1-30 Flashcards
Specify the formation located near the transition point of the upper lip to the lower one: comissura labiorum lingua dentes gingiva palatinum molle
comissura labiorum
Specify how the mouth diaphragm is formed: unpaired m. genioglossus paired m. styloglossus unpaired m.transversus linguae paired m.mylohyoideus unpaired m.longitudinalis superior
paired m.mylohyoideus
Specify the formation which located behind cavitas oris propria: uvulae
labium m.palatoglossus
Specify the sections, between which is the fauces:
hole, communicates cavitas oris propria with the pharynx
hole, communicates vestibulum oris with cavitas oris propria.
 hole, communicates cavitas oris propria with the esoph agus
hole, communicates vestibulum oris with the pharynx
hole, communicates vestibulum oris with esophagus
hole, communicates cavitas oris propria with the pharynx
The walls of the vestibulum oris:
front - lips, sidewalls - teeth, back —teeth
front - teeth, laterally – cheeks, in the back- soft palate front - lips, sidewalls – teeth, back tongue
outside - the lips and cheeks, inside- teeth with gums front - teeth, laterally - cheek, behind – the lingua
outside - the lips and cheeks, inside- teeth with gums
Dentes permanents formula and timing of teeth changes: 2312; 4-5 age 1322; 12-13 age 2231; 16-17 age 2123; 6-7 age 1223; 2-3 age Specif
2123; 6-7 age
Specify where the ductus sublingualis opens:
in the vestibulum oris, opposite the upper second premolars in the oral cavity, on the sublingual fold
in the oral cavity on the lip mucosa
in the oral cavity, on both sides of the sublingual fold
in the oral cavity, opposite the second premolars
in the oral cavity, on both sides of the sublingual fold
The pharynx sceletotopy:
from the base of the skull to the CVI
at the level of all cervical vertebrae from the base of the skull to the CV СII - ThII
from the base of the skull to the CVI
Specify the feature of the pharyngeal wall:
presence of fascia pharyngobasilaris
presence of plicae transverse absence of tunica muscularis absence of lymphoid tissue presence of recessus piriformis
presence of fascia pharyngobasilaris
Specify the function of the nasal part of the pharynx:
is only the respiratory part
absorption of nutrients
neutralization of toxic substance
is only the respiratory part
Specify the longitudinal muscles of the pharynx: m.palatopharyngeus, m.stylopharyngeus
m. palatomandibularis, m. palatoglossus
m. styloglossus, m. stylopharyngeus
m. stylopharyngeus, m. pharyngeus superior
m. pharyngeus superior et inferior
m.palatopharyngeus, m.stylopharyngeus
Specify the structure of the esophageal muscle layer: the external oblique, internal circular
the outer – longitudinal, middle – circular, inner – transversal the outer -circular, inner -transversal
the outer - longitudinal, inner – circular
the outer – transversal, medium – oblique, internal – longitudinal.
the outer - longitudinal, inner – circular
The esophagus sceletopy: CI - CVII
At the reception in the clinic, an adult male of a dolichomorphic type of physique in an upright position of the body x-ray revealed the typical shape of the stomach for this type of physique. Enter this form: the shape of the horns the form hook the shape of the crest form stocking the shape of the pyramid
form stocking
Specify the formation with which the glandula parotidea capsule is fused: with a zygomatic bone
with the parotid gland duct
with masticatory muscle fascia
with a fat body of the cheek with facial nerve
with masticatory muscle fascia
A neurologist was contacted by a patient complaining of difficulty in swallowing food and pain in the root of the tongue. Upon examination, the patient found difficulty in extending the tongue forward, its deviation to the side. With the violation of the function of which muscle is this symptom associated? m.palatoglossus
m. tranverssus lingua
m. genioglossus
m. styloglossus
The boundary between epigastrium and mesogastrium: oblique line from the xiphoid process to iliac crest on the left
on the outer edge of the rectus abdominis muscle on the left
a horizontal line is drawn at the bottom X ribs
the horizontal line between the ends of the XII ribs
oblique line from the xiphoid process to the iliac crest on the right
a horizontal line is drawn at the bottom X ribs
Specify how many areas share the anterior abdominal wall by midclavicular line:
3 5 7 10
Specify the upper abdominal wall: diaphragm pelvic diaphragm mesentery of the transverse colon lesser omentum greater omentum
Specify what spaces the abdominal cavity has: gastric and intestinal space
digestive cavity and pelvic space
fat cavity and posterior space
peritoneal cavity and retroperitoneal space
serous and subserous spaces
peritoneal cavity and retroperitoneal space
Specify the abdominal walls : lumbar, pelvic
lateral, pelvic
antero-lateral, back
intermediate, upper antero-lateral, costal-lumbar
antero-lateral, back
Specify which formation of primary importance in the relief of the lateral parts of the abdomen:
m. obliquus externus abdominis and its aponeurosis
fascia transversalis
mm. obliquus internus et externus abdominis and their aponeuroses
m. obliquus externus abdominis and its aponeurosis
Specify an important landmark of the abdomen for inguinal and femoral hernias: lig. Inguinale
vagina of m. rectus abdominis
outer edge of m. obliquus externus abdominis anterior superior iliac spine
arcus iliopectineus
lig. Inguinale
Specify bone landmarks for operative access to the kidney and ureter:
XI and XII ribs
spinous processes of all lumbar vertebrae
base of the sacrum
spinous processes of LIV-V
horizontal line between posterior superior iliac spine
XI and XII ribs
Specify the remainder of which formation is at the base of the umbilical ring:
umbilical cord
umbilical vein paraumbilical ligament placental ligament uterine artery
umbilical cord
Specify the place where the esophagus goes to the stomach:
Specify what level the fundus of stomach reaches:
lower edge of V rib by linea mamillaris sinistra
lower edge of the VII rib by linea parasternalis upper edge of the VI rib by linea axillaris anterior at the level of the XI and XII ribs
at level VII and VIII ribs
lower edge of V rib by linea mamillaris sinistra
Specify the formation that separates the acidic environment of the stomach:
valvula pylorica
valvula obligua sulcus rectus plicae semilunaris ostium circulare
valvula pylorica
Specify which cells compose the glandulae pyloricae: main
cardiac longitudinal