37. Describe a creative person who you admire Flashcards

  1. Describe a creative person who you admire (e.g., a scientist, an inventor)
    You should say:
    + who this person is
    + what area of creativity they work in
    + how you know about this person
    And explain what work they have created that you particularly admire.

I am going to talk about a creative person who I really admire. That person is Albert Einstein - one of the most well-known physics scientists in the world. He was born in 1879 in a Jewish family in Germany.

He was a theorical physicist and is now recognized as the father of modern physics. Above all, he was the founder of the “Theory of Relativity”, which became an important contribution to the science of mankind. It was to be the biggest achievement of his life. In 1921, he was awarded the “Nobel Physics Prize”.

I came across a new biography about him on the internet and there was a lot of interesting information which really inspired me a lot. His childhood was not carefree as I had thought. He had a problem learning how to talk until he was about 8 years old. Besides, because of his unconventional character, he tended to be bullied and teased a lot, however, he ignored all these taunts and concentrated on doing experiments in the laboratory.
What I really admire him is how passionately he worked and what he contributed to physics and our understanding of the world, and he is a shining example for me to follow.

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