3.4 Bowlby’s Monotropic Theory Flashcards
Infants form a single unique attachment bond between an infant and a mother
Maternal deprivation
Not receiving suitable emotional care from a maternal figure
Critical period
Suitable emotional care by mother before the age of 2.5 years is essential for healthy emotional development
Critical period risk
Continues up to 5 years
Deprivation consequences are
Negagative consequences due to deprivation are permanent
Value of maternal care
Bowlby believed that it wasn’t enough to make sure a child was fed, kept safe and warm
Infants + kids need warm and intimate and continuous relationship with their mother to ensure continuing normal mental health
Long teen consequences of deprivation
- deliquincy and aggressiveness (social development)
- reduced intelligence (cognitive development)
- depression (psychological development
- affectionless psychopathy (emotional / psychological development)
Affectionless psychopathy
- lack of emotion
- lack of guilt
- impulsive
- inability to form meaningful and lasting relationships
- associsted with criminality
Bowlby’s 44 juvenile thieves 1944: aim
To determine whether there is a relationship between maternal deprivation in infancy and adolescent delinquency (affectionless psychopathy)
Bowlby’s 44 juvenile thieves 1944: Procedure
- 44 criminal teenagers accused of stealing
- all thieves interviewed for signs of affectionless psychopathy
- family interviewed to establish whether thieves had prolonged separations from their mothers
- sample was compared to a control group of 44 non-criminal but emotionally disturbed young people
Bowlby’s 44 juvenile thieves 1944: findings
14 affectionless psychopaths: 86% 12 had experiences prolonged periods of separation from their mothers
30 non ‘affectionless psychopaths’: 17% 5 had experiences separations from their mothers
Emotional difficulties (NOT psychopath): 4% 2 had experiences foe their mothers
Bowlby’s 44 juvenile thieves 1944: conclusion
Maternal deprivation in infant leads to emotional and behavioural disorders (affectionless psychopathy)
Most severe form leads to antisocial and criminal behaviour in adolescence
Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation: Real world application
-in 1950s only 25% of hospitals allowed daily visitors
Today parents can stay overnight thanks to this research
Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation: poor quality of evidence
- Bowlby sampled the kids from his own clinic himself
- Bowlby conducted intwevws himself
= investigator bias ~ Bowlby knew in advance which teenagers he expected to show signs of psychopathy
Recent replicas of bowlbys study failed to produce results
Likely that Bowlbys findings exaggerate the relationship between maternal deprivation and affectionless psychopathy ~ overstating effects of maternal deprivation
Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation: deprivation vs privation
Privation: failure to form any attachment in first place
Deprivation: loss of primary attachment figure after attachment has taken place
Rutter argues long term effects Bowlby associated with deprivation were actually caused by privation
~ 44 thieves had disrupted early lives and may never formed strong attachments
Bowlby may have overestimated the seriousness of the effects of deprivation in childrens development
Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation: contradictory evidence
Koluchova (1976)
- Twin boys who were isolated
from age of 18 months – 7 years
• Step-mother kept them in a locked cupboard
• Taken into care and looked after by two loving adults
• Evidence suggested a full intellectual and emotional recovery given good quality aftercare
• Critical period better seen as ‘sensitive period’
Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation: socially sensitive
- End of WW2 ~ women have freedom and can work - Bowlby says its damaging their children
- Blaming mothers for children’s issues
- Implying mothers should be constantly with their children + not go back to work or leave kids in daycare ~ guilt
- Neglecting role of father in child’s upbringing
○ Role of the father isn’t as significant as the mother
○ No blame goes on father
Provide temporary homes for parents