3.7 Flashcards
Both the 1866 Civil Rights Act and The 1968 Federal Fair Housing Ace protects people from discrimination based on _________.
If a broker goes to a particular neighborhood and frightens people into listing their home due to ethic changes in the area, it is referred to as ______.
The Federal Fair Housing ACT prohibits refusals to sell or ______, or otherwise making unavailable a dwelling because of a prohibited classification.
The Federal Fair Housing ACT prohibits advertising that expresses a preference for persons of a particular race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap or _______.
Familial statue
The Federal Fair Housing ACT prohibits representations to _______ that a dwelling is not available for sale or rent when, in fact, the dwelling is available.
Protected classes
A handicapped tenant has a right to build a ramp and handicapped accessories on the property at the _______ expense.
________ is the type of leasehold estate that is determined by the payment of rent.
Periodic tenancy
______is the entity that enforces federal laws against housing discrimination.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Fair housing laws relating to the ownership and rental of real estate are based upon the ______ Act.
The 1866 Act
The 1866 Act relating to the ownership and rental of real estate governs _______ laws.
Fair housing
The ______ court case made it against the law to discriminate for the reasons of race, color, religion, sex or national origin, when dealing with a real estate transaction.
Jones vs. Mayer
Title VIII of the ______ does not prohibit discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings based on public assistance.
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act was amended in the year ______ by the Fair Housing Amendments Act.
Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act was amended by the Fair Housing Amendments Act to prohibit discrimination based on ______.
Disability or familial status
In 1968 in the ______ case, the US Supreme Court held that the 1866 Act prohibits all forms of racial discrimination in real estate, whether committed by government or private parties.
Jones vs. Myer
As of the year ______ the Federal Fair Housing Act states that you cannot discriminate on the basis of handicap or familial status.
True or False:
If a real state firm is found liable for fair housing law violations, the result could be a large financial loss, embarrassement, and loss of reputation.
True or False:
Errors and omissions insurance policies often exclude fair housing penalties and losses.
Minnesota Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of protected classes under federal law, plus these additional classes; marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, and _______.
Minnesota Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of protected classes under federal law, plus these additional classes: marital status, status with regard to public assistance, creed, and ________.
Sexual orientation
Minnesota Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of protected classes under federal law, plus these additional classes: status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, creed, and __________.
Marital status
Minnesota Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of protected classes under federal law, plus these additional classes: marital status, sexual orientation, creed and ________.
Status with regard to public assistance
True or False:
Fair Housing Laws are based upon the 1866 Act relating to the ownership and rental of real estate.
The fair housing laws of the 1866 Act relate to _________.
The ownership and rental of real estate
The Fair Housing Act exempts owner-occupied buildings with no more than _______ units.
The ______ enforces federal laws against housing discrimination.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
In connection with prohibitions on discrimination against individuals with disabilities, the Fair Housing Act contains design and construction ________ provisions.
Fair Housing Act contains design and construction accessibility provisions for certain new multi-family dwellings developed for first occupancy on or after ______.
March 13, 1991
Fair Housing Laws are based upon the _______ relating to the ownership and rental of real estate.
1866 Act
In the year _______ in the Jones vs. Mayer case, the US Supreme Court held that the 1866 Act prohibits ALL forms of racial discrimination in real estate.
Persons suing under the 1866 Act are entitled to recover actual and _______ damages.
The Federal Fair Housing Act states you cannot discriminate on the basis of Race, ______, Color, National Origin, Sec, Handicap (added in 1988), or Familial Status (added in 1988).
The Federal Fair Housing Act states you cannot discriminated on the basis of Race, Religion, Color, ________, Sex, Handicap (added in 1988) or Familial Status (added in 1988).
National Origin
The Fair Housing Ace covers most housing, but in some circumstances it exempts single-family housing sold or rented without the use of a ________.
The Fair Housing Act covers most housing, but in some circumstances it exempts housing operated by organizations and private clubs that limit occupancy to _______.
An attempt to induce a person to sell or rent a dwelling because of the perspective entry of persons of a particular race, color, national origin, sex, familial status or handicap is a practice called _______.