4 Memory (Encoding, Storage, Retrieval) Flashcards
holding information briefly while working with it
working memory
remembering episodes of one’s life
episodic memory
general knowledge of facts of the world
semantic memory
remembering episodes involves three processes:
1 Encoding, 2 Storing, 3 Retrieving
learning it, by perceiving it and relating it to past knowledge
maintaining it over time
accessing the information when needed
refers to the kind of memory that people in a group share (whether family, community, schoolmates, or citizens of a state or a country).
collective memory
Good encoding techniques:
relating new information to what one already knows, forming mental images, and creating associations among information that needs to be remembered.
The key to good retrieval…
developing effective cues that will lead the rememberer back to the encoded information.
Memory for the events of one’s life.
Autobiographical memory
The process occurring after encoding that is believed to stabilize memory traces.
The principle stating that the more memories that are associated to a particular retrieval cue, the less effective the cue will be in prompting retrieval of any one memory.
Cue overload principle
The principle that unusual events (in a context of similar events) will be recalled and recognized better than uniform (nondistinctive) events.
The hypothesis that a retrieval cue will be effective to the extent that information encoded from the cue overlaps or matches information in the engram or memory trace.
Encoding specificity principle