1.6 Minority Influence Flashcards
Minority influence
Persuasive minority changes the attitudes and beliefs and/or behaviours of the majority
Minority influence lead to
Internalisation of minority viewpoint
Minority influence differ from majority influence
Majority maintains status quo
Minority goes against it
Succesful minority needs to show:
- staying strong
- engaging in extreme activities to draw attention
Shows dedication
Important to take risks
Commitment lead ot
Others paying more attention
Augmentation principle
- unchanging in opinion
- appears unbiased
- increase interest from majority
Consistency lead to
- others starting to rethink their own views
- minority seen as mroe certain, confident and competent
Moscovici 1969: aim
To investigate the effect of consistency on minority influence
Moscovici 1969: method
172 female American ppts
Told colour perception experiment
6 ppts asked to estimate the colour, out loud , of 36 slides (diff shades of blue
2 of 6 ppts confeds
Moscovici 1969: conditions
- Consistent
Confeds called the slides green on all trials - Inconsistent
Confess called slides green 24 times, blue 12
Moscovici 1969: results
Consistent: influences by minority , called slides green in 8.4% of trials
Inconsistent condition: called slides green in 1.25% on trials
Moscovici 1969: conclusion
Consistent minority mode effective than inconsistent
Consistent - 8.4
Inconsistent - 1.25
Although minority only partially succesful
Must be prepared to adapt views and accept reasonable and valid counter arguments
Balance between consistency and flexibility
Not flexible lead to
Consistent minorities who are inflexible in their beliefs, will not be eprusssive as they are off putting ro majorities
- rigid + dogmatic
Nemeth 1986: aim
To investigate whether a flexible minority could influence a majority to give less compensation to a victim of a ski lift accident
Nemeth 1986: method
- groups of 4, had to agree on amount of compensation they would give a victim of a ski-lift accident
- 1 confed
- 2 conditions
Nemeth 1986: conditions
- When the minority argued for a low rate of compensation and refused to changed its position
- When the minority argued for a low rate of compensation but compromised by offering a slightly higher rate of compensation
Nemeth 1986: results
Found inflexible condition, the minority had little or no effect on majority
Flexible condition, majority was much more likely to compromise and change their view
Nemeth 1986: conclusion
A flexible minority is more effective than an inflexible one
Strengths of minority influence consistency
- moscovici
- consistent minority most influential - meta analysis Wood et al 1994 - 100 studies
But 8% of agreement with minority still low - rare
Strengths of minority influence flexibility
Nemeth 1986
Limitations of minority influence
- artificial tasks x different to real world (jury decision making vs colour of a slide)
- complicated in real life
Hostile majorities - consequences for identifying with minority
Research doesn’t tell us much about real world