4. Localisation of paresis syndromes Flashcards
Definition of plegia
Complete loss of voluntary movement of a muscle or limb
Definition of paresis
Muscle power is reduced, but not completely lost: may be latent, mild, moderate or severe in degree.
Definition of hemiplegia/hemiparesis
Unilateral weakness of the limbs
Definition of monoplegia/monoparesis
Weakness of one limb
Definition of paraplegia/paraparesis
Weakness of both lower limbs
Definition of diplegia/diparesis
Weakness of both upper limbs
Definition of quadriplegia/tetraplegia
Weakness of all four limbs
Definition of alternating hemiparesis
cranial nerve nuclear (lower motor neuron) lesion on the side of lesion and contralteral mono- or one one more paresis
Lesion of motor cortex (Br4) causes:
contralateral flaccid weakness, mainly affecting distal muscles
Lesion of corona radiata and internal capsule causes:
contralateral severe spastic hemiparesis with involvement of the lower part of the face and tongue
Isolated lesion of these two causes?
- corticospinal tract in cerebral peduncle
- pyramid in medulla
flaccid weakness
Joint lesion of all descending tracts leads to:
spastic hemiparesis
Unilateral lesion of base of pons causes:
contralateral hemiparesis, often sparing the face
Bilateral lesion of base of pons causes:
Unilateral lesion of C1-C4 causes:
ispilateral spastic hemiparesis
Bilateral lesion of C1-C4 causes:
spastic tetraparesis
lesion of C5-Th1 causes:
- Spastic weakness of lower limbs
- Flaccid weakness of upper limbs
lesion of thoracic spinal cord causes:
Spastic paraparesis
lesion of lumbosacral spinal cord causes:
flaccid paraparesis
lesion of spinal motorneurons and anterior roots causes:
flaccid weakness of segmental distribution (in the corresponding myotomes)
lesion of peripheral nerves causes:
flaccid weakness in the distribution of the given nerve
Polyneuropathy causes:
distal, symmetrical, flaccid weakness of the limbs, first in the lower limbs
Myopathy causes
proximal symmetrical flaccid weakness of the limbs, primarily on the lower limbs