3.b. Global governance of human right involves cooperation between organisations at scales from global to local, often in partnership. Flashcards
What is global governance?
Intervention and attempts to regulate human rights.
Outline the role of the UN in global governance.
(How human rights are promoted and protected by institutes, treaties, laws, and norms)
193 member states - each accepts obligations of UN charter.
One of the mains aims -> “reaffirm faith in fundamental HR’s, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women, and of all nations”.
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, (OHCHR) has the lead responsibility.
Human rights council deals with serious human rights violations often in conflict areas, e.g. Afghanistan.
In zones of conflict, what does NGO ground work include, state 3 examples.
(The role of the NGOs in global governance)
(How human rights are promoted and protected by institutes, treaties, laws, and norms)
Monitoring and providing early warnings of new violence.
Modification of social norms through education.
Training in practical skills, e.g. agriculture.
Water conservation and improved sanitation.
Provision of medicine/ medical assistance.
Implementing local strategies to support women’s and children’s rights.
What is the best NGO strategy for global governance?
An important role of NGOs is their ability to reinforce and strengthen the rule of law through education.
A combination of legal and practical instruments is used for the protection of human rights.
It is the co-ordination of strategies by different organisations at different scales which provides the most effective global governance.
Outline general geographical points.
(Case study: strategies for global governance of human rights in Afghanistan, an area of conflict)
Afghanistan is a landlocked, largely mountainous country in Southwest Asia.
It is a poor country and its development has been held back by a long period of political instability and armed conflict.
Although not recognised as a legitimate government, the Taliban were in control of 90% of the country before 2001.
After that time their fundamentalist government was overthrown by the USA and its allies.
Following the end of the NATO-led mission in 2014, despite attempts to negotiate peace, there have been periods of insurgency.
During this time, according to UNDP, there has been some limited success in the development process but violation of human rights has continued.
State 3 aims of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA)
(Contributions and interactions of different organisations at a range of scales from global to local)
(Case study: strategies for global governance of human rights in Afghanistan, an area of conflict)
To work with and support the government.
To support the process of peace and reconciliation.
To monitor and promote human rights and protect civilians in armed conflict.
To promote good governance and encourage regional co-operation.
To lead and co-ordinate the international community in support of Afghanistan’s priorities to advance peace, governance and development.
How does OHCHR play a role in Afghanistan?
(UN in Afghanistan)
(Case study: strategies for global governance of human rights in Afghanistan, an area of conflict)
Works with the human rights component of UNAMA, promoting rights to food, shelter, education, livelihood, health, justice and physical security.
How does UNICEF play a role in Afghanistan?
(UN in Afghanistan)
(Case study: strategies for global governance of human rights in Afghanistan, an area of conflict)
Promotes and protects the rights of women and children.
How does UNDP play a role in Afghanistan?
(UN in Afghanistan)
(Case study: strategies for global governance of human rights in Afghanistan, an area of conflict)
In close partnership with the government and NGOs continuing work on the SDGs within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
How does IMF play a role in Afghanistan?
(UN in Afghanistan)
(Case study: strategies for global governance of human rights in Afghanistan, an area of conflict)
Includes provision of access to finance for SMEs in Afghanistan.
How does UN World Food Programme play a role in Afghanistan?
(UN in Afghanistan)
(Case study: strategies for global governance of human rights in Afghanistan, an area of conflict)
Has a vital role in terms of food security within the country.
Outline protection and promotion of human rights.
(National Government: Afghanistan)
(Case study: strategies for global governance of human rights in Afghanistan, an area of conflict)
The government has established the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission; it is working closely with the UN, within UNAMA, in the implementation of the Elimination of Violence Against Women Law; it has ratified treaties including CEDAW, which requires gender equality in access to education, health care and political participation, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Committee Against Torture.
Outline women’s access to justice.
(National Government: Afghanistan)
(Case study: strategies for global governance of human rights in Afghanistan, an area of conflict)
OCHR reports positive engagement with the Afghan government to comply with international standards, promote accountability and rule of law.
For example, there have been efforts to address violence against women and girls, to recruit more female prosecutors and judges.
There has been more limited progress in female representation in parliament - 27% of seats were held by women, two per province in 2019.
Outline democratic processes.
(National Government: Afghanistan)
(Case study: strategies for global governance of human rights in Afghanistan, an area of conflict)
Despite new laws supporting the Duties and Structures of the Independent Elections Commission, in practice there has been significant disruption to the democratic process.
Outline socio-economic development.
(National Government: Afghanistan)
(Case study: strategies for global governance of human rights in Afghanistan, an area of conflict)
Membership of the Economic Cooperation Organisation and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation allows free trade and promotes economic growth.
In addition, the Afghan government is now working in partnership with both the EU and UNCTAD to improve trade and development.
Outline Government ministries co-operating with international organisations.
(National Government: Afghanistan)
(Case study: strategies for global governance of human rights in Afghanistan, an area of conflict)
Education, Women’s Affairs, Economy, and Rural Rehabilitation and Development are examples of Afghan government ministries which aim to promote and protect human rights; they work in partnership with UN Agencies, NATO and NGOs to strengthen and develop their capacity.
What is Afghandaid?
(NGOs in Afghanistan)
(Case study: strategies for global governance of human rights in Afghanistan, an area of conflict)
Afghanaid is just one example of many NGOs working in Afghanistan.
It operates in most provinces with a focus on some of the poorest and most remote communities.
Afghanaid’s aim is for long-term development based on resolving human rights issues. State 3.
(NGOs in Afghanistan)
(Case study: strategies for global governance of human rights in Afghanistan, an area of conflict)
Food security.
Women’s rights.
Economic livelihoods and access to the basic services of infrastructure.
Water supply.
How does UNICEF promote rural development?
(The consequences of global governance of human rights for local communities)
Promoting community-based schools and Accelerated Learning Centres.
Protecting children from child marriage, violent corporal punishment, domestic abuse and child labour
Providing safe havens for children affected by conflict.
Preventing the recruitment of children into armed groups.
Providing mobile health teams to vaccinate children and provide maternity services.
Advising on nutrition to reduce malnutrition.
Improving fresh water supply and sanitation.
The UNDP is sustaining rural development projects by improving what? How has this been beneficial?
The UNDP is sustaining rural development projects by improving local democracy.
Nearly all rural areas have an appointed District Development Assembly, elected by the people they serve, significantly including female representatives.
These are legitimate local governing bodies developing service requirements, e.g. education and water, whichever best suits their community.
How has USAID agricultural programmes and UN World Food programmes been useful in Afghanistan?
The USAID agricultural programme is helping to improve food security, increased agricultural productivity, rural employment and family incomes.
The UN World Food Programme is providing nutritious food and support for small-holder farmers.
Outline the Ghor Province.
A remote mountainous rural area with poor accessibility.
For many local communities, access to health care, education and food security would be even more limited without the co-ordinated support of UN agencies, NGOs and government departments.
Outline urban communities in Afghanistan.
UN Habitat is working to co-ordinate the Afghan government, local governments, community councils.
Funding from the Japanese government to upgrade neighbourhoods in the 33 provincial capitals and Kabul.
The basis of these projects is the election of CDCs, each of which includes about 200-250 households.
CDC 11 in District 5, Jalalabad has 2657 residents living in 296 households.
Denial of basic human rights as well as rapid urban growth in Kabul has deprived local communities of many services.
The CDCs are locally elected, including 50% male membership.
Plans are submitted which reflect specific needs of the area.
In most CDC areas plans include upgrading of housing, infrastructure, electricity, sanitation, schools and health care. State 3 other benefits.
Improved engagement of women in the projects.
Employment opportunities.
Security of land tenure for informal settlements.
Improved roads and drainage.
Greater provision of shops.
Why have people migrated to Kabul?
Economic and security motivations.
Rural-urban migration, including returnees from Pakistan and Iran.
In Afghanistan, what group/ strategy/ treaty is working to improve the human right violation: High number of casualties
In Afghanistan, what group/ strategy/ treaty is working to improve the human right violation: High level of gender inequality
In Afghanistan, what group/ strategy/ treaty is working to improve the human right violation: Restricted socioeconomic development
In Afghanistan, what group/ strategy/ treaty is working to improve the human right violation: Population displacement
In Afghanistan, what group/ strategy/ treaty is working to improve the human right violation: Children denied of basic rights
In Afghanistan, what group/ strategy/ treaty is working to improve the human right violation: Violation of Women’s rights
In Afghanistan, what group/ strategy/ treaty is working to improve the human right violation: Widespread food insecurity
In Afghanistan, what group/ strategy/ treaty is working to improve the human right violation: Attacks on journalists and human rights defenders
Nothing is being done.
In Afghanistan, what group/ strategy/ treaty is working to improve the human right violation: Threats on democracy.
There are new laws but they aren’t working.