4. Continue Leaving EVERYTHING Lk 5:28 Flashcards
The consequences of my sins have done incalculable damage
His mercy outreaches and is MORE powerful than any damage I have done.
He works ALL things together for good – even my sins.
He will turn them to good — IF I give them to Him.
It ALL stands and falls on
knowing and embracing
the FULL truth:
I am a sinner
a child of God
The Evil One throws half truths at me to make me stumble.
I simply need to embrace the WHOLE truth.
It DOES make me free.
At all times.
Trusting Him is really seeing how BIG He is and knowing how much He loves me.
Look around! What gifts They have created for me!
For me, they invented the sea!
How do I not lose this grace of sharing ALL things with Christ?
It is a GRACE. Ask for the gift.
PRAYER flowing from a very real friendship.
Don’t just try . . . . TRAIN!
Start small.
For example: Live in the Presence of God
Begin with prayer before work.
When that becomes part of me, then prayer before each appointment, each meeting
When that becomes part of me, then each person I greet - I greet Jesus
What happened to Him
I want to happen to me.
Cleanse the intent of my heart
so that I might more worthily prepare for Your unspeakably beautiful graces.
Wait for His word
and obey it.
Waiting for The Lord
is a sign of love.
Satan has absolutely no power over me
save the power that I give him.
The foundational aspect of all exorcisms =
Jesus is giving the person back to himself.
His own people rejected Jesus.
Be careful!
“Before God I tell you:
There are saints among you.
Tread gently.”
I asked Mary to help me become like Her:
to allow my whole life to gravitate around Jesus,
that every one of His words would find a fertile field, a treasured rest, a sturdy shelter, a home in my heart.
But my waywardness is so deeply rooted – so strongly entrenched in my soul.
More deeply rooted that My Love who created your soul?
Stronger than my Mercy?
You can understand all you want,
until it burns in your heart,
you will not act,
you will not love.
Peter felt a strength that did not at all eliminate his weakness,
but used it.
Am I REALLY convinced that it is
who really does everything?
I begged Our Lord to fill me with His love.
He asked me to give Him my love.
I asked Him what is the best way for me to give Him my love.
I want it to be REAL.
“Each time I ask something of you – act on it.
Trust me.
Get out of the boat.
Each and every time you do – your capacity
to receive my love expands.”
If I am secure in God, then I am confident that
He will recalculate my route and get me where I need to go!
He can do that.
After all, He is my Way.
Peter had to move from willfulness
– to –
Peter actually becomes the surrender to the Will of God.