3. Leaving everything, they followed Him Mt. 4:22 Flashcards
This is not all about me.
It is about God being Who He Is – then creating me and calling me.
He knows my weakness. He knows my heart – the good and the bad of it all.
He loves me just the same.
What in my habitual way of being must I leave off NOW . . . as I continue to follow Jesus?
The burdens that rob me of the joy of belonging totally to Jesus:
When I make a mistake - or commit a sin - and with sincere love and sorrow, I give the mess to Jesus, He works it into something good and beautiful.
This is Who He is and what He does.
It is impossible for me to thwart God’s plans.
If it were possible, then I would be greater than God.
Wherever there is pain . . . given to Him . . .
He will make it in the image of His Cross = infinitely life-bearing
Radically face the question: “Who do YOU say I am?
Do not sit on the fence. Make a decision.
Then order my life accordingly.
God does not need my thorough, detailed confession - I do.
When Satan tries to throw something in my face from the past - I can say, “It is gone. I confessed it. It is closed.”
I do not need to be afraid of my darkness and diminishment
for it is there that He will speak to me and redeem me.
Satan will try ANYTHING to keep me in non-reality.
Reality is —–
I am a sinner, beloved and redeemed by Jesus Christ.
Whatever takes me away from God
speaks for Satan.
He asked me to look up - to look Him in the eyes.
He gives Himself to me when He looks at me
and I receive Him when I look at Him.
And in the process, He is receiving and I am giving.
God is humble.
Jesus asks a radical question that admits no half answers:
What does it profit you to be successful and ruin your life?
My cross - no matter what it may be – is given to me for the sake of my victory, my freedom.
Ask myself each morning: “What is the cross He is asking me to carry for this day and how can I celebrate it?
Am I surprised that the Creator of the Universe wants to spend time with me?
Do I give Him the time or do I tell Him I have more important things to do?
What did you experience when you saw Me?
JOY - I was so happy it was YOU! ENERGY! I LOVE You and I felt FREE to run to You.
Those are the marks of the living water.
Whisper of God’s Presence:
Remind me to ask. Remind me often. Remind me how eager He is to give to me. Remind me that He wants my life to be FUN.