11 Flashcards
The need and importance of Pacific Health Models - diofffernce between pacific and western health
West: ‘Health is a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity’
• Harmony with the cosmos
• Harmony with the environment
• Harmony with peoples
• Harmony with self
Ola Manuia
living well or in wellness
• Highlights on the range of factors that impact on Pacific peoples’ health (education, housing, income, employment and culture)
Collective approach, requiring more effective collaboration within the health and disability system and between the health system and the social, housing, employment and education sectors
range of factors that impact on Pacific peoples’ health
(education, housing, income, employment and culture)
Cook Islands
Te Vaka Atafaga
Key characteristics of pacific health models
• Holistic and community focused
• Family
• Respect
• Relational space
• Spirituality
• Reciprocity
What is the fonofale model?
The Fonofale model incorporates the
values and beliefs of Samoans, Cook
Islanders, Tongans, Niueans,
Tokelauans and Fijians
Like in the Fonua model, the
Fonofale model encompasses
different foundations of life including
family, cultural values and beliefs,
spiritual, physical, mental and other
These foundations are interrelated,
and health is about maintaining and
sustaining balance between these
St ructure of the fonofale model
Foundation: family
Roof: culture
4 posts: connecting the roof and the foundation are the four ‘pou’
These pou not only connect the culture and the family but are also continuous and interactive with each other.
1: Physical
Biological or physical wellbeing:
• anatomy and physiology
• organic and inorganic substances (food, water, air and medications) that can have positive or negative impacts on the physical wellbeing
• exercise, diet, looking after your body
2: Spiritual
The sense of wellbeing which stems from a belief system that includes either Christianity or traditional spirituality relating to nature, spirits, beliefs, ancestors and history, or a combination of both.
3: Mental
Thinking, emotions, and behaviors
• The stigma surrounding mental health issues is high among
Pacific peoples
• Some Pacific peoples don’t know where to get help for
mental distress and awareness of national mental health websites is low
4: Other
socio-economic status
Roof: culture
• Culture is constantly moving and changing, with adaptation to a new
environment, a new language, new relationships, globalization…
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
• Adopted by United Nations in 2007
• NZ announced support in 2010
‘Concerned that indigenous peoples have suffered from historic injus,ces as a result of, inter alia, their coloniza,on and dispossession of their lands, territories and resources, thus preven(ng them from exercising, in par(cular, their right to development in accordance with their own needs and interests’
Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi
• Signed starting from 6 February 1840, continuing until September
• Two versions: English and Māori language
-> don’t say the same thing
-> more weight is given to the Māori text
• Passed into law in Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975
- > Waitangi Tribunal
Land, homes, all treasures
Te Aka Whai Ora
Māori Health Authority
Māori Health Authority
Responsible for:
• Developing strategy and policy
• Commissioning/co-commissioning services
• Monitoring system performance