4: Childhood Models Flashcards
The first 2 weeks of the prenatal period is called:
Germinal period
What are the stages of early development?
Prenatal period Infancy Toddler period Preschool period Middle years
Period of the embryo is in what weeks?
3 to 7 weeks
The third period of the prenatal period is called what?
Period of the fetus (8 weeks to birth)
The most rapid growth of the entire life span occurs during the:
Germinal period
The division of the zygote during the germinal period:
One-celled zygote dibide into 2 separate cells -> 4 -> 8 -> 16 -> multicelled organism
When would the implantation occur?
One week after conception
Describe the 2 directions of growth.
- Cephalo-caudal : from head downward
2. Proximo-distal : from center (spine) toward the extremeties
Which has a more global impact, damage at the fetal stage or damage after birth?
Damage at the fetal stage (bec rapidly growing organs are most vulnerable)
Who are more vulnerable to developmental damage?
Fetal movements are detected during which weeks?
16-20 weeks
If bright light is flashed on the abdominal wall at the __th week the fetal rate and position will change.
20th week
Reflex present at 25 weeks:
Moro (startle) reflex
The grasp reflex appears at what week?
17th week
The sucking reflex can be seen at what week?
28th week
True or false: Mothers with high levels of stress are more likely to have babies who are hyperactive, irritable, low birth weight & have problems feeding and sleeping.
Marks the most dramatic transition of te entire life span.
The period from birth to 15 months:
3 developmental landmarks during infancy:
Physical development
Language & cognitive development
Emotional & social development
Reflexes at birth are critical because:
- Helps newborn maintain constant body temperature
- ensure adequate nourishment (sucking, rooting, swallowing,crying)
- maintain adequate supply of O2 (breathing reflex, hiccups, sneeze, sit-ups)
True or false: size, shape and skills change daily.
True or false: growth do not follow the same orderly sequence as prenatal growth.
Head of newborn comprises about ____ of his totak length.
Between how many inches during the first weeks of life do baby focus?
7-10 inches away
Distance vision of newborn:
True false: newborn babies’ distance vision is 20/150.
Distance vision of 4-month old babies:
At what age do infants distinguish faces and show definite preference for happy expressions over others?
6 months
True or false: The vision of a newborn is blurry but hearing is well developed.
True or false: the lower part of the body is controlled first before the upper part.
Treo or false: The arms are controlled before the hands and fingers are.
True or false: infants have transformed reflexes into voluntary actions at the end of infancy.
True or false: Those who walk early are smarter than those who walk late.
Describe the language and cognitive development from birth to eight weeks.
Birth: noises
8 weeks: babbling
What are the critical achievements accdg to Jean Piaget?
Object permanence
When reality and fantasy are not yet fully differentiated.
When do imitative behaviors start?
By the age of 3 weeks
What is the precursor of infant’s emotional life?
Imitative behavior
2 phases of smiling:
Endogenous smiling
Exogenous smiling
Smiling that occurs within the first 2 months and is unrelated to external stimulation.
Endogenous smiling
Smiling that is stimulated from the outside and occurs by the 16th week.
Exogenous smiling
The emotion/expression present at birth.
At why age will an infant feel joy? Anger?
Joy: 1 & 1/2 mos
Anger/ 3-4 mos
What emotion is developed by 8-9mos?
Sadness and fear
The emotional capacity & expression developed at 1-1 & 1/2 years?
Tender affection
How many behavioral dimensions are there accdg to Stella Chess and Alexander Thomas? (Temperenebtal differences) Name these dimensions.
There are 9. Activity level Rhythmicity Approach or withdrawal Adaptibility Intensity of reaction Threshold of responsiveness Quality of mood Distractibility Attention span and persistence
It is the motor component present in a given child’s functioning.
Activity level
The predictability of functions like hunger, feeding pattern, elimination, and the sleep-wake cycle.
The response to a new stimulus.
Approach or withdrawal
What pertains to the speed and ease with which a current behavior can be modified in terms to the environment?
Some babies laugh when they’re happy and howl when angry. What behavioral dimension does this pertain to?
Intensity of reaction
The amount of energy used in a mood expression.
Intensity of reaction
What do you call the stimulation intensity required to evoke a response to sensory stimuli, objects or social contact?
Threshold of responsiveness
Pleasant, joyful and friendly vs unpleasant, crying and unfriendly behavior.
Quality of mood
Babies eat, sleep, and defecate on schedule almost from birth. What behavioral dimension is this?
Give the behavioral dimension of this situation: the 1st spoonful of cereal is gobbled up by one baby & spit out by the next.
Approach or withdrawal
Some babies kick a lot in the uterus before they are born, others much less. Behavioral dimension?
Activity level
Some babies quickly adjust to change, others are unhappy at every disruption. Behavioral dimension?
Awareness or unawareness of bright lights, street noises or wet diapers. Behavioral dimension?
Threshold of responsiveness
When almost anything makes the baby smile, what behavior dimension is this?
Quality of mood
What is the effectiveness of extraneous environmental stimuli interfering/altering direction of ongoing behavior?
When the baby forgets that their diapers are being changed because someone hands them a toy is what behavioral dimension?
It is the length of time a particular activity is pursued.
Attention span
The continuation of an activity in the face of obstacles.
The relationship the baby develops with his caregiver is called?
Intense emotional & psychological relationship relationship between mother and baby:
Who did the experiment on social learning & effects of isolation in monkeys?
Harry Harlow
In Harlow’s experiment, he placed newborn rhesus monkeys w/ 2 types of surrogate mothers, what are these 2 types? And which was preferred?
- Wire-mesh surrogate w/ feeding bottle
2. Wire-mesh surrogate covered w/ terry cloth (preferred)
True or False: In Harlow’s experiment, both types were able to adjust in the monkey colony life.
FALSE (bec they had difficulty learning to mate and the females failed to mother their young)
Who stated that early separation of infants from their mothers had severe negative effects on the emotional and intellectual dev?
John Bowlby
Who expanded Bowlby’s observations by observing sensitive responsiveness to infant signals and growth of self reliance?
Mary Ainsworth
The baby signals for his/her mother for bodily contact is called:
True or false: Unresponsive mother produce anxious babies.
When a child moves away from an attachment figure to explore the environment, _______ is established.
Secured base effect
What are the main determinants of secure attachment?
Maternal sensitivity and responsiveness
True or false: Male infants are more likely to have secure attachments and are less vulnerable to changes in maternal sensitivity.
When is stranger anxiety and separation anxiety observed?
Stranger anxiety: 8 months
Separation anxiety: 10-18 months
Under infant care, this refers to how well the mother/father relates to the newborn:
Parental fit
Around how many percent are considered to be difficult children?
True or false: easy children are 40% of all children, flexible, regular in eating and sleeping & easily comforted.
The harmonious interaction between mother & child in their motivations, capacities & styles of behavior.
Goodness of fit
Poornes of fit will most likely lead to what?
Distorted development
Maladaptive functioning
The toddler period is considered to be from:
15 months to 2 & 1/2 years
When a child is marked by accelerated motor development and ability to walk gives control over their own actions:
Physical dev during TODDLER PERIOD
True or false: toddlers learn to say YES before they learn to say NO.
At what age do you first feel shame?
1 & 1/2 years
At what age do you first feel pride?
2 years old
Child looks to parents & others for emotional cues about how to respond to novel events:
Social referencing (toddler period)
At what period is the unshakeable conviction of being male or female present?
Toddler period
Begins at 1&1/2 years
Fixed by 2 to 2&1/2 years
Describe the sphincter control and sleep during the toddler period:
Daytime urination control is completed by 2&1/2 years, fear of the dark, takes 30mins to fall asleep, sleep about 12hrs a day w/ 2hr nap
The period between 2&1/2 to 6 years:
Preschool period
When do children reach half their adult height?
Between 2 & 3 years of age
How many baby teeth are initially present?
20 baby teeth
The equivalent of toddler period in Piaget’s stage is:
Sensorimotor stage
Piaget’s preoperational thought (in which thinking and reasoning are intuitive) is equivalent to what period?
Preschool period
When do disturbing dreams peak?
At 3, 6 and 10 years
By what age do you realize that dreams are not real?
Age 5
At 4yrs old the child understands that dreams are:
Unique to each individual (unlike when age 3 & he believes dreams are shared)
At what age is the dream content about being killed/injured, flying, being in cars and ghosts?
5 or 6 years
What are the dream contents of a 4 year old child?
Animal dreams
People who protect or destroy
True or false: A 2-year old dreams of being bitten or chased.
By 3-4 years old what emotion is felt? For 5-6?
3-4 yrs: guilt, envy
5-6 yrs: insecurity, humility and confidence
What is the preoccupation with illness or injury?
Band-aid phase
True or false: At the preschool eriod, emotions are still easily influenced by somatic events. (Eg. Tiredness & hunger)
Conscience is established by the end of what period?
Preschool period
What can test the capacity for further cooperation and sharing?
Sibling rivalry (in preschool period)
Ability to distinguish reality from fantasy and behavior in thus reflects level of social development:
True or false: Pretend games do not help test real-life situations.
Give the type of play for each age:
2&1/2 to 3 yrs; 3 yrs; 4 yrs.
2&1/2 to 3yrs: Parallel play
3 yrs: Associative play
4 yrs: Cooperative play
The type of play with real interactions and in which taking turns become possible.
Cooperative play
Solitary play alongside another child with no interaction between them.
Parallel play
Playing with the same toys in pairs or small groups but with no real interaction.
Associative play
During the preschool period, these relieve loneliness and reduce anxiety esp in children w/ above average intelligence.
Imaginary companions
When will the imaginary companion disappear?
By age 12
True or false: Heavy TV watching appears to interfere with a preschooler’s learning to read
Middle years is between the ages:
6 to 12 years
Give significant physical development of a child in his/her middle years:
Improved gross motor coordination
Write fluently & draw artistically
Capable of complex motor tasks & activities
True or false: During the middle years, fantasy would still tend to dominate logical exploration.
The middle years is the equivalent to Piaget’s stage of concrete operations which would have what critical achievements:
By what age does a child know that he/she creates their dreams themselves?
Age 7
In what period does the same-sex parent develop a special relationship with the child and serve as a role model?
Middle years
By age 9 or 10 what emotional capacities are developed?
Empathy and concern Love Compassion Sharing (Thus capacity for long-term, stable relationships)
Define the Chum period.
Accdg to Harry Stack Sullivan, the child prefers close same-sex relationship with a chum or buddy.
Describe the PET scan of an abused brain.
Temporal lobes are nearly quiescent thus suffering emotional & cognitive problems.
At birth what are the fully functional organs?
Primitive structures such as the brain stem