1.2 Development If The Cold War Flashcards
When was the Truman Doctrine
March 1947
What was the main reason for the Truman Doctrine
This was to stop the spread of communism. This is because after WW2 some European countries were in ruins and their economy was broken and because wealthier countries like Britain could not supply countries with aid anymore (e.g Turkey and Greece) communism look more appealing.
What did the Truman Doctrine state
It stated that it will provide any aid to any country that stands up against communism. Also it will start with providing Turkey and Greece with $400M
When was the Marshall Plan
June 1947
What did the Marshall plan state
It promised $17 billion dollars of Aid to help rebuild European economies
What was the impact of the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan
Stalin ordered all communist controlled countries to reject the Plan as he saw this as an attempt to lure countries away from the USSR and extend US influence
Stalin also saw this as an attempt to divide European economy in two and set up a US economic empire in Europe. The Soviets called this dollar imperialism
Any chance of a Grand Alliance was crushed as this Doctrine goes completely against communism
Stalin felt that the US were trying to crush communism
When was cominform created
What was cominform
Organisation that represented communist views in Europe
What was the significance of cominform
It was used by Stalin to make sure all the communist parties in Europe stayed loyal to him.
E.g their first decision was to reject Marshall Aid
When was comecon
Why was comecon made
To encourage trade with members of the satelite state and discourage trade with the west. Also it was a direct response to the Marshall Plan
When was Nato made
What was NATO
It is a defence alliance formed as a deterant. This means if one country gets attacked they all respond
What was the consequences of NATO
Stalin saw this as a direct threat to communism
Caused the Warsaw Pact to be created in 1955
Proves that the US are fully commited to defending Western Europe from communism
Europe now divided in 2 hostile camps : East V West
When was he Berlin blockade
Why did Stalin do a blockade of Berlin
Because he knew that the Western powers were vulnerable as they were surrounded by the Soviets and to show the Western powers that a divided Berlin wouldn’t work.
In hopes of a propaganda victory
Direct challange to Truman
What did the Western powers do in response to the Berlin blockade
They knew they could not send supplies in by land as it would of been seen as an act of war so they flew supplies in so if the Soviets shot them down they would look like the agressors. This was called the airlift
How much supplies were the US and Britain flying into Berlin
1000 tonnes a day and at their peak month 170,000 tonnes
When did the blockade get lifted/how long did it take
1949 it took nearly a year
What were the consequences of the blockade/airlift
Stalin lost the proaganda war
Stalin was seen as the agressor
There were no casulties and West Berlin was taken back
What was the Federal Republic of Germany
Combination of France and British zones in Germany (West)
What is the Democratic republic of Germany
This was in response to federal republic of Germany (East)
When was the Federal republic of Germany made
3 days after the blockade May 1949
When was the democratic republic of Germany ,ade
October 1949
Why was the Federal republic of Germany good
They had free elections
There was a new capital
The country was much bigger than the east