Classification of Particles Flashcards
What is a hadron?
A hadron is a particle that feels the strong nuclear force, or interacts through the strong interaction.
Are hadrons fundamental?
Hadrons are not fundamental as they are made of quarks.
What are the two types of hadrons?
The two types of hadrons are baryons and mesons.
What are baryons?
Baryons are hadrons which are made up of three quarks.
What are the two baryons?
The two baryons are the proton and the neutron.
Which baryon is stable? What do all baryons eventually decay into?
The proton is the most stable baryon. All baryons except the proton are unstable.
All baryons except protons eventually decay into protons.
What is an antibaryons?
An antibaryon is the opposite of a baryon. For example antiprotons and antineutrons.
Why are antibaryons not found in ordinary matter?
Antibaryons are not found in ordinary matter because they are annihilated when they meet the corresponding particle.
What is the baryon number?
The baryon number is a quantum number that tells us the number of baryons.
What is the baryon number of some common particles?
The baryon number of all baryons is + 1.
The baryon number of all antibaryons is - 1.
The baryon number of all other particles is 0.
What are mesons?
Mesons are another type of hadron which are composed of a quark and an antiquark.
Are all mesons stable?
All mesons are unstable and have a baryon number of 0.
What are the two types of mesons?
The two types of mesons are kaons (symbol K) and pions (symbol pi).
What are the three types of kaon?
The three types of kaon are:
Kaon +
Kaon 0
Kaon -
What are the three types of pions?
Pion +
Pion 0
Pion -