- Technology In Sport Flashcards
Key terms for technology in sport (complete)
3G surfaces
Third generation artificial synthetic grass pitches
Adaptive technology
Covers items that are not specifically designed for people with disabilities but would rarely be used by non disabled persons
Assistive technology
Refers to any item, piece of equipment that is used to maintain or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities
Used to analyse sporting impact of the body movements during a skill
Measurement of the heat/ energy eliminated or stored in any system
Compression clothing
Items such as elasticated leggings, socks or shirts worn to promote recovery by improving circulation
They can decrease the pain suffered from muscle soreness/stiffness and decrease the time for muscle repair
Data integrity
Maintaining and ensuring the accuracy and consistency of stored data over it’s entire lifetime
The production of muscle contraction using electrical impulses
G forces
Forces acting on the body as a result of acceleration or gravity
Game golf
A lightweight GPS tracking device which captures accurate shot locations and calculates club performance during a round of golf
Global positioning system
A space-based navigation system that provides location and time information
Indirect calorimetry
The measurement of the amount of heat/energy generated in an oxidation reaction by determining the intake or consumption of oxygen by measuring the amount of carbon dioxide released
Key perfomance indicators
Metabolic cart
A device which works by attaching headgear to a subject whilst they break a specific amount of oxygen over a period of time
Metabolic rate
The body’s energy output, it is the total heat produced by all the chemic and mechanical work in the body
Chemical transformations within the cells of organisms
Motion tracking
Using technology to monitor movement
Multi use games area
Notational match analysis
Used to record aspects of individual or team performance based on key performance indicators
Objective data
Fact based information which is measurable and usable
Pathway Healthy Check
Data which is descriptive and looks at the way people think or feel (thoughts + opinions)
Data which can be written down or measured precisely and numerically
Resting energy expenditure
The amount of energy, usually expressed in Kcal or Kj, required for a 24 hour period by the body during rest
Refers to the degree to which data collection is consistent and stable over time. Data must be valid to be reliable.
Respiratory exchange ratio
A systematic process of investigation and study carried out with the aim of advancing knowledge
Respiratory quotient
A ratio indicating the relation of the volume of carbon dioxide given off in the respiration to that of the oxygen consumed
Resting metabolic rate
Synonymous with Resting energy expenditure (REE)
Smart wearable fitness and sports device
Device that is worn or attached to a performer’s body while in use to provide instant feedback on aspects of performance such as distance covered and heart rate
Computer software
Any set of machine readable instructions which direct a computers processor to perform specific operations
Computer hardware
Physical components of computers
Sports analytics
The analysis of sports data using analytical tools and methods for data to be subjected to analytical procedures in order to try and improve results
Subjective data
Data based on personal opinion which is less measurable and often less useable
Talent identification
Talents athlete scholarship scheme
Refers to the degree to which the data collected actually measures what it claims to measure
Vibration technology
Also known as whole body vibration (WBV)
Involves the use of vibration plates to induce exercise effects in the body
Video motion analysis
A technique used to get information about moving objects from video
Performance analysis
The provision of objective feedback to a group of performers who are trying to go about a positive change in performance