3.2 + 3.3 Prince2 Agile Behaviours + themes (2, 7) Flashcards
Explain the P2 Agile behaviour ‘Transparency’
Enables speed, honesty, trust and respect. Even if bad news. Everyone know the situation.
Explain the P2 Agile behaviour ‘collaboration’
People can cover for one another and are greater when working together. Applies to external as well as internal.
Explain the P2 Agile behaviour ‘Rich communicaton’
Face-to-face is better than the word alone.
Explain the P2 Agile behaviour ‘self-organization’
Trust people - give them the empowerment to get their job done.
Explain the P2 Agile behaviour ‘exploration’
Frequent iteration and rapid feedback loops. Expirements + spikes.
Explain the P2 Agile guidance for the theme ‘Business Case’
Flexing what may be delivered, focus on quantity. Clearly state the MVP.
Explain the P2 Agile guidance for the theme ‘Organization ‘
Team structure of P2 combined with delivery based roles of Agile strong. Blended together depending on the work.
Explain the P2 Agile guidance for the theme ‘Quality’
Product Descriptions are mandatory for P2, but they can be done in terms of Epics and user stories. Flexibility is key to the Products Description.
Explain the P2 Agile guidance for the theme ‘Plans’
P2 covers all planning types, from gantt to backlog. But gantts not useful in an agile environment. Use more than one planning type.
Explain the P2 Agile guidance for the theme ‘Risk’
The whole team should look out for risks and take ownership. But the PM is still the ultimate responsible person for risks.
Explain the P2 Agile guidance for the theme ‘Change’
Agile embraces change, whereas P2 is more cautious. Control while allowing change at a detail level.
Explain the P2 Agile guidance for the theme ‘Progress’
Different areas of emphasis in tracking performance.