2A - T Lymphocytes, MHC, and Tolerance Flashcards
T-lymphocytes ( type of immunity, origin and maturation, residence
‣ Cell mediated immunity (cells do the work)
‣ Originated in the bone marrow and mature and differentiate in the thymus
‣ Reside in the peripheral lymph nodes
◦ Are specific and have memory
types of T-lymphocytes
Cytotxoic (CD8+) and T Helper (CD4+)
Cytotoxic T cells role and markers
( CD8+)
‣ Kill infected or damaged host cells
T Helper cells role and markers
‣ Th1 cells stimulate cytotoxic T lymphocytes and macrophages
‣ Th2 cells stimulate B lymphocytes to make more antibodies
Retroviruses that infect CD4+ T helper cells
• HIV and FIV are both Retroviruses that infect CD4+ T helper cells
HIV and FIV infection causes
‣ Gain entry to the cell via the CD4 receptor on the cell surface
‣ Causes an immunodeficiency very specific to Th inactivity
◦ Opportunistic infections
◦ Certain types of cancers
• Regulatory T lymphocytes
◦ Produce immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory cytokines
◦ Down regulate antibody production
• Major Histocompatibility Complex
◦ a complex of genes that code for specialized molecules on the cell surface involved in intracellular recognition and distinguishing of self from non-self
MHC function
◦ Most T cells only recognize antigen when it is bound to MHC
◦ Helps T lymphocytes recognize “self” vs “non-self”
Antigen processing and presentation
- Antigen is processed in phagocytic cells like macrophages, the antigen is degraded into peptide fragments which are complexed with the MHC molecule
- Antigen is presented - the MHC-Ag complex is transported to the cell membrane surface and displayed
any molecule that stimulates immune system (either innate or adaptive)
MHC1 function
• Intracellular antigens are processed inside the cell and are presented with MHC1 molecules
◦ MHC1 molecules are present on all nucleated cells
◦ MHC 1 stimulates Cytotoxic T cells (CD8+) to kill the infected or neoplastic cells
MHC2 importance and function
only present on antigen presenting cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells
◦ Class 2 MHC stimulates T -Helper cells
◦ Remember T-helper cells stimulate B-lymphocytes to make antibody
‣ Extracellular antigens are degraded inside a phagocytic cell, bind with MHC 2 molecules and are then presented on the cell surface
• Floating in the body, taken in by macrophage
T and B lymphocyte differentiation
T-cells undergo differentiation, selection and maturation in the thymus
◦ B cells in birds differentiate in the Bursa of Fabricius or in mammals undergo differentiation in both the bone marrow and in the lymph nodes
Auto-immune disease and other immune response
an inappropriate immune response to self antigens
normal - When exposed to an antigen and the immune system may be responsive and develop a state of immune response or it can be non-responsive and develop a state of tolerance
Centeral tolerance
Clonal Deletion of self-reactive T lymphocytes occurs when the T cells are developing in the thymus
Peripheral tolerance
◦ When the T cells are mature and out in the lymph nodes
‣ MHC is integral to development of tolerance (name tag)
Sequestered antigens and why they are hidden from the immune system
◦ Examples of sequestered antigens are myelin protein, lens protein and sperm protein
◦ Release of these proteins due to infection or trauma may lead to an immunological response by lymphocytes that react against these proteins → autoimmune response → failure of self tolerance
‣ Ex uveitis, spermatic granuloma
NK cells size and importance
mononuclear but have granules smaller than monocytes but are larger then lymphocytes
◦ NK cells are important in the innate immune response and have a non-specific response
◦ They are important in early response to tumor cells and viral infections, and other intracellular pathogens
◦ Does not require specific antigen
NK cells difference from other T lymphocytes
• Unlike Cytotoxic T lymphocytes, NK cells attack cells that do not express MHC
◦ Virus infected cells and neoplastic cells may not express MHC and this makes them susceptible to NK attack