346 - Water Rescue Responses Flashcards
What is the speed of “Swift Water”
Moving greater than:
1 knot
1.15 MPH
1.69 FPS
Swift Water PPE includes what items?
Head to toe:
SW Helmet
Eye Pro
PFD w/ rescue knife
Tennis shoes
No turn Outs w/in ________’ of the waters edge
Order of SW rescue from least to highest risk
Awareness- Search/Talk
Ops - Reach/Throw
Ops/Tech - Wade/Shallow Water crossing —> limited to slow/shallow waters
Tech - Row/Go
Helo * May be safer than Row/Go if appropriate helo with trained crew is available
*CalFire Prado helitack base on central ave. Has hoist capabilities.
What is the SW response?
4 Engines
2 Truck
1 USAR w on duty team members
2 BC
Consider Hazmat for decon
Responsibilities of “Point Last Seen” Primary Engine
1.Search immediate area for victims. Check bridges/overpasses
2.Locate witness - obtain info
3. Victim located? Establish rescue site/ redirect responding units
4. At least 1 resource at the collection point
5. Attempt to get PFD to the victim
6. Establish rescue plan - low to high risk ops
7. Establish downstream safeties - 1:1 DS safety:victim
8. No victims found? Throw “marker buoy” in channel and notify collection point crew
SW Collection Point Responsibilities
1st Arriving Unit
o 1st arriving unit, split up, work off both sides of channel to set up of tension diagonal
o Looking downstream- River R and River L.
o After tension diagonal setup - Captain should report to overpass/ upstream and function as “Upstream Spotter” and prepare floatation device for victim.
o Remaining crew report to River L and setup for “Reach” or “Throw” tactics.
SW Collection Point
2nd arriving Unit
o 2nd arriving unit, report to River R, setup for “Reach” and “Throw” tactics.
o All personnel inside channel gate should be on fall protection tethered to fence post.
o Non-essential personnel position upstream as spotters. (Victim, hazards, water level)
What should happen with rescuers who fall in the water?
Receive Decon
Medical Evaluation
Transport to hospital as needed
What should occur at the termination of a SW incident?
Equipment inventory
Decon if rescuers entered the water
Vehicle /Street rescues
En Route considerations
Gather Intel
Static/Dynamic rescue
Victim info - Amount #, Age/Gender, Condition, Clothing
Vehicle description
- Additional Engine/ Ambulance to collection point if possibility for victims to be swept away into channel exists. Notify downstream agencies as needed.
Vehicle/Street Rescues
On Scene responsibilities
Sup ruds
- Size up/ establish command
- Instruct victim to upstream side of vehicle if standing on top
- Try to get Victim a PFD
- Establish rescue plan (low to high)
- Upstream spotter/downstream safeties
- stabilize vehicle if possible
How would you utilize the apparatus to effect a rescue if deemed safe?
- Water level not higher than the centerline of wheel
- Approach from downstream if possible
Shore based operation is limited to?
Search, Talk, Reach, Throw
What are the three levels of SW Decon?
Basic - Wash hands, face, equipment with soap/water
Level 1 - Emergency Decon
Used in areas where there is potential for exposure to general contaminants and if water is standing or moving slowly
Level 2 Decon - 3 pool decon
Anytime hazardous materials are identified or likely present.
Limit # of personnel exposed.
Decon coordinated w/ HazMat spec.
SW augmented staffing consists of what?
4 USAR members certified as SW Techs
Qualified Safety officer