36 Flashcards
One health
- interaction of people animals and the environment
What influences the spread of disease?
Please stay baddie harry eats eggs
Properties of the agent
Sources of infection
Biological reservoirs
Host factors
Exposure variation
Epidemiological triangle
Defenition of infection
- entry of micro bacterial agent into a higher-older host and its multiplication within the host
External surfaces only
Ability of an organism to invade and multiply in a host (secondary attack rate)
Ability of an organism to produce clinical symptoms and illness (proportion of those exposed who get ill)
Ability of an organism to produce serious disease (case-fatality rate)
3 ways of transmission
Direct: touching or inhaling infectious secretions
Indirect: always involves a vehicle - inanimate - live = vector
Airborne: droplet, small particles eg TB
The infectious process
Outbreak / epidemic
Unexpected increase in the in incidence of a disease
- could be localised increase in incidence or could arise in an area that had no cases for a long time
- two or more cases identified from a common source
- cases in excess of the expected number in a given time or place
What does endemic mean
Constant presence of a disease or infections agent within a geographical area or population group
Intense disease all year round - children mainly effected, most adults immune
Intense disease with time periods of no transmission e.g during the dry season - persistent disease within all ages effected
Disease affects a large number of people and crosses many international boundaries
Difference between endemic epidemic and pancemic
Aggression of relatively uncommon events or diseases in a space and/or in time that are thought to be greater then could be expected by chance
- usually rare non-infection diseases
- may have a suspected environmental cause
Index case
First one recognised by health authorities
Transmition or spread from the initial case is called the
Secondary attack rate
- depends on host, pathcicity and infectivity of the agent.
Anyone can recognise an outbreak
Outbreak investigation steps
Types of outbreaks
Common source
- point source e.g common event
- continuous common source
- intermittent source
Propagated source (person to person)
- household/instituational
- point source then propergated person to person
Plan for pandemics
Plan for it
Keep it out
Stamp it out
Manage it
Recover from it