141-188 Flashcards
A 52-year-old woman came to the internist with complaints of pain in the lumbar region, and a violation of urination. The percussion of the lumbar region, provoked pains are noted on both sides. The doctor suggests diagnosis failure of the kidney. Indicate the normal projection of the kidneys that the doctor uses for percussion:
On the sides of the spinal column at the level of Th 8 - L4 vertebrae
On the sides of the spinal column at the level of Th 7- L1-2 vertebrae
On the sides of the spinal column at the level of Th12 - L1-2 vertebrae On the sides of the spinal column at the level of Th10 - Th12 vertebrae On the sides of the spinal column at the level of L1 - L5 vertebrae
On the sides of the spinal column at the level of Th12 - L1-2 vertebrae
After the intravenous urogram to a man of 45 years was diagnosed left-sided nephroptosis (prolapse of the left kidney). What bone landmarks on the urogram can confirm the position of the kidney and confirm this diagnosis?
As a guideline, the lower thoracic vertebrae, upper lumbar vertebrae and the ilium crest are taken
Three lower thoracic vertebrae, all lumbar vertebrae and ilium crest are taken as a guide Thoracic vertebrae, ilium crest, and ilium spine taken as a guide
Thoracic vertebrae, lumbar, sacral vertebrae and ilium crest are taken as a guideline
One thoracic vertebra, all lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and ilium crest are taken as a guideline
As a guideline, the lower thoracic vertebrae, upper lumbar vertebrae and the ilium crest are taken
A 57-year-old male patient is preparing for surgery with a right-sided transperitoneal nephrectomy (removal of the right kidney through the anterior abdominal wall). What are relations of the right kidney with organs should a surgeon take into account in order to successfully perform an operation?
In front of the upper end is the liver, at the lateral edge is the right colic flexure of the colon, at the hilum renale, the descending part of the duodenum
Front to the upper end - the fundus of the stomach, to the lateral edge - the spleen, to the middle of the height of the body and in the region of the renal pedicle - the tail of the pancreas, to the lower end of the kidney - the left colic flexure of the colon
In front of the upper end is the liver and spleen, at the lateral edge is the right colic flexure of the colon, at the hilum renale is the descending part of the duodenum
In front of the upper end is the liver, at the lateral edge is the right colic flexure of the colon, to the middle of the height of the body and in the region of the renal pedicle is the tail of the pancreas
Front to the upper end - the liver, to the lateral edge - the spleen, to the middle of the height of the body and in the region of the renal pedicle - the tail of the pancreas, abdominal aorta
In front of the upper end is the liver, at the lateral edge is the right colic flexure of the colon, at the hilum renale, the descending part of the duodenum
A male wrestler was injured while lifting weights. An examination revealed a 3 degree of prolapse of the right kidney, leading to a sharp violation of the function of the organ. An operation to fix a lowered kidney with a muscle flap is planned. What compose the fixing apparatus of kidney?
Intra-abdominal pressure, renal fascia, the seat of the kidney, renal vessels forming the renal pedicle
Intra-abdominal pressure, parietal peritoneum, the seat of the kidney, renal vessels forming the renal pedicle
Intra-abdominal pressure, renal fascia, renal ligaments, renal vessels forming the renal pedicle Renal adipose tissue, renal fascia, the seat of the kidney, renal vessels forming the renal pedicle Fibrous capsule, renal fascia, ureter, renal vessels forming the renal pedicle
Intra-abdominal pressure, renal fascia, the seat of the kidney, renal vessels forming the renal pedicle
A 62-year-old man with an abdominal injury due to an accident was delivered to Emergency Hospital. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity revealed a separation of the kidney from the “the peduncle of the kidney”. What structures form “the peduncle of the kidney”? what is the syntopy of structures at the hilum renale?
Behind the pelvis and the beginning of the ureter, in front and above the pelvis is the renal artery, more anteriorly and above the artery is the renal vein
Behind the renal vein and the beginning of the ureter, in front and above the pelvis is the renal artery, more anteriorly and above the artery is the pelvis
Behind the large cups and pelvis, in front of and above the pelvis is the renal artery, more anteriorly and above the artery is the renal vein
Rear fatty tissue, in front and above the pelvis - renal artery, more anteriorly and above the artery - renal vein
Behind the pelvis and the beginning of the ureter, in front and higher of the pelvis is the abdominal aorta, and the renal vein is more anterior and higher than the artery
Behind the pelvis and the beginning of the ureter, in front and above the pelvis is the renal artery, more anteriorly and above the artery is the renal vein
Doctor Internist is diagnosed the pyelo-venous reflux (urine from the urinary tract enters the bloodstream) to patient who observed very long time. What kind of kidney structures was broken and what is it represented by?
Fornical apparatus: calces renalis minor with muscles m.levator fornicis, m.sphincter fornicis, m.longitudinalis calycis, m.spiralis calycis, connective tissue with adjacent nerves and vessels
Kidney fixating apparatus: intra-abdominal pressure, renal fascia, the seat of the kidney, renal vessels forming the renal pedicle
The peduncle of the kidney: behind the pelvis and the beginning of the ureter, in front and above the pelvis is the renal artery, more anteriorly and above the artery is the renal vein
Excretory kidney tree: small calyx, large calyx, pelvis and ureter
Fornical apparatus: calces renalis minor, renal fascia, muscles of m.levator fornicis, m.sphincter fornicis, m.longitudinalis calycis, m.spiralis calycis
Fornical apparatus: calces renalis minor with muscles m.levator fornicis, m.sphincter fornicis, m.longitudinalis calycis, m.spiralis calycis, connective tissue with adjacent nerves and vessels
Kidney has next segments: A-segmentum superior, segmentum anterius superius, segmentum anterius inferius, segmentum inferius, segmentum posterius
B-segmentum superior, segmentum anterius superius, segmentum internus inferius, segmentum inferius, segmentum posterius
segmentum superior, segmentum anterius superficialis, segmentum anterius inferius, segmentum inferius, segmentum posterius
segmentum lateralis, segmentum anterius superius, segmentum anterius inferius, segmentum inferius, segmentum posterius
segmentum superior, segmentum anterius superius, segmentum anterius inferius, segmentum inferius, segmentum renalis
segmentum superior, segmentum anterius superius, segmentum anterius inferius, segmentum inferius, segmentum posterius
Ureter’s wall has next coats:
tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis – consist two layers external and internal longitudinal, middle circular, tunica adventitia
tunica mucosa, tela submucosa, tunica muscularis – consist two layers external and internal longitudinal, middle circular, tunica adventitia
tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis – consist two layers external longitudinal and internal circular, tunica serosae
tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis – consist one longitudinal layer in children and longitudinal and circular of adult, tunica adventitia
tunica mucosa, tunica adipose, tunica muscularis – consist two layers external and internal longitudinal, middle circular, tunica adventitia
tunica mucosa, tunica muscularis – consist two layers external and internal longitudinal, middle circular, tunica adventitia
The kidneys are located: at the Th10-L1 level at the Th12-L2 level at the L2-L5 level at the Th11-L3 level at the Th8-L1 level
at the Th11-L3 level
The ratio of the kidney to the peritoneum: meso - and extraperitoneal. estraperitoneal mesoperitoneal; intraperitoneal; retroperitneal c
The most mobile part of the urine bladder: upper upper-lateral medial neck lower
Indicate the parts of the fallopian tube: pars uterine, isthmus, ampulla, infundibulum
pars uterine, isthmus, ampulla, pars ovarica
pars pelvina, isthmus, ampulla, infundibulum
pars uterine, isthmus, corpus uterine, infundibulum pars uterine, pars ovarica, ampulla, infundibulum
pars uterine, isthmus, ampulla, infundibulum
The relationship of the ovary to the peritoneum: intraperitoneal
сovered with germinal epithelium extraperitoneal
The ligaments of the ovary: lig. ovarii proprium
lig. teres uteri
lig. cardinalia, lig. latum uteri
lig. suspensorium ovarii, lig. ovarii proprium
lig. latum uteri
lig. suspensorium ovarii, lig. ovarii proprium
The fixing apparatus of the uterus includes:
lig, teres uteri, ligg, cardinalia, abdominal pressure, parametrium, urogenital diaphragm muscles
lig. suspensorium ovarii, lig. ovarii proprium, abdominal pressure, parametrium, urogenital diaphragm muscles
lig. ovarii proprium, ligg, cardinalia, abdominal pressure, parametrium, urogenital diaphragm muscles lig.teres uteri, ligg.cardinalia, abdominal pressure, perimetry, pelvic diaphragm muscles
lig, teres uteri, ligg, cardinalia, intrathoracic pressure, parametrium, urogenital diaphragm muscles
lig, teres uteri, ligg, cardinalia, abdominal pressure, parametrium, urogenital diaphragm muscles
The term ovulation means:
This is the process of the ovum leaving the ovary into the fallopian tube as a result of a rupture of a mature follicle
This is a cycle characterized by the frequency of changes in the uterine mucosa, interconnected with the process of egg maturation in the ovary
This is an increase in the corpus luteum to 1 cm in diameter of corpus luteum graviditatis as a result of pregnancy
This is the process of white body formation of corpus albicans after atrophy of the corpus luteum in the absence of fertilization of the egg that has left the follicle
This is the process of endometrial regeneration in which, under the influence of estrogen, the functional layer thickens and the glands recover
This is the process of the ovum leaving the ovary into the fallopian tube as a result of a rupture of a mature follicle
The menstrual (sexual) cycle is: The cycle is characterized by the frequency of changes in the uterine mucosa, interconnected with the process of ovocyte maturation in the ovary and ovulation. The cycle lasts approximately 28 days Cycle of the release of an ovocyte from the ovary into the fallopian tube as a result of rupture of a mature follicle on day 14 The cycle of corpus luteum graviditatis corpus luteum enlargement up to 1 cm in diameter as a result of pregnancy and corpus albicans white body formation after corpus luteum atrophy in the absence of fertilization of an ovocyte that has left the follicle The cycle is characterized by non-periodic changes in the uterine mucosa that are not interconnected with the process of ovocyte maturation in the ovary and ovulation. The cycle can last 28 days The cycle is characterized by the frequency of changes in the uterine mucosa, interconnected with the process of ovocyte maturation in the ovary and ovulation. The cycle lasts approximately 45 days
The cycle is characterized by the frequency of changes in the uterine mucosa, interconnected with the process of ovocyte maturation in the ovary and ovulation. The cycle lasts approximately 28 days
Indicate the process occurring in the menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle:
The surface layer of the uterine mucosa is rejected and menstruation is released along with the blood from the genital tract. The phase lasts 3-5 days
Under the influence of estrogen, the functional layer of the endometrium regenerates, thickens, and the glands are restored. Lasts from the 5th day from the beginning of menstruation to 14-15 days
Lasts from the 15th to the 28th day of the menstrual cycle, in the phase of secretion under the influence of the corpus luteum hormone progesterone, the endometrium thickens and is prepared for the introduction of a fertilized egg into it The surface layer of the uterine mucosa is not rejected regularly, depending on the functional state of the organ. The phase lasts 3-5 days
In this phase, a fertilized ovocyte is implanted in the uterine mucosa and pregnancy begins.
The surface layer of the uterine mucosa is rejected and menstruation is released along with the blood from the genital tract. The phase lasts 3-5 days
Indicate the process occurring in the postmenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle:
Under the influence of estrogen, the functional layer of the endometrium regenerates, thickens, and the glands are restored. Last from the 5th day from the beginning of menstruation to 14-15 days
The surface layer of the uterine mucosa is rejected and menstruation is released along with the blood from the genital tract. The phase lasts 3-5 days
The surface layer of the uterine mucosa is not rejected regularly, depending on the functional state of the organ. The phase lasts 3-5 days
In this phase, a fertilized ovocyte is implanted in the uterine mucosa and pregnancy begins
Lasts from the 15th to the 28th day of the menstrual cycle, in the phase of secretion under the influence of the corpus luteum hormone progesterone, the endometrium thickens and is prepared for the introduction of a fertilized egg into it
Under the influence of estrogen, the functional layer of the endometrium regenerates, thickens, and the glands are restored. Last from the 5th day from the beginning of menstruation to 14-15 days
Indicate the process occurring in the premenstrual phase of the ovarian-menstrual cycle:
Lasts from the 15th to the 28th day of the menstrual cycle, in the phase of secretion under the influence of the corpus luteum hormone progesterone, the endometrium thickens and is prepared for the introduction of a fertilized egg
The surface layer of the uterine mucosa is rejected and menstruation is released along with the blood from the genital tract. The phase lasts 3-5 days
Under the influence of estrogen, the functional layer of the endometrium regenerates, thickens, and the glands are restored. Lasts from the 5th day from the beginning of menstruation to 14-15 days
The surface layer of the uterine mucosa is not rejected regularly, depending on the functional state of the organ. The phase lasts 3-5 days
In this phase, a fertilized ovocyte is implanted in the uterine mucosa and pregnancy begins
Lasts from the 15th to the 28th day of the menstrual cycle, in the phase of secretion under the influence of the corpus luteum hormone progesterone, the endometrium thickens and is prepared for the introduction of a fertilized egg
The perimetrium is:
Parietal peritoneum, fused with the uterus and forming its serous tunica serica
The middle muscle layer consisting of interlocking smooth muscle bundles
Mucous membrane forming the inner layer of the uterine wall, thickness reaches 3mm
A layer of connective tissue on the sides of the uterus with blood vessels embedded in it Visceral peritoneum, fused with the uterus and forming its serous membrane tunica serosa
Visceral peritoneum, fused with the uterus and forming its serous membrane tunica serosa
The parametrium is:
Parietal peritoneum, fused with the uterus and forming its serous tunica serica
The middle muscle layer consisting of interlocking smooth muscle bundles
A layer of connective tissue on the sides of the uterus with blood vessels embedded in it Visceral peritoneum, fused with the uterus and forming its serous tunica serica
Mucous membrane forming the inner layer of the uterine wall, thickness reaches 3mm
A layer of connective tissue on the sides of the uterus with blood vessels embedded in it
A young woman after surgery for ovarian cysts in the postoperative period showed signs of an inflammatory process in the pelvic region, pelvic pain, fever, general malaise. The parametritis was diagnosed. Indicate the area of distribution of the inflammatory process from the lateral parametria:
lateral cell space
rectal uterine region
рaravesical fossa, anterior abdominal wall gluteal region
retroperitoneal space
lateral cell space
A young woman with symptoms of interrupted tube pregnancy was delivered to the clinic. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs shows an accumulation of exudate in the recess behind the uterus. During the vaginal examination was noted (+) Douglas symptom. For diagnostic purposes, the gynecologist needs to be punctured. Indicate the puncture of what kind of education the doctor needs to do and justify the answer:
A puncture of the Douglas space is necessary, which is formed by the transition of the peritoneum of the rectal uterine cavity from the uterus to the rectum. The puncture is performed through the posterior wall of the vagina, since the posterior wall of the vagina in its upper part is covered with the peritoneum of the rectum-uterine cavity and the lower part of the wall is adjacent to the front wall of the rectum
Need puncture Douglas space formed by the transition of the peritoneum from the bladder to the uterus. Puncture is performed through the posterior wall of the vagina, since the posterior wall of the vagina in its upper part is covered with the peritoneum of the rectum-uterine cavity, and the lower part of the wall is adjacent to the anterior wall of the rectum
A puncture of the Douglas space is required, covered by the colon and is divided by the mesentery of the small intestine into two mesenteric sinuses. Puncture is performed through the back wall of the vagina, since the back wall of the vagina in its upper part is covered with the peritoneum of these sinuses
A puncture of the Douglas space or a prebubular space formed in front of the fascia transversalis, covering the lateral muscles of the abdomen and the bladder and peritoneum in the back, is necessary. Puncture is performed through the back wall of the vagina, since the back wall of the vagina in its upper part is covered with the peritoneum of the prebubble space, and the lower part of the wall is adjacent to the front wall of the rectum
A puncture of the Douglas space is necessary, which is formed by the transition of the peritoneum of the rectal uterine cavity from the uterus to the rectum. To the right and left, this depression is limited by the rectal-uterine folds of the peritoneum. Puncture is performed on the anterior abdominal wall, since this is the most convenient way to the rectal uterine cavity
A puncture of the Douglas space is necessary, which is formed by the transition of the peritoneum of the rectal uterine cavity from the uterus to the rectum. The puncture is performed through the posterior wall of the vagina, since the posterior wall of the vagina in its upper part is covered with the peritoneum of the rectum-uterine cavity and the lower part of the wall is adjacent to the front wall of the rectum
A young woman with symptoms of interrupted tube pregnancy was delivered to the clinic. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs shows an accumulation of exudate in the recess behind the uterus. During the vaginal examination was noted (+) Douglas symptom. For diagnostic purposes, the gynecologist makes a puncture of the Douglas space, but there is no sense of failure and the appearance of exudate. The probable reason for the appearance of pronounced resistance during puncture of Douglas space:
getting the needle into the wall of the uterus
puncture with a needle of the rectal wall
puncture with a needle on the wall of the bladder
the end of the needle reaching the surface of one of the bones of the pelvis рerforation of the wall of the sigmoid colon
getting the needle into the wall of the uterus
What are the anatomical features of pars prostatica of the male urethra:
The closest to the bladder, passes through the prostate gland, on the back wall there is seminal colliculus The part from the apex of the prostate to the bulbus penis, the shortest, perforates urogenital diaphragm
It is surrounded by the tissue of corpus spongiosum penis, the expanding canal forms fossa navicularis urethrae, the outer
Closest to the bladder, passes through urogenital diaphragm, on the back wall there is seminal colliculus The part is characterized by a long length and places of narrowing
The part from the apex of the prostate to the bulbus penis, the shortest, perforates urogenital diaphragm
Signs of difference between the right and left testis are determined by the following signs:
Caput epididymidis is adjacent to the upper pole, the anterior margin is free, corpus epididymidis is adjacent to the posterior margin, sinus epididymidis on the lateral surface between the epididymis and testis
Cauda epididymidis is adjacent to the upper pole, the front edge is closed by corpus epididymidis, on the lateral surface between the epididymis and testicle - sinus epididymidis
Funiculus spermaticus is adjacent to the upper pole, corpus epididymidis is adjacent to the anterior margin, sinus epididymidis is located on the lateral surface between the epididymis and testis
On the lateral surface between the epididymis and testis –hilus epididymidis, epididymidis is adjacent to the upper pole, the anterior edge is concave, and the corpus epididymidis is adjacent to the posterior edge
On the lateral surface of the vessels and nerves of the testis, the anterior margin is free, appendix testis is adjacent to the posterior margin, sinus epididymidis is on the lateral surface between the appendage and the testis
Caput epididymidis is adjacent to the upper pole, the anterior margin is free, corpus epididymidis is adjacent to the posterior margin, sinus epididymidis on the lateral surface between the epididymis and testis
Stroma of the testis is presented:
Tubulisemeniferi recti, tubulisemenifericontorti, ductuli efferentes Tunica albuginea, mediastinum testis, lobuli testis
Ductus epididymidis, ductus deferens, ductuli aberrantes Parenchyma testis, mediastinum testis, septula testis
Tunica albuginea, mediastinum testis, septula testis
Tunica albuginea, mediastinum testis, septula testis
Testis parenchyma are presented:
Tubuli semeniferi recti, tubuli semeniferi contorti
Tunica albuginea, mediastinum testis, septula testis Parenchyma testis, mediastinum testis, septula testis Tunica albuginea, mediastinum testis, lobuli testis Ductus epididymidis, ductus deferens, ductuli aberrantes
Tubuli semeniferi recti, tubuli semeniferi contorti
The portions of the male urethra, which is the widest: intramural part prostatic urethra membranous urethra the bulb of the penis vascular part
the bulb of the penis
Indicate the place of formation of spermium: Tubuli semeniferi recti Ductus deferens Ductus epididymidis Ductuli aberrantes Tubuli semeniferi contorti
Tubuli semeniferi contorti
The ways of excretion of spermatozoa started from: Ductus deferens Ductus epididymidis Ductuli aberrantes Tubuli semeniferi recti Tubuli semeniferi contorti
Tubuli semeniferi recti
The composition of the spermatic cord:
blood and lymph vessels, nerves, membranes, and muscle that hangs the testicle
direct testicular tubules, blood and lymph vessels, nerves, membranes, and muscle that hangs the testicle vas deferens, membranes, and muscle that hangs the testicle
vas deferens, blood and lymph vessels, nerves, membranes, and muscle that hangs the testicle
vas deferens, ejaculatory duct
vas deferens, blood and lymph vessels, nerves, membranes, and muscle that hangs the testicle
Testicle covered: mucosa tunic with multiple folds loose connective tissue tunica dartos protein coat consisting of dense connective tissue muscular composed of smooth muscle fibers
protein coat consisting of dense connective tissue
Choose the correct sequence for the ways of excretion of spermatozoa:
Tubuli semeniferu recti, rete testis, ductuli efferentes, ductus epididymidis, ductus deferens, ductus ejaculatorius, pars prostatica urethrae
Pars prostatica urethrae, tubuli semeniferu recti, rete testis, ductuli efferentes, ductus epididymidis, ductus deferens, ductus ejaculatorius
Ductus epididymidis, tubuli semeniferu recti, rete testis, ductuli efferentes, ductus deferens, ductus ejaculatorius, pars prostatica urethrae
Tubuli semeniferu recti, pars prostatica urethrae, rete testis, ductuli efferentes, ductus epididymidis, ductus deferens, ductus ejaculatorius
Tubuli semeniferu recti, ductus ejaculatorius, ductus epididymidis, rete testis, ductuli efferentes, ductus deferens, pars prostatica urethrae
Tubuli semeniferu recti, rete testis, ductuli efferentes, ductus epididymidis, ductus deferens, ductus ejaculatorius, pars prostatica urethrae
The mucous membrane of the ductus deferens is characterized by:
Forms 3-5 longitudinal folds, in the area of the ampulla, the mucosa forms diverticulum ampulla
It consists of obliquely oriented middle circular, inner and outer longitudinal layers of smooth muscle cells
It is represented by adventitia, which without sharp boundaries passes into the surrounding connective tissue
Forms 3-5 circular folds, in the area of the ampoule, the mucosa forms diverticulum ampullae The mucous membrane is very thin, does not form folds, has a submucosal layer.
Forms 3-5 longitudinal folds, in the area of the ampulla, the mucosa forms diverticulum ampulla
The muscular coat of the ductus deferens is characterized by:
It is represented by adventitia, which without sharp boundaries passes into the surrounding connective tissue
Forms 3-5 circular folds, in the area of the ampulla, the mucosa forms diverticulum ampulla
It consists of an obliquely oriented inner circular, outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle cells
It consists of obliquely oriented middle circular, inner and outer longitudinal layers of smooth muscle cells
Forms 3-5 longitudinal folds, in the area of the ampulla, the mucosa forms diverticulum ampulla
It consists of an obliquely oriented inner circular, outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle cells
Unable to micturate in a man occurs due to hypertrophy: Lobi dexter prostatae Lobi sinister prostatae Capsula prostatica Isthmus prostatae Apex prostatae
Isthmus prostatae
A 46-year-old man was hospitalized in the clinic for a planned operation with the right indirect inguinal hernias. The superficial inguinal ring is enlarged in diameter. To select the type of plastic inguinal canal, the surgeon should know the features of the layered structure of the inguinal-scrotal area. Indicate the correct sequence of scrotum layers:
Cutis, tunica dartos, fascia spermatica externa, fascia cremasterica, m. cremaster, fascia spermatica interna, tunica vaginalis testis: lamina parietalis, lamina visceralis
Cutis, tunica dartos, fascia transversa externa, fascia cremasterica, m. cremaster, fascia transversa interna, tunica vaginalis testis: lamina parietalis, lamina visceralis
Cutis, tunica adiposa, fascia spermatica externa, fascia cremasterica, m. cremaster, fascia spermatica interna, tunica parietalis testis
Cutis, fascia superficialis, fascia profunda, fascia cremasterica, m. cremaster, fascia spermatica interna, tunica vaginalis testis: lamina parietalis, lamina visceralis
Cutis, tunica dartos, fascia spermatica externa, fascia cremasterica, m.iliacus, fascia spermatica interna, tunica scrotalis testis: lamina parietalis, lamina visceralis
Cutis, tunica dartos, fascia spermatica externa, fascia cremasterica, m. cremaster, fascia spermatica interna, tunica vaginalis testis: lamina parietalis, lamina visceralis
A 46-year-old man was hospitalized in the clinic for a planned operation with the right indirect inguinal hernias. The superficial inguinal ring is enlarged in diameter. To select the type of plastic inguinal canal, the surgeon should know the structural features of the spermatic cord. Indicate the structures forming the spermatic cord:
Ductus scrotalis, arteria testicularis, arteria deferencialis, plexus venosus, lymphatic vessels and nerves Ductus deferens, arteria prostatica, arteria epididydimis, plexus venosus, lymphatic vessels and nerves Ductus deferens, arteria testicularis, arteria vesicalis, plexus prostatica, lymphatic vessels and nerves Ductus deferens, arteria testicularis, arteria deferencialis, plexus venosus, lymphatic vessels and nerves Ductus deferens, arteria ovarica, arteria deferencialis, plexus venosus, lymphatic vessels and nerves
Ductus deferens, arteria testicularis, arteria deferencialis, plexus venosus, lymphatic vessels and nerves
What are the anatomical features of the pars membranacea of the male urethra:
The part from the apex of the prostate to the bulbus penis, the shortest, perforates urogenital diaphragm
The closest to the bladder, passes through the prostate gland, on the back wall there is seminal colliculus It is surrounded by the tissue of corpus spongiosum penis, the expanding canal forms fossa navicularis urethrae, the outer
Closest to the bladder, does not reach urogenital diaphragm, seminal colliculus is present on the posterior wall
The part is characterized by a long length and places of narrowing.
The part from the apex of the prostate to the bulbus penis, the shortest, perforates urogenital diaphragm
What are the anatomical features of pars spongiosa of the male urethra:
The closest to the bladder, passes through the prostate gland, on the back wall there is seminal colliculus The part from the apex of the prostate to the bulbus penis, the shortest, perforates urogenital diaphragm Closest to the bladder, passes through urogenital diaphragm, on the back wall there is seminal colliculus The part is characterized by a long length and places of narrowing.
Surrounded by the tissue of corpus spongiosum penis, the expanding channel forms fossa navicularis urethrae, external
Surrounded by the tissue of corpus spongiosum penis, the expanding channel forms fossa navicularis urethrae, external
What are the main stages of the act of urination in men:
M.detrusor urinae squeezes urine from the bladder, m.sphincter vesicae, m.sphincter uretrae and muscle of the prostate gland relax, urine enters the canal
M.detrusor urinae relaxes, m.sphincter vesicae, m.sphincter uretrae and muscle of the prostate gland contract, urine enters the canal
M. sphincter vesicae and m.sphincter vesicae acting as antagonists promote relaxation of the bladder and the passage of urine into the canal
Urine excretion occurs with the complete relaxation of m.detrusor urinae and the muscles of the urogenital diaphragm. Work m.sphincter vesicae, m.sphincter uretrae only retain urine
Urine excretion proceeds sequentially in three parts of the canal: pars prostatica, pars membranacea and pars spongiosa
. M.detrusor urinae squeezes urine from the bladder, m.sphincter vesicae, m.sphincter uretrae and muscle of the prostate gland relax, urine enters the canal
When examining a young woman, the gynecologist discovered a posterior uterus deviation (bend of the uterus). What is the normal position of the uterus?
Anteversio, lateropositio
Anteropositio, anteroextensio
Anteversio, anteroextensio Anteversio, anteflexio Retroversio, retroflexio
Retroversio, retroflexio
Ultrasound examination of the uterus specialist visualizes all layers of the uterine wall, their thickness and functional status. What are the layers of the uterus wall?
Endometrium, myocardium, perimetry
Endometrium, muscle layer, parametrium
Endometrium, submucosa, myometrium Endometrium, myometrium, perimetry Endometrium, myometrium, parametrium
Endometrium, myometrium, parametrium
The teacher, explaining the structure of the structural-functional unit of the kidney - nephron, focused students’ attention that the nephron is represented by two systems: the duct system and the blood vessel system. What is part of the blood vessel system?
Renal artery, anterior and posterior artery, segmental arteries, interlobar arteries, arcuate arteries, interlobular arteries that bring and carry out arterioles
Arcuate artery, interlobular arteries, bringing and carrying out arterioles
Segmental arteries, interlobar arteries, arcuate arteries, interlobular arteries, bringing and carrying out arterioles
Interlobar arteries, arcuate arteries, interlobular arteries, bringing and carrying out arterioles
Renal artery, arcuate artery, interlobular arteries, bringing and carrying out arterioles
Renal artery, anterior and posterior artery, segmental arteries, interlobar arteries, arcuate arteries, interlobular arteries that bring and carry out arterioles
The student during the exam it is necessary for the specimens to explain the external structure of the uterus, which includes the main part:
Fundus, body and neck
Apex, body and neck
Base, body and neck
Body, upper and lower extrimitas Body, medial and lateral edge
Fundus, body and neck
A 54-year-old patient was taken to the clinic with a fracture of the bones of the pelvic girdle and a traumatic rupture of the muscles of the perineum. What parts of the perineum are distinguished?
Regio urogenitalis et regio analis
Regio uretralis et regio analis
Regio vaginalis et regio analis Regio perinei et regio analis Regio pubica et regio analis
Regio urogenitalis et regio analis