3.2. Alexander III Flashcards
Change in direction
His reign began with…
- public hanging of conspiritors for fathers death.
- 1881 ‘manifesto of unshakable autocracy’
Change in direction
Issued laws on exceptable measures which declared…
if necessary, commander in cheif could be appointed to take control of a locality, using military police coryts + arbitary powers.
Change in direction
Mikhail Katkov
jornalist who helped justify his conservative views to literary public.
Change in direction
Tutored by…
Konstantin Pobedonostsev - brought up with strong sense of committment and blieved with Gods direction, he could alone decide whats right for the country.
Change in direction
Loris - Melikov proposal
abandoned, along with reforming ministers.
Changes in local gov
- June 1892 - town electorate reduced to owners of property above certain value.
- July 1889 - land Captain created (state appointed) power to override + disreguard Zemstva decisions, responsible for law enforcemement, could ignore judical proceedings.
- 1890 - further act changed Z. election arrangements - reduced peasant vote.
Changes in policing
Which two people led department of policing and dates.
- Vyacheslav von Plehve 1881-1884.
- Pyotr Dunorvo 1884.
Committed to upholding autocratic principles.
Changes in policing
How did Alex III increase control?
- no. of police increased + new branches of crim investigation set up.
- Okrana took responsiblitiy for security + investigation.
- Intercepted mail, checked up on activities of factories, unis + summary exucutions.
Changes in policing
Statue on police survelliance.
subject to punishment if they committed crimes or were likely to know people who committed = significan power as arrested people had no right to legal rep.
Changes in censorship
- Tolstoy established gov committee 1882 - set up ‘temporary regs’ allowed newspapers to be closed and lifetime bans.
- all literary publications to be officially approved + librarys wer restricted, also extended to theatre, art + culture.
Changes in judicial system
- Alex II reforms partially reversed.
- 1885 - decree for Minister of Justice to exercise greater control.
- 1887 - ministry allowed closed court sessions.
Changes in education
Uni Charter
Appointed deans and professors subject to approval of Education ministry based on ‘religious, moral and patriotic oriantation.’
More changes in education
- closed uni’s for woman + abolished separate uni courts.
- uni life closely monitered, not allowed gathering in groups more than 5.
- only 2% of pop literate in 1897.
- primary education for lowest aspects restricted + put into hands of Orthodox Church.
Efforts to forstall rebellion
- intro of right to appeal to higher courts.
- 1883 peasant land bank established
- factory legislation reformed.
Efforts to help serfs and lower class
- May 1881 - law introduced reduced repemption fee’s + cancelled arrests of ex serfs in 37 provinances.
- May 1885 - poll tax abolished + intro of inheritence tax to shift burden away from lower classes.