30 marker practice ESSAY PLAN Flashcards
thesis (intro) overall summary
- some of the sources suggest that religious divisions were not the main if not sole reason for the failure
- it rather points towards Charles acting as an immovable object + divided groups post war vying for power of their own
thesis (intro) source A summary
- however A points towards the Presbyterian and independent divisions
- Charles is unable to accept loss of Bishops - loss of power
thesis (intro) source B summary
- as well as this B suggests that Religion is also prevalent in discussions - accepts pres 3 years
- however this is due to it being used as a bargaining chip - device used by Charles to expediate the process and ignite another war
thesis (intro) source C summary
- does not agree with the Q at all - suggests political divisions within the army and between Parliament cause the process to fail
- multiple confusing agreements presented to the king failed to expediate the process
thesis (intro) source D summary
- 2nd least
- suggests that religion may have played a part yet heavily denotes that Charles is responsible - + seen as a religious Martyr
- man of blood
- parliament bar one example went through a lengthy process to see the King trialled and eventually executed regardless of the populations wishes
Newcastle props 1646 = abolish episcopacy - would limit Charles’ authority + persecute Catholics
- character of Pres Church
- control army 20 years - Ireland
ignored props - 11 months - later 4 bills issued - bargaining chip
Parliament influenced by Solemn League - 1643 - aid in war - PYM
source A PROVENANCE / agree?
- Charles = immovable object
- Charles = Anglican - Catholic wife sought foreign Catholic aid
- in custody of Scots - pressured to accept - Committee of Estates
Charles wanted to stall for time - didn’t have any intention of accepting initial props - continued for another 3 years
- accepts PRES for 3 years - 4 Bills - offered by Parliament
- wanted to appease - bargaining chip
- hostilities within the army - independents - kidnapped 1647 / HPs
- needed to maintain an army - deposed by Parliament - doesn’t want to lose any authority - HPs episcopacy - no authority
- turns to Scots - Engagement - Vote of no Addresses
source B PROVENANCE / agree?
- sought Scots for military aid soon after
Engagement DEC ‘47 - adopts Pres in order to return to throne
also supresses independents
-2nd Civil War - Preston - Treaty of Sterling
wanted to stall for time - install self as monarch without concessions
- Charles posed the main issue
- army split into two main camps politically
- agitators / rank and file influenced by Levellers (Lilburne / Overton/ Walwyn)
- Officers = Grandees - members of landed gentry
agreement of the people/ representation - manifesto
- suffrage - biennial
rejected - seen as anarchical
Putney Debates - Rainsborough
all independent and sectarian
source C PROVENANCE / agree?
Cromwell = Grandee - supressed the rank and file
- Corkbush field mutiny 1647/ 1649 mutiny
- vested interest in maintaining hierarchy to an extent
suggests and serves the purpose of proving that political divisions were more prevalent - upheaval from war = people vying for change / power - new religion / new politics same
- not preserve religion - willing to change from laud to Pres - volatile - punish Independents
- man of blood
- raised standard - 4000 petitions demands for compensation- Leicestershire
- 1/3 men dead
- county unrest - religious chaos
- army revolt - Corkbush
- portrait of a King = fear of revolt
- last resort
-89 missing first trial meeting - 59 only signed warrant
source D PROVENANCE / agree?
- republican MP signed warrant - culpable = hardliner
- 1559 = 1 yr until restoration
- sent Earl of Denbigh to King
- prides purge
- high court of justice
- printing presses closed
- motivated by providence
- ordinance to kill / remove monarchy forever in essence
King would cause unrest - only canonized Anglican saint - religion maybe?
yet - political motivation - Cromwell’s unwillingness to cede to negotiations - providential motivation
What is the order of the sources - agreement
A = most
D = 2nd most
C= least
B = 2nd least