303 Disciplinary Pocedures Flashcards
when a complaint focuses on a civilian member the non criminal investigation and discipline when necessary is determined by
the division commander
to achieve the desired degree of effectiveness disciplinary procedures address considerations and expectations from the following 3 perspectives
community or external concerns
departmental or internal concerns
employee concerns
the complainant request contact by the sworn members supervisor is a type _____ complaint
type a complaint
the complaint does not wish to be contacted by a supervisor but relates a potentially substantive problem or relates only non specific or general information is a type _____ complaint
type b complaint
the section commander (captain) with concurrence from the division commander addresses the sworn members behavior with
a counseling
a written reprimand
or a suspension up to 3 days
anything less than 1 day is not considered discipline
all line complaints must be investigated by the officers chain of command with in
21 days from the date of the written complaint
if the member does not agree with the contemplated disciplinary action through the expedited disciplinary track in _____ days the case is sent to internal affairs
5 days
_______ complaints that generally constitute matters involving conduct that exhibits a significant variance from behavioral expectations or practices established through formal training, departmental rules regulations policies or procedures
formal complaints
the following are _____ types of complaints
significant behavioral infractions
conduct if proven would constitute a crime
conduct that requires stringent disciplinary action more than 3 day suspension
any allegation of harassment/discrimination
any allegation of racial profiling
any allegation of unnecessary or excessive force
formal complaint
how to request expedited disciplinary track method
request made in writing to the office of the chief
under the expedited disciplinary track any disciplinary action agreed to must be enacted with in ______ days
30 days of the agreement
suspensions agreed to by member may not be _____
in no event can the expedited disciplinary track be requested within the _______ calendar days of the expiration of the ________ day timeline
60 days
180 day
information logs consist of any complaint that does not violate policy or procedure or involve officer misconduct these are forwarded to _______
to internal affairs through the chain of command utilizing blue team
_____ unit shall investigate police vehicle crashes
Homicide unit
______ advisor shall review disciplinary cases investigated by internal affairs prior to submission to the complaint admin review board
police legal advisor
written statements shall be taken only by ______
supervisory officers assigned to the internal affairs unit
the complaint and administrative review board and the chief of police review who’s polygraph examination results
review the complainants polygraph examination results
______ reviews the sworn members polygraph examination results
only the chief of police
a _______ is a form of corrective action used to document any on duty substandard performance a deficiency (uniform, tardiness) or behavior that negatively impacts an officers ability to perform to established standards
a field counseling,
it is not used as a disciplinary measure but may be used to support disciplinary measures
a field counseling is issued to an officer by his immediate supervisor using sapd form 6-cr with approval of ______
his supervisor
a lieutenant would approve a sergeants issuance of a field counseling
a _______ is used as documentation in the progressive discipline process although a ______ is not considered discipline. it is issued in the resolution of line complaint
written counseling
written counseling
a ______ or above ensures that a written counseling /reprimand is issued to an officer using from 6-cr the written counseling /reprimand must be approved by the officers division commander
a lieutenant or higher must sign the written ________
a captain or higher must sign the written _______
citizen advisory action board requires _____ members to have a quorum
three provided there are at least 6 active participating members
citizens members must be present to hear the following cases
use of force
bodily injury
unlawful search and seizure
police advisory action board quorum consists of ____
5 members
the chief of police may allow the following to attend the review board
san antonio police officers association rep
police legal advisor
internal affairs rep
_____ serves as the custodian of all information concerning disciplinary cases
confines reviews of case jackets to to designated area
provides orientation to new members
reviews published agendas at least SEVEN days prior
ensures rules of order and decorum are followed
board chairman
means the allegations reported did not occur
means the allegations could not be proved or disproved
means the allegations reported are found to have occurred
means the conduct complained of did occur but was necessary and appropriate to accomplish a valid law enforcement objective
majority vote wins if no majority can be obtained then ____ will make the final decision
crash evaluation and review board quorum consists of ____ members
the chief of police may allow the following to attend the city vehicle accident advisory board
sapoa rep
police legal advisor
homicide unit rep
city of san antonio risk management rep
number of points assessed for a non chargeable accident
0 points
number of points assessed for a chargeable accident
2 points
number of points assessed for damage to city vehicle above 15000 or a total loss
2 points
number of points given for damage to a city vehicle above 5000 but less than 15000
1 point
number of points assessed for a crash that resulted in serious bodily injury excluding death
minimum 2 points
number of points given if crash resulted in bodily injury
1 point
number of points assessed in an accident for unsafe speed or operation
minimum 1 point
if a chargeable crash results in a death
no point value is assessed the chief administers what ever discipline he deems appropriate
the homicide unit rep shall give the point assessment for each chargeable crash the sworn member was involved in during the preceding _______ months
24 months
each crash not exceeding 2 points will be removed after 12 months
total point calculations are based on the ______
date of the crash
penalty for 1-2 points in an accident
written counseling
penalty for 3 points in an accident
written reprimand
penalty for 4 points in an accident
1 day suspension
penalty for 5 points in an accident
3 day suspension
penalty for 6 points in an accident
5 day suspension
penalty for 7 points in an accidnet
10 day suspension
penalty for 8 or more points in an accident
a minimum 15 day suspension with possibility of an indefinite
officers involved in 2 crashes chargeable or chargeable due to contributory factors with in 12 month period
will either be placed on special assignment or required to ride double with another officer until they pass a remedial driving course