3.2 Origins of Biodiversity Flashcards
What is evolution? (Metele tu Bio knowledge de 2 bimestres causa)
Evolution is the change in the genetic composition and therefore the heritable traits of a population over successive generations
What causes evolution?
- genetic variation
- It is caused by a number of interlinking factors the most important being mutations and natural selection.
What is speciation?
Speciationis the formation of a new species through biological processes
( Para entenderlo, imaginate que vives en un sitio HELADOOO, tu species va a evolve a ser un poco mas gordito para retener calor en su cuerpo)
What drives speciation- other than evolution? (HINT: 3 types of isolation)
- Geographic isolation: Populations are physically separated and can no longer interbreed
- Temporal isolation: Populations live their lives at different times of the day and so do not meet to breed
- Behavioural isolation: They have different mating rituals
What is Natural Selection(METELE😏)
The gradual evolutionary change (resulting from genetic variation) that endows future generation individuals with different rates of reproductive success (their resilience to the enviroment)
Traits that increase the survivability of individuals will become more common as their bearers will pass them on to their offspring- because they survive more (comparative advantage)
The theory of evolution is underpinned by WHICH four basic ideas?
- Species change over time and space,
- all organisms share a common ancestor,
- change is gradual
- and this change is driven by natural selection.
For natural selection to operate on a trait and have any long-term impact to drive evolution it must… (HINT: 2 cosas)
- Be heritable – this is the case because the variation in individuals is caused by differences in genes (inheritance units).
- Give an advantage in the competition for resources.
Comparative advantage
- What do R-strategists reproductive rate cause?
- How does this link to CA?
- many organisms are r-strategiststhat is they produce more offspring than can be supported in the local habitat
- This causes competition for resources and the individuals with the “best” characteristics will out-compete their panas and are more likely to survive to reproductive age
This is a comparative, not an absolute advantage (Piensalo tipo econ)
The separation and movement of the continents creates new islands and moves the continents into different climatic zones forcing … (finish the lyric)
Evolutionary change
What is an endemic species
Anendemic speciesis unique to a particular location and not found elsewhere.
What are the 2 types of plate boundaries?
Divergent and convergent
Divergent plate boundary - what is it and how it impacts biodiversity
When plates move apart
How it affects biodiversity:
- The plates moving apart creates opportunities for diversification
- Ocean floors spreading apart makes underwater water ridges creating new habitats and niches
- This ocean ridges change water temperatures and thus change the habitat in a zone
RWE: Divergent plate boundary, made an underwater ridge
As the Mid Atlantic Ridge developed a shallow section of the ocean allowed volcanic activity to break the ocean surface to form Iceland.
Convergent plate boundary - what is it
Plates moving together
How it affects biodiversity:
- why: crash together = mountain ⛰️
- The creation of new mountains creates more diversity because there are more habitats (height differences creates biodiveristy)
- Creates volcanoes-
- any new land created by volcanoes is subject to succession
What is mass exctinction?
Mass extinctionis a sudden global decrease in the number of species over a relatively short period of time.
State the big 5 mass exctinctions
- Ordovian Extinction (440 million years ago)
- Late Devonian mass extinction (375-360 million years ago)
- Permian mass extinction (250 million years ago)
- Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction (200 million years ago
- Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction (65 million years ago
- additional: Sixth (Holocene)mass extinction (rn)