3a & 3b.) Somatosensory System Flashcards
State the three main ascending ascending somatosensory tracts in the spinal cord that you need to be aware of
- Dorsal column system
- Spinothalamic (anterolateral) system
- Spinocerebellar tract
Which side of this diagram represents motor systems and which side represents sensory systems?
- Left= sensory
- Right= motor
State the two general types of senses
Describe any subdivisions of each
General sensory system : relying sensory information from body wall and viscera e.g. pain, pressure
- Somatic (input from body that is then consciously dealt with)
- Visceral (input from bdy that is not conciously/unconcioulsy dealt with)
- Special sensory system e.g. taste, smell
What do we mean by modalities?
Smallest unit/subtype of sensation
e..g. temperature, pain, crude touch etc… we can combine modalities to get different sensations e.g. stickiness
Each modality has a single type of receptor; true or false?
State the 7 modalities (of sensation)
Mediated by spinothalamic system:
- Temperature
- Pain
- Crude touch
Mediated by dorsal column system:
- Vibration
- Fine touch
- Proprioception
- 2-point discrimination
Describe the difference between crude touch and fine touch
- Crude touch refers to sensations from stimulation of tactile receptors of low sensitivity with large receptive fields e.g. elbow someone in arm
- In contrast, fine touch refers to tactile receptors of high sensitivity with small receptive fields e.g. draw number on somones hand
Describe how you can test two point discrimination
- Get paperclip and spread apart
- Touch person with it
- Keep moving the ends closer together and re-touching person
- Determine at which point they can’t tell that it is two separate points
State which modalities are mediated by:
- Spinothalamic (anterolateral) system
- Dorsal column system
Mediated by spinothalamic system:
- Temperature
- Pain
- Crude touch
Mediated by dorsal column system:
- Vibration
- Fine touch
- Proprioception
- 2-point discrimination
Given that the intensity of a sensory signal (e.g. someone touching you) is an analogue signal- what must happen, and where, to enable nervous system to convey this signal?
- The intensity of a sensory signal e.g. someone touching you is analogue (as it is related to ion influx during generator potential)
- Receptor smust covert this into a digital signal since the nervous system uses digital signals
What is meant by the receptor potential?
Descirbe how the signal will differ for a low pessure touch and a high presure touch
- Receptor/generator potential is the depolarisation that occurs in a sensory receptor in response to a stimulus and causes an action potential to be formed.
- Receptor potential is graded according to it’s intensity e.g. hard/high pressure touch will have high intensity, light/low pressure touch will have low intensity
- Strong receptor activation results in high frequency of action potentials
- Weak receptor activation results in low freqency of action potentials
State which type of receptor is involved in each of the modalities of somatic sensation
Spinothalamic (anterolateral) system:
- Temperature: thermoreceptors
- Pain: nociceptors
- Pressure/crude touch: mechanoreceptors
Dorsal column-medial lemniscus system:
- Vibration: mechanoreceptors
- Proprioception/joint poisition sense, kinaesthetic sense: variety of receptors e.g. muscle spindles, golgi tendon organs
- Fine touch: mechanoreceptors
- Two point discrimination: mechanoreceptors
Receptors can be rapidly adapating or slowly adapting; describe the difference between the two and provide an example for each
Rapidly Adapting
- Frequency of firing diminishes rapidly after initial stimulus e.g. mechanoreceptorss- why you are not aware of the clothes you are wearing
Slowly Adapting
- Change their frequency of firing very little after the initial stimulus e.g. nociceptors- this explains why pain is persistent and you don’t really get used to having pain (protective mechanism!)
What is meant by a receptive field?
Given area of skin that a single primary sensory neurone supplies
*NOTE: receptive fields can overlap
Describe the relationship between acuity and size of receptive field
Acuity is inversely proportional to the size of the receptive field
E.g. if a sensory neurone has a relatively large receptive field it will have low sensory acuity (this could be confirmed by poor two point discrimination)
Describe the relationship between acuity and the number of sensory neurones
Acuity is proportional to the number of sensory neurones
*Think, this kind of makes sense, if there are a large number of sensory neurones to an area you would assume they all have relatively small receptive fields and we know receptive field size in inversely proportional to acuity
Receptive fields of primary sensory neurones can overlap; what are the consequences of this?
Adjacent dermatomes can have ‘fuzzy’ boundaries
*This is why when testing a dermatome you must always test an autonomous region i.e. region you know belongs to that dermatome and is not near a boundary