3A - Bacteria Flashcards
Outcome of an infection by microorganism dependent upon
pathogenicity and virulence of the organism and the resistance of the host
Resistance of a host (Innate defenses)
Physical cellular defenses (acute inflammation, monocyte macrophage system, normal bacterial flora, complement)
Resistance of a host (adaptive defenses)
passive immunity from colostrum, active immunity from T and B lymphocytes
Bacterial pathogenicity is determines by its ablilty to
infect and to damage cells
Ability to infect cells done by
adhesion, multiplication, colonization, tissue invasion, circumvention of the animal’s defenses
ability to damage cells by
toxins (endo/exo). cytolysis, invasion of extracellulr matrix
surface structures of bacteria
flagella, fimbriae, pili, glycocalyx
• Flagellum- single / Flagella- pleural Function ‣ Motility ‣ Toward stimulus ‣ Away from stimulus ◦ Functions by rotation ◦ Helical in shape
◦ Pili are similar to fimbriae but they are usually longer and there is less of them
◦ They may also be used for attachment but morei mportantly they are used for gene transfer
◦ Pili are often important receptors for viruses and are best seen under the electron microscope when they are coated with virus
Attachment pili
play an important role in causing urinary tract infections allowing the bacteria to resist the flushing action of urine and attach to the mucus membranes
Twitching motility
the ability to glide along a solid surface with extension and retraction of the pilus function of the pili
sexual reproduction via pili(gene transfer)
important in the transfer of antibiotic resistance and other virulence genes
◦ External polysaccharide or protein coating outside of the cell wall
◦ Protect bacteria from the immune system and from the environment
‣ Allow Attachment
‣ Anti-phagocytic
‣ Resist drying
‣ Reservoir for nutrients
‣ Depot for waste
Slime layer
glycoproteins molecules are loosely associated with the cell wall.
• Protection from dehydration and loss of nutrients
one of two forms of glycocalyx
polysaccharides are more firmly attached to the cell wall.
• Gummy, sticky consistency and provide protection, adhesion to solid surfaces and to nutrients in the environment.
one of two forms of glycocalyx
Bacterial mucoid
- like glycocalyx
Capsule, Slime layer, Biofilm
Bacterial Cell Wall
◦ Rigid and stops the bacterial cell from bursting
◦ Defines the shape
◦ Acts as an environmental barrier
Round ball shape
Elongated ball shape
Elbow noodle shape
Rod shape
corkscrew shape
exaggerated corkscrew + pole through the middle
found in the cell wall
◦ Peptidoglycan is only present in bacteria and is a strong stimulant of the immune system
◦ Made up of polysaccharides and a few amino acids
◦ Gram –ve bacteria have an outer cell membrane outside of the peptidoglycan layer