31-90 Flashcards
Name the part of the duodenum into which the common bile and pancreatic ducts open:
pars descendens
pars inferior
pars ascendens
pars superior
m. obliquus internus abdominis and its aponeurosis m. transversus
pars horizontalis
pars descendens
Specify the location of the Peyer’s patches: duodenum
stomach jejunum caecum ileum
Specify the occurrence of the descending position of the appendix: 25%
17-20% 70%
Specify which feature allows you to distinguish the transverse colon from the others parts of the colon?
presence epiploic appendices
presence greater omentum
orientation in the transverse direction
intraperitoneal relationship to the peritoneum, presence of mesentery
presence teniae colli
intraperitoneal relationship to the peritoneum, presence of mesentery
Specify what functions the intestinal wall mucosa performs: secretory, covering hematopoietic, hormonal digestive, neutralizing secretory, motor absorption, secretory
secretory, covering
When performing rectoscopy (examination of the rectal mucosa), the proctologist must remember that there are two flexures formed by the rectum in the sagittal plane. Specify these flexures: upper-flexura fornicis, lateral-flexura perinealis
upper-flexura sacralis, lower-flexura perinealis
pelvic-flexura pelvis, lower-flexura perinealis upper-flexura fornicis, middle-flexura medius front-flexura urinaria, lower-flexura rectalis
upper-flexura sacralis, lower-flexura perinealis
Holotopy of the liver:
in the epigastrium and left hypochondrium
in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium
in the navel region
in the left hypochondrium
in the right lateral region
in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium
Liver lobes that are determined on the visceral surface: 2 lobes-right and left
4 lobes –front,back,right and left
2 lobes-costal and diaphragmatic
4 lobes –quadrate, caudate, right and left
3 lobes-vesicular, anterior and caudate
4 lobes –quadrate, caudate, right and left
Liver surfaces: medial and lateral costal and sternum parietal and visceral front and back diaphragmatic and visceral
diaphragmatic and visceral
Specify where the bile duct opens: into the common hepatic duct
into the pancreatic duct
to the common bile duct
into the thoracic duct vater’s papilla
to the common bile duct
Specify the structural and functional unit of the liver: lobules nephron acinus sinus pyramid
How the peritoneum covers the liver: mesoperitoneal the peritoneum does not cover upper section-intraperitoneal, lower section-extraperitoneal extraperitoneal intraperitoneal
A 72-year-old patient was admitted to the emergency room with complaints of pain in the right hypochondrium, and the doctor found an increase size of the liver by percussion. Specify the lower at the edge of the costal arch on the left
horizontal line at the level of the seventh intercostal space on the right
oblique line from the xiphoid process to the corner of the tenth rib
1 cm above the nave
border of the liver as normal:
along the right midclavicular line at the edge of the costal arch
along the right midclavicular line at the edge of the costal arch
Specify which formation passes through the liver lobules: central vien branches of the portal vein interlobular vein tributaries of the liver veins vena cava inferior
central vien
Characteristics of the exocrine part of the pancreas: complex alveolar simple alveolar complex tubular complex alveolar-tubular simple tubular
complex alveolar-tubular
Specify a duct called Wirsung's: ductus choledochus ductus hepatis dexter ductus pancreaticus ductus hepaticus communis ductus parotideus
ductus pancreaticus
How the peritoneum covers the pancreas:
the peritoneum does not cover
upper section-intraperitoneal, lower section-extraperitoneal extraperitoneal
Specify which organ is located in front of the pancreas: stomach liver spleen jejunum gallbladder
A patient was admitted to the surgical department with a gunshot wound to the abdomen, the tail of the pancreas and the organs located behind it were damaged. Specify these bodies.
middle part of the left kidney and left ureter
initial section of the jejunum
small curvature and cardiac part of the stomach left adrenal gland and upper part of the left kidney
left adrenal gland and upper part of the left kidney
Specify the functions of the pancreas: barrier, digestive exocrine gland blood depot and hormonal absorption and neutralization endo - and exocrine secretion
endo - and exocrine secretion
Specify which formations are located behind the head of the pancreas:
right kidney and right adrenal gland
coronary and falciforme ligaments
abdominal aorta, coeliac trunk
inferior vena cava, initial section of the portal vein portal vein
inferior vena cava, initial section of the portal vein portal vein
A 70-year-old patient developed jaundice. During the examination, a pancreatic tumor was found. Specify the location of the tumor:
head of the pancreas
tail of the pancreas
right 1⁄2 part of the pancreas
back surface of the pancreas body anterior surface of the pancreas
head of the pancreas
The excretory duct of the parotid gland (ductus parotideus) opens:
in the vestibule of the mouth at the level of the first small molar
in the vestibule of the mouth at the level of the canine
in the vestibule of the mouth into the mucous membrane of the upper lip
in the vestibule of the mouth at the level of the second upper large molar
in the vestibule of the mouth at the level of the first lower large molar
in the vestibule of the mouth at the level of the second upper large molar
The excretory duct of the submandibular gland (ductus submandibularis) opens:
duct opens a small hole in the caruncula sublingualis, near the frenum of the tongue
duct opens into the vestibulum oris at the level of the first premolar tooth
duct opens a small hole into fungiform papillae, along the edges of tongue
duct opens a large hole on the surface of the mucous membrane along the sublingual fold in the vestibulum oris at the level of upper second molar tooth
duct opens a small hole in the caruncula sublingualis, near the frenum of the tongue