3.1 Reduce Tensions Flashcards
What does Detente mean
What were the features of Detente
Outer space Treaty - 1967
Non proliferation Treaty 1968
SALT 1 1972
What was SALT 1
It was the first time the superpowers agreed to limit missile production. It was agreed that there would be:
A five year delay on missile production
To limit the increase of ICBM and SLBM (submarine based missiles)
What year was the Helsinki Accors
How many other countries signed the Helsinki accords
What were the three agreements (baskets)
European boarder - Boarders cannot be altered by force and are invioble
Internation co -operation - bith superpowers will continue to work together. This will include trade agreements, technology exchanges and a joint space mission.
Hunan Rights - They will protect human Rights and individual freedom such as free speech, religion and movement across Europe
When did carter decide to sign SALT 2
What did SALT 2 agreement include
Restrictions on missile launchers and strategic bomber, as well as a ban in testing of developing new types of ICBM
Why was there a problem with SALT 2
This is because relations began to fade.
What was the problems with relations between the Soviets and the US that affected SALT 2
In the US there was a growing belief that the Soviets cannot be trusted.
There was an increase in Soviet support in countries such as El Salvador
Any agreements with tye soviets were seen as a sign of weakeness by Americans
In 1979, Islamic militants captured American embassy in Tehran. 60 were held hostage for 444 days and it was a humiliation
This made the US want to see the end of detante
Even US administration advisers wanted to take as stronger stance against the soviets
Then the Soviets invaded Afganistan
Causing Detante and SALT 2 to be abandoned
Why did Regans attitude change about the soviets
This is because Gorbachev proposed radical reforms and was more open to the west so Regan recognised that the soviets were getting steered in a new direction
Regan now thought that the best way to deal with the soviets is through negotiations so tensions decreased
Why did Gorbachev have this ‘New thinking’
This is because the economy was suffering badly
Poor standard of living
Couldn’t keep uo in the arms race
What wasnGorbachev’s ‘new thinking’
Glasnost - more openess and less corruption in the government. Would allow oppisition (free speech) and give people a better understanding on how their country is run
Peristroika - Economy reformed to include some practices that made capitalism successful. E.g trade with the west
When was the INF Treaty signed
What did the Intermediate range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) agree on
To remove missiles from Europe within 3 years.
What was the significance of the INF Treaty
This Treaty was a milestone in American Soviet relations