What are the two main types of cells?
eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells
What is the size of eukaryotic cells and what do they have?
larger + have nucleus bounded by nuclear membranes (nuclear envelope)
What is the size of prokaryotic cells and what do they not have?
smaller + have no nucleus or nuclear envelope
Why do bacteria occur in every habitat in the world?
versatile, adaptable + very successful
What is much of the success of bacteria due to?
their small size, normally ranging from 0.1 to 1.0μm in length
What is the cellular structure of bacteria like?
relatively simple
What do all bacteria possess?
cell wall
What is the cell wall of bacteria made up?
What is murein?
polymer of polysaccharides + peptides
How do many bacteria further protect themselves?
by secreting a capsule of mucilaginous slime around this wall
What is within the cell wall of a bacteria?
cell-surface membrane
What types of ribosomes are in the cytoplasm of a bacteria cell?
70S ribosomes
What is the difference between 70S and 80S ribosomes?
70S smaller
What does bacteria store food reserves as? (2)
glycogen granules + oil droplets
What is the genetic material in bacteria in the form of?
circular strands of DNA