3CHN Monthlies Environmental Flashcards
environmental health
Branch of public health that deals with the study of preventing illnesses by managing the environment and changing people’s behaviour to reduce exposure to biological & non-biological agents of disease and injury;
deals with disease agents, people & environment
WHO environmental health
All physical, chemical and biological factors external to a person, and all related behavior, but excluding those natural environments that cannot be reasonably modified (WHO).
program concepts (DOH)
- Drinking water supply
- Sanitation (excreta, sewage and septage management)
- Zero open defecation program (ZODP)
- Food sanitation
- Air pollution (indoor and ambient)
- Chemical Safety
- WASH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene) in emergency situation
- Climate change for health and health impact assessment (HIA)
Environmental Sanitation
The control of all factors in man’s physical environment, which may exercise a deleterious effect on his well -being & survival
Important so we can act on reducing exposure to infectious agents that may harm people
Water Sanitation: water quality
refers to water supply’s availability, volume, mineral content levels, toxic chemical pollution and pathogenic microorganism levels
water analysis: physical
examination of water for its appearance, odor and taste; can be done by anybody
water analysis: chemical
test for chemical attributes of water, such as pH and presence of Cl-, Fe, lead, mercury
water analysis: Bacteriological/Microbial quality
est for the presence of indicator organisms such as coliforms;
when water is coliform +, it is contaminated by human excreta
Radiological quality
tests through parameters of gross alpha activity, gross beta and radon
Free of microorganisms or disease-producing bacteria
Types of water examinations required for drinking water
- Initial examination
- Periodic examination
- Water examination shall be performed only in private or government laboratories duly accredited by the Department
schedule for water testing: LEVEL 1
every 3 months
schedule for water testing: LEVEL 2
every other month
schedule for water testing: LEVEL 3
frequent sampling for every 5000 population
Unapproved Type of Water Facilities
- Water coming from doubtful sources
2. Unimproved springs, well that needs priming
Approved types of water facilities - I (point source)
A protected well or spring; No distribution system; Adaptable for rural areas; Within 250 m from the farthest user
Approved types of water facilities - II (Communal faucet or stand post)
Composed of a source reservoir, a piped distribution network & communal faucet; Located not more than 25m from the farthest house
Approved types of water facilities - III (waterworks system/individual household connection)
uited for urban areas; Each household has a tap; Water undergoes treatment at the water facility
Household treatment of water
- boling
- filtration
- chemical disinfection - chlorine
- solar disinfections
treatment of public water supply
- sedimentation
- flocculation/coagulation
- aeration
- filtration
- disinfection with chlorine
- fluoidation
water quality monitoring surveillance
- Treatment of water to render it safe for drinking
2. Disinfection of contaminated water sources and their distribution system
solid waste classification
- municipal waste
- industrial waste
- hazardous waste
- Health care/biomedical wastes
- infectious
Methods of solid waste management
- recycling
- Incineration
- Open dumping
- sanitary landfill
Hospital Waste Management: COLOR Coding - Black
Hospital Waste Management: COLOR Coding - green
Hospital Waste Management: COLOR Coding - Yellow
hazardous waste
Hospital Waste Management: COLOR Coding - orange
Approved type of toilet facilities: LEVEL 1
Non-water carriage toilet; toilet facilities requiring small amount of water to wash waste into the receiving space
Approved type of toilet facilities: LEVEL 2
On-site toilet of water carriage type with water seal (flush-type) with septic tank
Approved type of toilet facilities: LEVEL 3
Water carriage type connected to a sewerage system to treatment plant
Approved type of toilet facilities: last
Any disposal device and approved type pit privy approved by the secretary of his duly authorized
Unapproved/Unsanitary type of toilet facilities
- open pit privy
- overhung
criteria for acceptable excreta disposal facilities
- Sanitary
- Simple, cheap & easy to construct with local materials
- Easy to maintain
- With adequate protection against the elements & provides desirable privacy
- Acceptable to users
- Construction of septic anks for toilets should have a minimum distance of 25 meters from any
water sources to avoid contamination
Level of toilet use: Communal
a toilet facility shared by two or more households
Level of toilet use: public
a toilet facility located at public places like market, bus station, etc. Intended for public use
Level of toilet use: school
a toilet facility located in a school essentially for the use of students
Level of toilet use: household
a toilet facility being used by an individual household
Pest control methods
Mosquito-control project
Aedes Mosquito Control Methods
Triple A - ASIN
Aciete oil
Food Safety
availability, accessibility and relative cost of healthy food free of contamination by harmful pesticide and bacteria
Food Sanitation Program
- Inspection of all food sources, containers & transport vehicles
- Compliance to sanitary permit
- Health certificate for food handlers, cooks, helpers
- Banning of food unfit for consumption
- Training of food handlers & operators
- Ambulatory food vendors health certificate
- Household food sanitation
classification of food establishments
Class A: Excellent
Class B: Very Satisfactory
Class C: Satisfactory
4 Rights of Food Safety
- right source
- right preparation
- right cooking
- right storage
4 Rights of Food Safety: right source
If in doubt of the source, boil for at least 2 minutes
4 Rights of Food Safety: right preparation
No contact between raw and cooked
Clean the kitchen, remove food droppings
4 Rights of Food Safety: right cooking
Right temp, washing hands thoroughly
4 Rights of Food Safety: right storage
Don’t leave cooked food for more than 2 hours to prevent multiplication of bacteria. Use tight sealed storage
P.D. 825
Anti-littering Act; provides penalty for improper disposal of garbage
P.D. 856
Sanitation Code; provides for the control of all factors in man’s environment that affect health
RA 8749
Clean Air Act; mandates use of unleaded gasoline
RA 9003
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act; mandates segregation of wastes
RA 9275
Clean Water Act; preservation & revival of fresh, brackish & marine waters
RA 1061
Food Safety Acto of 2013