36. Radiology Flashcards
Systemic review of abdominal organs?
Abdominal view ventrodorsal view and lateral?
Abdominal cavity acessment?
Abdominal acessment 2?
Kidney, uterus and prostate acessment?
Systemic reviews of thoracic radiographs?
Thoracic cavity patterns?
Interstitial pattern, cardiac silhouette and acessment of cardiac size?
Cardiac x–ray views?
Lateral view of thoracic cavity?
Typical changes associated with heart disease, other thoracic organs and pleural space?
Pleural effusion, Diaphragm and mediastinum?
Skeletal system diseases?
OCD, Elbow dysplasia and other miscellaneous skeletal conditions?
Lytic bone lesions, classification of fractures?
Gastrointestinal contrast study, excretory urogram and cystography?
Retrograde uretrography and vaginourethrography?
Radiology: evaluating radiographs?