3.1.3 De-Mergers Flashcards
What is a demerger?
A demerger occurs when a firm decides to split into separate firms
What are the key motivations for a demerger?
- Focusing on core businesses to cut costs and therefore improve profit margins & returns to shareholders
- Reduce the risk of diseconomies of scale and diseconomies of scope by reducing the range of functions in a business, and achieve lower management costs
- Raise money from asset sales and return it to shareholders
- A defensive tactic to avoid the attention of competition authorities who might be investigating market power
What are recent examples of demergers?
- US food giant Sara Lee sold off coffee business Douwe Egberts
- Pfizer selling their infant nutrition business to Nestle
- PayPal splitting from eBay in 2014
What are the impact of demergers on businesses?
Long term - higher returns
Short term cost of selling off a part of their business
What are the impact of demergers on employees?
Expected job losses if demerger is driven by a desire to control costs - although new jobs might be created e.g. arising from a successful management buy-out of a demerged business
Opportunities for managers of newly demerged business
What are the impact of demergers on consumers?
Impact on prices depends on scale of competition
More choice