4/17 UTI: iBook Ch 11 Flashcards
UTI basic definitions:
Upper Tract Infection v Lower Tract Infection?
Upper Tract Infection: infection above the bladder, including kidneys
Lower Tract Infection: infection involving bladder and lower (urethra, prostate)
Pyelonephritis: kidney infection
Cystitis: bladder infection
Prostatitis: prostate infection
Urethritis: urethral infection
Ascending route of infection v hematogenous route?
Ascending: infection enters the urinary tract through the urethra
Hematogenous: infection is brought to the kidneys via bloodstream; enters urinary tract that way
Urine contamination v urine colonization?
Urine is normally sterile
Contamination: organisms in culture that were introduced from anatomy (foreskin, vulva) or environment – not present in bladder
Colonization: organisms present in urine but not causing sx
symptomatic v asymptomatic UTI
There may or may not be symptoms with UTI.
Both will have significant growth of bacteria in urine.
symptoms of lower UTI?
dysuria, urgency, frequency, suprapubic pain
symptoms of upper UTI?
fever, flank pain (aka costo-vertebral angle pain), nausea, vomiting, sepsis
what is meant by complicated UTI?
- obstruction of the urinary tract due to anatomic abnormality or presence of foreign body (stone, catheter)
- functional disruption of flow due to neuromuscular issue
- abnormalities of immune function lowering host depenses, allowing establishment of infection in the urinary tract.
acute UTI v chronic UTI? how will they present?
Acute: onset of sx will be a few days prior to pt presentation
Chronic: may be sx or asx, but will have significant #s of bacteria on culture.
Recurrent UTIs: re-infection v relapsing infection?
Re-infection: repeated bouts of sx, associated wtih significant bacterial growth from urine. new species of bacteria present with each episode (more common than relapsing infections)
Relapsing infection: repeated episodes, due to the same organism each time. Organism persists despite treatment.
Risk factors for ascending UTI in women?
maternal history of UTIs
first UTI prior to age 15
new sex partner w increased activity
diaphragm, condom or spermacide usage
catheters or other instrumentation
what usually causes hematogenous seeding of the urinary tract?
usually caused by a bacteremia
a urine culture that grows Staph aureus should raise suspicion for what?
presence of staph bacteremia, or other intravascular staph infection such as infective endocarditis
what are 2 genetic characteristics that can promote or discourage UTIs?
why are women more predisposed to UTIs?
genetic characteristics: HLA types, blood types. seem to alter the adherence of bacteria within the urinary tract
women: short urethral length seems to encourage UTIs
what mechanical effects of urine or urodynamics can cause UTIs?
mechanical: urine flow can be altered by congenital abnormalities
over-distension may lead to inadequate drainage, pooling of urine in bladder, ascension of bacteria into the upper tract
a UTI in an infant should prompt what thought?
school age children through middle age: M or F more prone to UTIs?
geriatrics: M or F more prone to UTI?
- Infant UTI: consider congenital abnormality or urinary tract
- childhood thru middle age: women >> men
- geriatrics: men >> women (due to enlarged prostates)