3.7 General Anesthesia Flashcards
What is anesthesia?
Drug-induced reversible depression of CNS losing all physical perception
What are the 5 goals of surgical anesthesia?
- Unconciousness/prevent awareness
- Amnesia
- Analgesia
- Immobility/muscle relaxation
- Attenuation of ANS pain responses
What must be maintained in pursuit of the goals of surgical anesthesia?
Hemodynamic (BP) and respiratory stability (+temperature)
What are the 3 types of anesthesia?
General, procedural, and local
Induction of anesthesia is done via…
Maintenance of anesthesia is done via…
What is procedural sedation?
Analgesic and anxiogenic drug induction while maintaining individual breath control (concious), ANS reflexes, and hemodynamics
What is the ideal volatile anesthetic?
- Fast induction and recovery
- Minimal CV and respiratory effects
- Pleasant to inhale, odourless
- Safe for people and environment
What is minimum alveolar concentration (MAC)?
The alveolar partial pressure of a gas where 50% of people don’t feel an incision
T/F: A high MAC value is an effective gas
False, it’s less potent and requires more gas
MAC is ____ related to dosage
What factors cause an increase in MAC in a person?
Alcoholism, infants, high metabolism, cocaine
Increase dosage
What factors cause a decrease in MAC in a person?
Elderly, pregnancy, opioids
Blood:gas coefficient determines…
Drug solubility, inverse to speed of drug onset
Blood:gas coefficient is ____ related to speed of drug onset