on the ammeter (and you’re not taxiing)
What should you do?
Test if it’s a nuisance trip out:
- Avionics master switch - off
- Alternator circuit breaker - in
- Master switch - both off and then on again
- If the problem no longer exists, normal alternating charging will resume - Avionics master switch may be turned on again
If the VOLT annunciator illuminates again, malfunction is confirmed and flight should be terminated. Minimize battery drain so you can use it for landing lights and flaps during landing.