379 Adrenal Flashcards
three classes of corticosteroid hormones produced by the adrenal cortex
glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and adrenal androgen precursors
usual cause of hormone excess
weight of adrenal glands
6-11 g each
location of the adrenal glands
above the kidneys and have their own blood supply
embryonic origin of the adrenals
originate from the urogenital ridge and separate from the gonads and kidneys at the sixth week of gestation
play a crucial role in the development of the adrenal and regulate a multitude of adrenal genes involved in steroidogenesis
SF1 steroidogenic factor 1 and DAX1 dosage sensitive sex reversal gene 1
control the production of glucocorticoids and adrenal androgens
Hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis
regulates the mineralocorticoids
renin angiotensin aldosterone system
acts as the pivotal regular of the adrenal cortisol synthesis with additional short term effects on mineralocorticoid and adrenal androgen synthesis
controls the pulsatile release of CRH and ACTH according to circadian rhythm
suprachiasmic nucleus of the hypothalamus
if cortisol production is driven by an ACTH producing pituitary adenoma, what is the effect of dexamethasone suppression tests
dexamethasone is ineffective at low doses but usually induced suppression at higher doses
if cortisol production is driven by an ectopic source, what is result of the dexamethasone suppression test
tumors are usually resistant to dexamethasone suppression
how to assess glucocorticoid deficiency
ACTH stimulation tests
how is the standard ACTH stimulation test done
0.25 mg IM or IV of cosyntropin is given and serum cortisol collection is done 0, 30 and 60 mins;
normal ACTH stimulation test result
cortisol more than 20 ug or more than 550 nmmol/L 30-60 min after cosyntropin stimulation
alternate test to check adrenal function
insulin tolerance test
how is the insulin tolerance test done
0.1 U/Kg IV regular insulin and then 0, 30, 60, 120 mins blood tests for glucose, cortisol, GH
normal response of the Insulin tolerance test
normal response is cortisol more than 20 ug/dL or GH more than 5.1 ug/L
side effect of insulin tolerance test
symptomatic hypoglycemia serum glucose of less than 40 mg/dL may be managed with oral or IV glucose
contraindication to insulin tolerance tests
coronary disease, cerebrovascular disease, seizure disorder
commonly accepted first line test to assess glucocorticoid deficiency
cosyntropin test
initiates the release of mineralocorticoids
renin from the juxtaglomerular cells in the kidney
hormone the enhances sodium retention and potassium excretion, increases arterial perfusion pressure, regulates renin release
True or false. HPA damage does not significantly impact the capacity of the adrenal to synthesize aldosterone