3710 Flashcards
Who allocates program flight hours?
The final decision to delay a mission may be made
by either the __ or __
When no
climb gradient is published, the aircraft must be able to climb at ___ feet per nautical mile (____)
152, 2.5 percent
Fuel reserve shall be at least that required for __ minutes of flight after reaching the alternate (for fixed-wing aircraft) or __ minutes of flight after reaching the alternate (for rotary-wing aircraft).
45, 20
A new 24-hour rest period will begin any time a flight crew or non-crewmember has completed __ hours rest
The basic authority for the Coast Guard to operate aircraft is contained in __
14 U.S.C. §§ 2, 88 and 93
If a precautionary landing is made away from home station for observed or suspected aircraft malfunctions or damage, the PIC __ ensure that a proper inspection of the aircraft is conducted by competent maintenance personnel and the results reported to the home station’s engineering officer or other qualified maintenance officer.
If a major malfunction or structural damage is found or suspected and further flight is required, the Commanding Officer or his/her representative shall
brief __ and __.
CG-711, CG-41
Flights by mission essential personnel aboard non-Coast Guard aircraft __ be limited to the minimum necessary to accomplish assigned missions.
Flights by mission essential personnel aboard non-Coast Guard aircraft shall be limited to __ to accomplish assigned missions.
the minimum necessary
Over-water flights on other single engine, single-piloted aircraft (fixed or rotary) shall be limited to __ and ___, as defined in 14 CFR §91, only.
daytime, VFR
Flight crewmembers shall not be assigned
alert duty for more than __ consecutive hours; alert duty is limited to __ consecutive hours if adequate crew rest facilities are not available.
24, 12
A flight crewmember shall be relieved from all duty
(including collateral duties) for not less than __ consecutive hours at least once during any __ consecutive days (192 hours).
24, 8
A flight crewmember shall not fly as a crewmember more than __ hours in any __ consecutive days.
50, 7
A flight crewmember shall not fly as a crewmember more than ___ hours during any __ consecutive days.
125, 30
A flight crewmember shall not fly as a crewmember more than __ total military/civilian hours during any __ consecutive days.
1100, 365
Area commands shall be notified anytime the movement of AVDETs between cutters will extend their consecutive days at sea beyond __ days.
Aviation personnel are restricted from aerial flight for
__ hours after last alcohol use and must have no residual effects.
Coast Guard Aviation Medicine Manual
Aircrew personnel shall obtain permission from the __ before donating blood or bone
Commanding Officer
Flight personnel shall not perform flight duties for __ hours after exposure to low pressure chamber flight in excess of __ feet.
12; 30,000
Pilots __ not wear contact lenses during single-pilot
If prescribed, Helicopter Rescue Swimmers __ wear the prescription lens mask.
The primary responsibility of the pilot flying (PF) is to __ of the aircraft.
control the flight path
The primary responsibility of the pilot monitoring (PM) is to __ of the aircraft.
monitor the flight path
The primary responsibility of flight crews is to __ and __.
execute their assigned duty in aircraft cabin; monitor the flight path of the aircraft during critical phases
of flight.
Checklists shall be used in all aircraft except those specifically exempted by __.
Commandant (CG-711)
The use of checklists is __.
During critical phases of flight the PM __ be able to immediately take control of the aircraft if necessary.
Aircraft automation __ not command flight crew actions
Flight crews __ know their current aircraft automation level, and how that automation level affects their workload and shared situational awareness.
Only pilots designated or in training for designation in type and model, or crewmembers designated in writing by the __ as being qualified to perform taxiing operations, shall taxi a fixed-wing aircraft.
Commanding Officer
When an aircraft is being taxied within __ feet of obstructions, a __ person (minimum) taxi crew is required.
25; 2
Aircraft shall not be taxied at any time within __ feet of obstructions.
Aeronautical Engineering Maintenance Management Process Guide
CGTO PG-85-00-110-A
Gravity feed hot refueling is __.
It is the responsibility of the __ to ensure that cargo is loaded and unloaded safely.
Loading and unloading operations should be supervised by a qualified __ and shall be conducted in accordance with Preparing Hazardous Material for Military Air Shipment, AFMAN 24-204.
Preparing Hazardous Material for Military Air Shipment
AFMAN 24-204
Physical Security and Force Protection Program, __.
COMDTINST M5530.1 (series)
Ordnance Manual, __.
COMDTINST M8000.2 (series)
Federal Aviation Regulations
14 CFR §91 and 97
Proposed changes to flight information publications shall be coordinated through __.
Commandant (CG-711)
For routine operations a DOD TERPS review shall be requested through __.
Commandant (CG-711)
Category __ and __ ILS approaches are not authorized.
Shipboard-Helicopter Operational Procedures Manual, __.
COMDTINST M3710.2 (series)
Simulated instrument flight in any Coast Guard aircraft is __ unless __.
prohibited; another pilot (other than the PF), designated in type and model is in the cockpit monitoring the evolution
View Limiting Devices (VLDs) shall be approved by
ATC Mobile
VLDs shall only be used by __.
one pilot at a time
__ may publish minimum equipment lists for aircraft assigned to their
Commanding Officers
The final responsibility regarding equipment required for a mission rests with the __.
The responsibility for the safety of the aircraft and crew and the successful resolution of the emergency lies solely with the __.
Intercept (RWAI) training shall be conducted at a minimum of __ feet AGL.
Shipboard-Helicopter Operational Procedures Manual
COMDTINST M3710.2 (series)
__ shall designate units for TAC FR (Tactical Fast Rope).
Commandant (CG-DCO)
After __ calendar months without a hoist, members lapse to unqualified and shall complete the Commandant (CG-711) approved initial qualification syllabus prior to conducting VDEL operations.
Each CEDT shall complete at least one hoist evolution within the preceding __ calendar months.
After __ calendar months without a hoist, members lapse to unqualified.
Functioning __ for both pilots are required to conduct night AUF.
Heads Up Displays (HUDs)
Practice autorotations shall be conducted only __.
under daylight VMC
Practice autorotations shall be terminated with a power recovery at a minimum altitude of __ feet.
Practice autorotations shall be terminated at __ feet with a no-flare recovery, if crash equipment is not immediately available.
Three factors that should be evaluated for each mission over water:
- Estimated time to loss of useful consciousness
- Probable survival time
- Estimated recovery time
The Commanding Officers of __ and __ have approval authority for participation of their aircraft in flight and static displays. Commandant (CG-711) shall be notified of such participation.
The Commanding Officers of ATC and ALC have approval authority for participation of their aircraft in flight and static displays. __ shall be notified of such participation.
Commandant (CG-711)
Foreign Port Calls manual, __.
COMDTINST 3128.1 (series)
e Coast Guard External Affairs Manual, __.
COMDTINST M5700.13 (series)
Aeronautical Engineering Maintenance Management Manual, __.
COMDTINST M13020.1 (series)
Test flights shall be conducted during __ hours in
daylight; VMC
__ will direct the transfer of all aircraft.
Commandant (CG-711)
Aircraft Transfer Process Guide
CGTO PG-85-00-160-A
Within __ hours, notify the command to which the pilot is attached that a violation has been alleged.
Military Justice Manual
COMDTINST M5810.1 (series)
If a preliminary investigation indicates that the matter is not serious enough to warrant conduct of a military justice investigation, the Commanding Officer shall make a letter report to __, through the chain of command.
Commandant (CG-711)
The __ shall ensure that all passengers embarked on
Coast Guard aircraft receive an adequate briefing.
Uniforms __ be worn by Uniformed Services passengers when required by operational necessity or the DOD Foreign Clearance Manual.
For operational units, at least __ percent of all Fixed-Wing (F/W) flight hours and __ percent of Rotary-Wing (R/W) hours should be dedicated to training.
20, 40
Event status: Delay
the event departed more than 15 minutes after scheduled takeoff time