34. passeComposeAvecAvoirOuEtre:Exercice Flashcards
J __ passé d’excellentes vacances.
j’ai passe. - I spent, took, I passed the salt
je suis passe - I passed by, went by, pop by
Vous _________________ rentré à quelle heure?
vous êtes
Il _______________ monté les cartons au deuxième étage.
Je ___________ descendu prendre le courier.
(‘I’m going down to get the mail.’)
Comment _________ passé ton week-end?
(How was <it passed?> your weekend?
Comment s’est passé votre week-end ?
Comment était ton weekend ?
Vous avez passé un bon week-end ?
”s’est” will always appear when an action is the past tense, and is a single man or a single woman performing an action on himself or herself. The s’ = himself/herself. The est = past tense marker.
il s’est regardé dans le miroir - he looked at himself in the mirror. That’s a past tense action of a dude who did the verb “look” to himself. Broken down: he-himself-past tense marker-looked in the mirror
être + passé [devant, par, chez, etc]
= pass by [something/somewhere]
= go past [something/somewhere]
= stop by [somewhere]
= pop by [somewhere]
Je suis passé par la maison en allant au travail.
I passed by the house on the way to work.
Elle est passée chez Laurent hier.
She passed by Laurent’s place yesterday.
Est-elle passée par la pharmacie comme je lui ai demandé ?
Did she pop by the pharmacy as I asked her?
Nous sommes passés devant la poste.
We went past the post office.
Note that in each case where être is the auxilliary, the verb passer is followed by a preposition (en, sur, dans, à etc.).
In these cases passer is usually about passing by something, going past something, stopping or popping by somewhere.
(See also Agreeing past participle with subject’s gender and number with (+ être) verbs in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé))
avoir + passé [quelque chose]
= spend [time]
= take [a test or exam]
= pass [something] to [someone]
J’ai passé l’été dernier en Italie.
I spent last summer in Italy.
J’ai passé mon examen hier.
I took my exam yesterday.
Il a passé le sel à son père.
He passed the salt to his fat
Le client ___________ entré dans le magasin.
L’etudiant ___________ retourné sa feuille pour continuer à écrire.
a (… turned the paper over to continue to write
his paper, sa feuille, is the subject.
Guessing avoir helper because it is ‘turned the paper’ and not ‘returned the paper’.
Tu ____________ passé par où pour venir?
t’es (Did you pass by or to come?)
Tu t’es passé par où pour venir? - Where did you come from?
Tu ai passé par où pour venir? - Where did you go through to get there?
Il _______ descendu les meubles.
(guessing subj is les meubles as opposed to Il is why avoir used)
Il est descendu les meubles. - He brought down the furniture.
Il a descendu les meubles. - He took down the furniture.
être + descendu [de, sur, etc]
= to get off [something]
= to get out of [something/somewhere]
= to go/come down from/to/into [something/somewhere]
avoir + descendu [quelque chose] ou [quelqu’un]
= to go/come/climb down [something]
= to take [something] down -> physically move [something] to a lower position
= to take [someone / animated being] down -> to shoot down, kill
= to knock back [a drink]
Je ________ sorti faire les courses.
L’etudiant ________ passé son livre à son ami pour l’aider à réviser.
Vous ___________ passé la limite d’âge pour vous inscrire.
You have passed the age limit to register.
avoir + passer. = spent, taken,
as opposed to
etre + passer = passed by, go past, passed by, popped by
Il ________ monté au troisième étage pour livrer un colis.
J __________ sorti les legumes du frigo.
Vous ___________ retouorné a ce restaurant depuis la dernière fois?